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It 2017

This is such a fun film! I really, really enjoyed it! And I'm certainly going to watch part II in the cinema!

Anyway, Bill Skarsgard is great is Pennywise, the kids are all fun! The bullies too! And it brutal! It has so much going on for it! Great film posters, loads of blood, a scary clown, great kid actors, loads of action, great shots! A good ending and a Part II!

Best bit? The freaking beginning! Georgie just freaking lost his arm in one BITE! And let's not forget the Mullet! THE BULLY MULLET!

So yeah, really looking forward for Part II!

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I just love, how the film not just give us a thrill but a hope

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It is full of outstanding performances by its losers and legitimate scream-out-loud scares. An instant modern horror classic.

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So I've been waiting for this movie for a long time and I finally got to see It in the early hours of this morning. As many others have said the cinematography is excellent, as is Pennywise himself. The young actors playing the losers are mostly all great bar one or two of them. The bullies are also pretty terrifying in this version but I did feel one in particular was under used. This version is very bloody, funny, emotional and pretty damn scary, so full respect to Andy Muschetti and the cast crew for an excellent adaption. Can't wait to see It again.

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I though I was watching a cheap version of stranger things..

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so many expectations, so disappointed! i found It really boring. I had to stop and start watching again multiple times, I couldn't get to the end :(

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The original was OK. This was dumbed down and aimed at a kids market. Lots of jump scares that go nowhere. Lots of stupidity. Ritchie seems based on mouth from the Goonies but more obnoxious. Sometimes it's more a remake of Stand By Me than IT. The movie focused too much on trying to capture an 80s charm/feel with modern CGI jump scares to loud noises with a retro soundtrack to ever be original or interesting of itself. The formular seems to be a trend today >$$$. Imagine how much money a superhero movie set in the 80s would make? Call it stranger things vs superman: prom night. Buck tooth slaphead Pennywise also talks like scooby doo which was daft. There is a general overuse of the word 'float.' I started to really not care anymore when the rock war with the overly insane bully happened to some dodgy music. It's also badly structured. Didn't feel like a journey. The original did. The characters in the original were more human and in this they are just one trick ponies.

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He lives thousands of miles away from me but I am now considering getting a restraining order against Bill Skarsgård.

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The movie isn't terrible but it isn't all that amazing. It is a nice movie but it isn't that much of an horror. I think I have heard more laughs during that movie than anything else.

Not to mention the dad-balls-kick scene which any guy can say is far from realistic as no guy would ever get up from that so fast and walk as normal. That together with the stones throwing scene were an extreme turnoff for me. Who in their right mind would stand on 2 sides of a stream and throw big stones at each other?

I am not a fan of horror movies as I consider myself as someone who is scared easily in those but in this movie except one jumpscare, I honestly was far more uncomfortable with the loud sound scenes than anything else.

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I didn’t expect anything from It. I didn’t see the first cinematographic adaptation. I didn’t read the book. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the movie a lot. It didn’t feel that scary to me but I loved the story (duh), the acting and the overall atmosphere of the movie.

I liked the 80s style. It made me think about Stranger Things and The Goonies. I think it is mostly due to the actors, characters and the setting of the movies/show. Kids in dark and scary places underground.

The bully was maybe a bit too psycho-crazy for me. Felt a bit off. I was looking for a more violent death for him and the abusive father.

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the part where pennywise did gangnam style

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Certainly a very well done horror film in terms of suspense, jump scares, creepiness and gore. The plot of a shapeshifting clown demon thing haunting kids sociologically in order to lure them in to be stocked up as food is certainly an intriguing plot for an entertaining horror flick, but it was a bit hard to follow as there was no clear main character and new characters kept on getting introduced. But the premise eventually comes to light as a group of kids set out to take down IT. And just as you think the film is over it continues on for another 40 mins or so, but it could have/should have been finished up in the second film.

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It was a pretty good movie, given that horrors are usually super lame. It was quite nice and light, I enjoyed the characters and the way it looked. I think that the fans of Stranger Things would like it.

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The child actors in this are fantastic. But no one with any kind of maturity could possibly find this scary... It was like a reboot of those ridiculous 90s leprechaun movies. The clown was just too silly to be scary.

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Definitely my fav movie. I’m a huge fan and the whole cast are the sweetest and you can see the chemistry between the irl really show through the movie. Excited for part two.
Stenbrough, Fack, Reddie are reallll1!1!1!1”1!1

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I was expecting something out of this world scary, taking into consideration almost the hype around it, but it consisted mostly on jump scares optimized for 3d screenings. I liked the side stories of each kid more than I cared about the actually thing regarding "it"… lots of potholes in the end.
It was not an awful movie, just pretty... lacking.

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I see no flaws and 100% recommend you to watch.The only small gripe was the ending was a bit disappointing but it wasn't bad and they said there will be a chapter 2 with adults so just a minor gripe and I love of the 80s-90s references and ascetic throughout.

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I loved almost everything about this movie.

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2017's version of IT kept me afloat all the way through. Bill Skarsgard's performance as Pennywise is horror acting at it's finest. This man knows how to creep you into the back of your chair by just giving you a look. Although the Clown was central in this movie, it seems the children really rained on his parade. They were funny, well cast and acted flawlessly. Another thing that makes this horror really stand out is the fact that the cinematography is really well done. You could make a still of every scene and not have a bad shot, it is that good. Even though the movie was predicable from time to time, it still makes me want to have a look underneath my bed and avoid every connection to the sewers.

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So looking forward to this adaption ! :D

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Shout by Deleted

For sure one of the best movies his year!! My expectations were so high and the movie nailed in every part. A great adaptation from the book and the young cast is very talented. Bill Skarsgard delivered a very impressive performance as pennywise and the movies goes very strong from the very start to the end. The opening sequence, especially, is very memorable. you wont regret this one! Not only a horrror movie, but also a movie about friendships and how everyone can win against their own fears. Well done!

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Silly movie. Not great, but watchable. I think its overrated...I didnt like Pennywise, he was oveeer the top... And for a horror movie its really not scary...they tried with a few jump scares, but for me thats just lazy. Few decent scenes, more bad ones... And I have to say that Sophia Lillis was great as Beverly! 6/10

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I have watched 54% of this movie and I am waiting for it to be scary. Best part so far was the bathroom scene.

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I love the 1960 original and this 2017 reboot, It's by far one of best reboots I've seen also both films were great in their own way and time zones and I thought the original was a lot creeper thought, I think it was because of practical effects over CGI that I always find better but I liked they didn't go over the top for the CGI and I've got to admit the ending of the original for chapter two was a popped balloon, just didn't float so I'm looking forward to what they have floating for chapter 2 of the reboot. I love the casting, spot on, but I'll always prefer Penny Wise has (Tim Curry) but (Bill) did play the role great. I thought the humour was better than the original specially from (Finn Wolfhard) that was a great casting for Richie, win's over (Seth Greens) Richie by far. So over all It was a great horror and has become my favourite of the horror genre so far. (King) does It best.

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The 1990 version of this story was very dated so naturally this one topped everything they did when it comes to special effects. They made it much more intens. Amazing cast! Those kids stole the show and Bill Skarsgard is an excellent choice to take over the iconic role of Pennywise.

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Shout by Chris McCoy
BlockedParent2017-09-08T20:38:09Z— updated 2017-09-12T01:34:28Z

Spoiler free review: Better than the Miniseries in every way, and more. Not only a great scary movie, it's a great movie, period. Instantly top 5 of all King movies, and (thankfully!) a fairly accurate adaptation. Bill Skarsgard f'n ROCKED Pennywise, a really impressive performance. At the root of IT is a wonderful story of friendship and struggle, with a surprising amount of humor too. The packed theater crowd reactions for the laughs and the jumps were genuine and plentiful. My son may have trouble sleeping tonight, but he loved it! Eagerly awaiting part two.

TL;DR: Go see IT. You'll float too...

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Shout by Budge

Finally, a Stephen King adaption that wasn't awful. As a person who loves the book, I think they nailed the feel of the kids part of story. The only thing that was missing for me, was the bonding experience of the kids damning the Barrens.
Really looking forward to part 2.

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Wuuuuuut a remake (of the series)? wow, really want to see this one!

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I had high hopes for this film and it was disappointing.. very boring and below to average plot at best it was too long I think they coulda cut the movie in half woulda been better

I'm excited about the sequel tho maybe that will be much better

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I haven't seen the original mini series although I do have it to watch - from other comments this does seem to be the better option

This is also Part 1, with a second part in a couple of years. I haven't read the original SK story either so I approached this fresh with no prior view.

Loved the movie; great characters with an unusually high mortality rate amongst children and deviant population amongst the adults; seems as though the school and the town are absolutely places to avoid. I think we've all seen school bullies but how many of them carve their name into the abdomen of a chunky child? Sick.

Right from the first scene with Pennywise and Georgie with his boat I was hooked on the story, recommended viewing I'd say for anyone who likes a bit of a scare

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I was very disappointed in this movie. it wasn't at all what I hoped for, it was more hype than anything and didn't explain nothing the original did, so if you play on watching this at least watch the first one first. it explains more about it!

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One of the best remastered movies I've ever seen

فيلم جميل جدا جدا جدا ومخيف أيضا، لاني قرأت بالنت أن في ناس يقولون الفيلم مايخوف ولكن انا شخصيا تعبت نفسيا وانا اشوفه ههههههه، صراحة اعتبره واحد من أفضل افلام الريماستر وكان ممتع بشكل كبير، لذلك عطيته تقييم كامل 10/10 لأنه امتعني وماحسيت بالملل، أيضا تمثيل الأطفال كان جميل جدا ومقنع خصوصا بيل والولد الي ايده مكسورة كانوا مبدعين جدا، انصح بالفيلم

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Seriously the best reboot I've ever seen. I couldn't find anything wrong with this movie. Plus Bill Skarsgard murdered the roll of Pennywise. BRAVO MAN, BRAVO!!!!

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Pensé que iba a ser una película de terror, fue más humor que terror, quede decepcionado.

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So much better than the old one! Not the best horror ever, but it's worth a watch!

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I'm usually not a fan of Horror movies, but I had to watch this one due to all the hype. It made me jump, it made me cover my eyes and it almost made me scream in some parts but it was worth it. Amazing performances from all the actors, amazing soundtrack and an incredible scenography!

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I did not realize going in that this was only going to be ½ the story. Did WB state that beforehand?

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Not as scary as I expected, but the good development of the storytelling kicked it up a notch.

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The movie is great, full of great characters, but of course the Pennywise stands out. That being said, I'd say it fails with the development of some of the characters (e.g. Stan or Richie). Furthermore, the movie is not really that scary, but I believe when a horror movie goes mainstream it has that effect. To me the movie felt a bit long, and almost got bored near the ending. I wouldn't say the length is the problem though, I just think that they rushed parts which needed more time, and gave plenty of time to parts which could be shortened.

TL;DR: The movie deserves to be watched. Expect some great acting performances and funny dialogues. Do not expect to get nightmares, unless you rarely watch horror movies. 7/10

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I don't have a phobia of clowns, but after seeing THAT, I just might get one :)

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Cgi and bad words.that's all it has for well it. The clown is nothing.the old it was way far better.some may like this movie but after 5 minutes was ready to leave. The only reason this movie is great right now is because there is no other movie out there.this penny wise is good but the last movie that pennywise was great.using bad words in a movie is just some thing that I really don't need to heard every 10 minutes in this movie

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Thanks to some strong horror moments, well-performing child actors, a coherent 80s atmosphere, and an entertaining coming-of-age story, "It" is almost entirely a success. This is a much higher-quality adaptation than the TV films from 1990, and Pennywise is also much scarier thanks to Bill Skarsgard's exaggerated yet appropriate performance and a great design. Overall, however, the movie could have been a little shorter. Because the last section in the sewers in particular dragged on far too much and didn't really grab my attention anymore.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-11-07T15:36:09Z— updated 2023-05-27T10:45:38Z

Kinda lives in that awkward space where it’s too scary to be the fun entertaining ride this wants to be, while simultaneously being too jovial to be actually scary. It just feels so sanitized and studio friendly, and it didn’t do much for me emotionally as a result (besides the opening scene). However, I can’t deny that the execution is pretty good.

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I haven’t watched this since it first came out, and damn is it good. The story. The cinematography. The cast. The acting. The horror visuals. It’s all a delight. I like this one significantly more than the original or sequel. This is highly recommendable to everyone looking for a “good” horror film.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommended

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Not even funny, not even funny

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Shout by JC

Some great scares and a really solid cast elevate source material that's never really hit with me. Skarsgard is inhumanly frightening, barely able to contain his salivating bloodlust long enough to lure his prey in. He emphasizes the abomination more than Curry did and is just as mesmerizing in a more frightening way. All of the kids shine, especially Lillis, and the imagery and effects really embrace the potential of IT. I still don't find the story ITself especially engaging- it feels narrowed and constrained to Kinh's worldview, and Bev and especially Mike sometimes feel more like tools to hit cliches and further the stories of their white make friends then characters he's fully invested in- but this is the best version of IT.

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It gets even better with each subsequent viewing.

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It goes on a little too long, but has some good scares and some good characters and some really good special effects. Plenty of Easter eggs hidden all over the place to make it a fun rewatch. But not a modern classic in my opinion.
Story: 9
Script: 7
Performances: 6...some okay kid performances, but not one interesting adult. Pennywise kills.
Misc.: 8
Influence: 6...overshadowed by the book in a big way.
Overall: 7

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That Clown Dance was good !

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they wanted to be faithful to the source material AND add in new spooky stuff. the movie didn’t earn its 135 min runtime.

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Shout by BaSsOo7

A bit weird, but I actually liked the clown, he was cute. And the way he talked was just cute. Maybe because I'm a grown up dude! I don't know.

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It was pretty good. I'm not into scary movies and it's more a thriller really. So I gave it a 7 but if you like scary, thriller, especially Stephen King, then you'll like it probably way more. The kids acting was really pretty good, and the overall directing etc really good also.

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I finally read the novel this year, so revisited this excellent adaptation. It's no slave to the source material, but the changes assist in the pacing and cuts away the fat from King's bloated opus. The largely unknown young casts draw the eye and fill King's wonderful characters with beating hearts. A wildly entertaining monster movie.

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True loves kiss wins. "Aww"

I'm eager to learn what will happen to the love triangle between Bill, Bev, and Ben in part 2.

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First of all big fan of the original "IT" , i saw it as a kid and couldn't sleep, no blood just plain mind and psychological horror. This was a big flat of CG bloody, splatter, SAW type of movie. No point for all that stuff. The cast of kids was ok although you all have seen them in a bunch of shows afterwards so nothing new there but the movie failed to catch the atmosphere of the original, it fact it had no atmosphere at all, just stupid jump scares and clowns eating hands. Go watch an actual splatter movie instead of this

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It won’t let me watch it

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It won’t let me watch it

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Shout by Deleted

Is more good then i expected

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I am really glad I watched the first part before I watched any of the other two. I don't know what the critics in TMDb are up to and why are they trash talking this movie becuase I was utterly beautiful. It is one of the best horror films I've seen and the plot is such that it keeps the viewer wanting for more. I am really looking forward to see chapter 2 now that it's out. It's an amazing film with a satisfying ending and I would recommend everyone to watch it.

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Definitely a film worthy of Stephen King... if this doesn't make you jump in the night then I dont know what will.

Its exactly how Pennywise should be and more...the story is very well thought out. It is somewhat graphic... it's a horror film so that's to be expected... but its definitely more gruesome compared to the original.

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Man I am so glad I waited to watch this till just before I go see part 2. Waiting 3 hours sucks. I can’t imagine having to wait 2 years. Lol I remember as a kid having to wait till the next night for part 2 and how I thought about it all day. Was not about to do that to myself again. hahah

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I watched "It" for a second time, about two years since my initial viewing. This time I liked it more.

"It" still didn't scare me but it was creepy in places. I probably watch too much Horror and I'm definitely desensitized. The kids in "The Losers Club" were entertaining and the camaraderie was sweet, especially given the parental problems many of them had. The opening scene with Pennywise in the storm drain was disturbing. A few other scenes like the slide show and the bloody bathroom were effective and probably scared the Hell out of some viewers.

There were a few too many "coming of age" and "standing up to the bullies" scenes for me. Cutting Ben's belly and the rock fight were silly. Maybe these events occur in the book (which I've only read the first couple hundred pages of), but they're a little too on the nose. Yeah, bullies are jerks. Point made.

"It" is a good movie with a few jump scares and some likable characters, but it lacks sustained scares and its conclusion is just another over-edited fight scene.

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After I rode the book I watch the movie and I have to say that is really a good one!

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Least scary movie I think I've ever seen. Do people seriously get scared watching this? I mean, it was kinda gross at parts, but scary? Nope.

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Shout by Deleted

Nothing compared to the 90s movie (definitely nothing compared to the book). Some jumoscares, that's IT. The 90s movie had a way better atmosphere. Just my 2 cents.

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On second watch this is a bit meh, not scary enough, although a few good jump moments.
I enjoyed it a lot on more my first watch ( ) but it really doesn't reward a second viewing.

I'll still be off to watch the second chapter though.

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Doesn't do the book justice. I expected much better

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Well, I'm super torn on this one.

There was some great, horrific imagery. Georgie in the water in the basement? The blood spewing from the sink in the bathroom? Fantastic stuff. Loved it. Pennwise himself was good more often than not when on screen. The pacing of the film wasn't bad, and a lot of the characters are likable for one reason or another. I can relate to Ben, Billy was an inspiring and empathetic protagonist, and Richie was hilarious.

That being said, some parts of the movie didn't hit as well. The first trip into the abandoned house had some great moments (including the entire group fighting Pennywise) but Billy seemed to want out as quickly as he got in once the reality of the situation hit him. I get he's a kid, but it did bug me a bit.

The rock war was dumb as hell, too.

IT isn't a bad movie. It just isn't a spectacular one. Some great imagery and likable characters keep this one going. The sequel looks like it could improve on a lot of this. Here's hoping.

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Based on Stephen King’s seminal horror novel, It is a chilling monster movie. The story follows a group of school kids who band together to combat an ancient evil that masquerades as a clown in order to lure children to their deaths. It’s a rather loose adaptation that only covers part of the novel and attempts to modernize it. And in this it's partly successful; in that it creates a nostalgic 1980s horror tone. However, Bill Skarsgard, while doing a fair job at playing Pennywise (aka the clown), pales in comparison to Tim Curry and is really only here to provide jump scares; as the character isn't developed much beyond that. Still, the scares are pretty well-done and are full of suspense. While It is a fairly solid horror film, it’s a bit underwhelming and doesn’t quite live up to the novel’s reputation.

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Really good the second time around. Not like they are running this flick into the ground or anything.

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This demon had a BUDGET.

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This was fine. It's pretty much Stranger Things but instead of the Upside Down, the kids are contending with a clown monster. I liked the various scare scenes, but I was frustrated that they didn't really give us much in the way of Pennywise's mythology. Beyond a few cryptic potential reasons for his existence, it's not explained, so he ended up feeling more "generic evil" than "specific evil" which makes it hard to care because there's no real rules for overcoming him. They eventually figure something out but it doesn't feel very earned. This was still better than a lot of the garbage PG-13 horror flicks that flood us nowadays, but I had hoped for a bit more.

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I have to say that this movie change my World

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I absolutely love this movie! Can't wait for Chapter 2.

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Shout by Aitor

The boy who harasses causes more terror than the clown. For example: in the scene where he pulls out a knife and "makes a tattoo" or when he kills his father. On the other hand, "the deformed ghost" is very badly done. It looks like special effects of the movie Mortal Kombat.

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But if it turns out that the film is more like "The Goonies" than of real terror.

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Anyone else felt some bits were comedic when they were meant to be scary? Unnecessarily long with too many F bombs. Any enjoyment I had during the start was sucked out by it dragging out. Doesn’t help also that the group of kids aren’t that good, except Beverly and Ben. They made the movie worth watching for me.

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

7 out of 10

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First off...I really enjoyed this. It's solidly entertaining. The cast were spectacular and the production was amazing. I just...felt...that the writing wasn't up to scratch. I may change my mind on a second viewing.

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Shout by Deleted

I didn't find it very scary...

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Yet ANOTHER movie with potential ruined by Liberal agenda.

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I still hate the design of Pennywise, and do not like with a bunch of the story changes. Like the literal floating thing...? C'mon. For a movie that runs as long as this, there's no reason we couldn't have gotten more of the gang of kids and their bonding, since that's kinda the heart of the story. They also needed a stronger resolution with the bully. All that aside though, it's a pretty well made adaptation. The tension is well handled and there's a great score.

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Losers like always save the world... almost ;)

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Wow, this was terrifying! When I watched the 90s miniseries, it was kinda meh, made me more uncomfortable than scared, but Skarsgård seriously made me look away or cover my eyes. Curry has nothing on Skarsgård. I love it! Loved the kids too, they played their parts really really well. I especially liked how they haven't changed much of it, as in, they didn't take away much from the book. I'm really excited about chapter 2, I'm sure it's gonna be amazing.

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Shout by Deleted

It is totally tubular. I need more words.

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waooo... it's quite Scarry and interesting. looking forward to Chapter 2

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Shout by Deleted

ma solo a me ha dato l'impressione di stare a vedere Nightmare on Elm Street?!

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Shout by Deleted

Are there any streams available yet?

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Shout by Deleted

Really great movie and worthy of the source material. The depiction of Pennywise is amazing and the child actors absolutely brilliant.

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