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Ithaca 2015

Sometimes it is unpleasant to write movie reviews. Take this movie, for example. Meg Ryan does her best to portray the innocence of a boy in a specific time. There is also a sweetness about the boy - if Ryan were trying to make a movie that had sweetness and innocence on full display then she hit a home run. The problem is that - unless you're watching this on Lifetime on a Thursday afternoon - you're probably going to be disappointed by this film. As I was watching the movie I had this image of Ryan's character in "You've Got Mail" making a movie. She doesn't really know what she is doing but she is going to put something sweet into the world. I wish the result had been better.

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The film is quite atmospheric at times, and the performances are good. However, the script needed some work, especially in relation to the unconvincing dialogue.

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