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Jack Frost 1997

Way more entertaining than expected. It's a technically bad film but I had a fun time and that’s all that matters. I can see myself coming back to around the holidays.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2022-12-04T22:51:46Z— updated 2022-12-05T23:22:23Z

"You know the difference between snow-men and snow-women? ... Snowballs"

A serial killer gets in a chemical accident turning him into a mutant snowman.

This is not a good movie by any means but it does fall into the "so bad it's good" category. Pure ridiculous fun with corny dialogue and bad one-liner jokes. The snow looks fake and so does the acting. The practical effects look good though and the use of CGI was put to a minimum which is a good thing. There's also some pretty cool kills. The ending was so fitting, loved it.

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Absolutely ridiculous and absurdly fun.

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This movie is just not great. The best part about it is my childhood memory of accidentally renting this one instead of the Michael Keaton 1998 movie of the same name. If you like cheesy horror in the realm of inanimate objects being killers, there is some merit here. But outside of that, this one is not recommended.

Rating: 1/5 - 5.5/10 - Would Not Recommend

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love it. its a funny slasher flick

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Enjoyable all the way through including the crazy credits!

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Shout by Kurtis Money
BlockedParent2018-12-18T07:56:19Z— updated 2019-12-28T07:18:18Z

Too much trying to be purposefully funny. There is a fine line between a horror that's campy fun and one that tries to be funny. There's some stuff in here that works and its a fun enough time to watch every few years. It has definitely the worst fake punch I've ever seen, when the FBI guy "punches out" the guy knocking off snowman heads. Put some heat behind that swing, man! Sell it!

12-28-19 update: Watching this with Joe Bob and realizing I was way too hard on this movie. Bumped it up two hearts. Genuine laughs and I don’t remember that punch this time.

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It is pure fun. I expected something like Silent Night Deadly Night, the kind of Christmas horror that tries to be too serious to itself. Instead it's 90 minutes of 'we know it's stupid, so laugh with us'. Even after the movie ends, there are one-liners hidden in the end roll (like "Where were the carott in the bathroom ?" or "How many times you spot the idiot?"). Personally, I loved it.

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Oh boy... It's soo ridiculously bad. It's purposely campy and tries hard to be fun, but most of the jokes fall flat on their face. Still, there's a couple moments of fun strewn throughout, it's mostly just from the absurdity of seeing a killer snowman though...

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