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Interstellar 2014

This is one of my all time favorite movies and I recently watched it again.

While reading through some of the comments here and on IMDb I can only assume some people are on a personal vendetta or something. The negative comment I read most is: "This movie is scientifically inaccurate".
My answer to those: Go watch a documentary then!
This is clearly a Science-Fiction movie so I don't get why you even would concider comparing it to real science. No one did something like that with Star Wars. So why all this stupid nonsense criticism. If you don't like the movie - fine! You don't have to like it just because the majority does. But not likeing it because it's scientifically inacurate or a C. Nolan movie is just dumb. You are just robbing yourself of 3 hours of staggering CGI worlds, a good plot, one of the best OSTs there is and sublime acting.
This movie is just giving you the illusion that it wants to be accurate, obviously it isn't. That's the beauty of this art. Just take it for what it is!

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A Christopher Nolan movie about Albert Einstein's theories of gravity fields, wormholes and several hypotheses :O :O :O
Yaaaahoooooooo - I CAN NOT WAIT!

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saw it earlier tonight in the cinema. what a great movie, awesome sound effects and great pictures. that is what cinema means. movie of the year. 'nuff said... WATCH IT!!!

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Interstellar was alright.

To start with, the opening was very clunky. Obviously some exposition was necessary but it wasn't done naturally at all. Here, meet Cooper, just your average, every day engineer-scientist-quantum-physicist-drone-programmer-explorer-pioneer-farmer-pilot. Avoiding information dumps isn't really either Nolan's strong suit and while later on, especially on the space ship, expository dialogue is definitely necessary considering the subject matter, it still comes across as awkward. Cooper is occasionally an expert on things that should be beyond him (which, of course, he conveniently explains for you), while at other times he's completely clueless about things that he should really know about in his position (which, of course, somebody else conveniently explains for you). Cooper isn't the only one guilty of this though, everybody else on the spaceship likewise seem very ill-prepared for such a trip.

Speaking of characters who aren't Cooper, everybody else's characterisation is terrible. You don't know anything at all about two members of the crew, and somehow you're meant to care about one of their completely avoidable deaths (come on, he got to the ship first, he could have easily gotten in without getting in the way of TARS)? Somehow you're also meant to care about My Cocaine's death (which I'll get to in a moment) because he's a father of somebody? They're not even shown to have a close relationship or anything, it seemed more just an excuse to make a big reveal (which I'll also get to in a moment). His daughter, Anne Hathaway's character, also doesn't seem to have much of a personality until it turns out that hey, she's actually in love with this person you've never met. Even this "aspect" of her otherwise bland character seems to just have been added in as a lazy way to flesh her out and add unnecessary conflict. On the subject of unnecessary conflict, both the children, Murph and Tom, make really irrational decisions. When Murph tells Tom that he should move to save his family, he gets really upset because... who knows? And then even though he's given up hope on his dad, it's magically all okay later on when, after burning his crops, Murph tells him some nonsense about "hey, it was him all along, it was him, our father sob". Prior to that of course, Murph's been holding a grudge against Cooper for like three decades, even though she knew for a large chunk of that what he was up to, after she began work at NASA. This relationship gets all sorted out when she has her magical realisation that the ghost was Cooper all along even though that's just a huge leap of faith and there's nothing to indicate that might be the case, unless, of course, it was ~love~ (which, yes, I'll get to in a moment too).

Back to the death bed scene. It had terrible sound mixing as you struggled to understand what My Cocaine was saying at all, but even worse it lacked any emotional significance as mentioned above, instead serving to make the reveal that he never wanted to go with Plan A all along. Of course, like all final words, it also ends with a very convenient moment where, instead of letting Murph know that her father didn't know anything about this, he decides to recite a poem because you gotta have that pointless ambiguity and conflict. This big reveal about it ends up removing any tension that might have happened when you get told the same twist later by Matt Damon; there's no emotional impact as you were just told that ten minutes ago and you've had that whole time to let it sink in. Instead, you're just sitting there for a couple of minutes waiting for the characters on screen to come to terms with it.

Now to the script. The script was terrible. The expository dialogue was really bad, as mentioned above, and there were just so many cheesy lines in it. All the idealistic things that were being spouted out just made me roll my eyes, with all the "we're pioneers, humanity was born here, but we weren't meant to die here" crap. And of course love transcends time and space and everything. Anne Hathaway knows that one planet is better than the other because of ~love~. The whole reason Cooper can contact Murph and all that is because of ~love~. Love conquers all, man.

For some more minor things, using Morse code to be able to communicate data related to astrophysics and then magically using this to "solve" gravity is just dumb. Messing with time didn't always work out like somebody casually waiting for 23 years and then acting like it's nothing when they see humans for the first time again, or how Jason Bourne can sprint back to the station in five minutes when it clearly took at least an hour to walk from. A lot of the things with planets wouldn't really work: all the waves stuff, how shallow the water is and their drop, solid ice clouds, the fact that they can escape from a planet with 130% gravity just in their spaceship, but whatever, I've tried to avoid criticising the science because it's not really a big deal and even though it's sort of set up as being a realistic film, it's still just a movie. Besides, the science is mostly theoretical and speculation anyway so who knows, they might not be wrong about anything at all (they are). How come nobody cares what Cooper got up to in the 100 years he was gone? Also that's not what Murphy's law is.

Of course, it does a lot right, in particular the visual effects were really good and the score was absolutely outstanding, it definitely added a lot to the atmosphere, as did the use of silence. The docking, the way the takeoff was handled, entering the wormhole and some other scenes were really well-done too. TARS was great.

Now, despite having written all that, I'd still recommend watching it, especially in a cinema. I can definitely admire the film's scope and I'm really glad that somebody's able to attempt something like this while still having it be considered mainstream cinema. However, the people who are saying it's one of the best films of all time are absolutely kidding themselves; I'm yet to see Insomnia, but otherwise Interstellar is Nolan's second worst film, ahead of only TDKR. Of course, the fact that I've written so much about it obviously means I care and it certainly was thought-provoking and visually splendid, so even if I had a lot of issues with it, you should watch it if you haven't already and who knows, maybe you'll love it. At the very least, it's definitely Nolan's most ambitious film to date.

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I spend 3 hours of my life crying a lot

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I finally got around to watching Interstellar after all this time last night and boy... I thought that the movie was just fantastic. I'm kind of baffled at why there is so much hate for the movie. There are maybe a couple of plot holes and inconsistencies here and there while some things go beyond the scope of "believable science" but damn if it isn't one hell of an enjoyable movie.

It's definitely on the long side but I was so engrossed throughout the entire movie that I just didn't care. Great performances by the McCounaghey and Anne Hathaway in this one along with a fantastic soundtrack. Don't listen to all the hate and watch it if you're up for one hell of an adventure (albeit a long one).

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The basic idea behind this film is quite good, it's just that the script was obviously written by a typical hollywood idiot. A former Nasa pilot that is 'so called' perfect to lead a mission into deep space after he stumbles in the door? Or the 'so called' genius who spends 23 years doing nothing?
I wouldn't even mind if they remade this film completely, left the script and acting exactly the same, but can they please get some actors in that can actually speak?! OPEN YOUR MOUTHS AND ARTICULATE!!! I had to turn the English subtitles on just to understand what everyone was saying!
Yes good visuals and the sound effects were quite good, but if I can't hear the dialogue, what's the bloody point?!

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This is one of our favourite movies - a stunning way to spend a couple of hours. The scale of the vision here is breath-taking and you feel as if you've been all over the universe by the end. The visuals and music are spot on. But for us this films best moments are the most human moments, around love, duty, regret and redemption. HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend

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This is my favourite movie. It has everything. Survival, sci-fi, action, horror, drama. Movie can be about anything you want. If you want it to be about space explorations it will be, if you want it to be about romance between two lost souls it will be. All in all it has true argents that helped me get into science world...

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darn, I just want TARS to have humor settings in 100%; loving that stupid robot!

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Shout by Coopoichichkouile
BlockedParent2023-07-07T21:59:54Z— updated 2023-07-08T23:53:59Z

I've seen this movie a couple of times before. Watched it on a tiny laptop screen both times and it broke me.
Tonight, I've finally had the privilege to see it in theaters. I HAVE NEVER been moved so much by a movie or music. Chills all the way. Interstellar was in my top 3 movies of all time. Tonight it rocketed to first place and I can hardly imagine a movie ever taking that spot. Thank you Mr. Nolan. Thank you Mr. Zimmer. The combination of your work created an absolute masterpiece.

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“Newton’s third law. You gotta leave something behind.” -

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If I could give it a 100 stars, I would.

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Brilliant! How an almost 3 hour movie kept me locked in and engaged for the entire runtime, but this accomplished it. Matthew McConaughey was so freaking good in this, one of his best performances of all time. Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain were incredible. Really everything about this movie is fantastic, the only bad thing about it is I wish I would have watched it sooner.

Rating: 100%
Verdict: Masterpiece

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What a complete borefest this was. Worst film I’ve seen in a long time. Totally over-rated. Confusing storyline and no idea of what’s happening in space or what they’re trying to achieve, or even if successful. Did not care what happened to any of the characters. This is only for science fiction fans, as I only watched it thinking it had to be good cause of the high rating, but I was cheated. I give this 1/10.

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Great movie, awesome photography.
*TARS: best quotes!

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"Messages span twenty-three years."

Perhaps his most ambitious film, this is Christopher Nolan's 2001—though it's arguably more Spielberg than Kubrick.

Interstellar is a ridiculous movie. It's a movie where people say things like "You're telling me it takes two numbers to measure your own ass, but only one to measure my child's future?" and "It's not possible."—"No. It's necessary." It's a movie where a black hole is actually an interdimensional time machine. It's a movie where love is used as a scientific argument.

I cannot overstate how goofy this movie is at times. But it's just so good otherwise that I don't know if I care.

Cinematography, practical effects, CGI are all outstanding. Fantastic cast (though I feel like few of them can hold their own next to McConaughey). Possibly Zimmer's greatest score. And unlike the cold detachment of 2001, Nolan's space epic is suffused with emotion. Interstellar deals with such human themes as love, lies, betrayal, self-sacrifice, and our human will to survive.

When the credits rolled, one guy started clapping and yelled, "YAAASSSSSSSSS!!!" And on my way out of the theater, I heard someone say, "Nolan, bro? He's got game."

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This movie should have won so many more Oscars. It still baffles me just how complete of a movie this is.

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One of the greatest films I have seen to date!

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The plot is very engaging, visually very well done, with interesting (albeit expensive) scientific solutions. The the script is however full of American sci-fi-style tricks to make everything working. It starts like a not so good Spielberg-like story, to improve in the second half.

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Why? Just why? I'm sobbing so hard right now. This film is next level. I still can't believe how complex the story got, all while being heartbreakingly emotional. I still can't believe the score and cinematography and cgi and dialogue and plot and quality and everything. I just can't comprehend what happened and how I understood the jist of it. One of if not the best space movie of all time. The acting was phenomenal from everyone, although at times, the dialogue did feel slightly stiff. Hans Zimmer just has that special hand when it comes to matching sound to emotion. Christopher Nolans' perfect amount of sense with non-sense is so mesmering because you have no idea what's going on, but you do, you just nonstop think. Honestly, I'm still in shock, so I can't think of anything else to say. Just watch it.

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Oh. My. God
This movie is at a whole new level, I regret having this on my watch later list for years

I have to watch it again...

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First time rewatching since initial viewing upon release. Was able to see a 4k imax Dolby vision copy on a 65" OLED.
Spectacular doesn't do it justice. I love the mingling of science fiction with fantasy and good ol' family drama. There are things many choose to nitpick ad nauseum , but for me it checked so many boxes. The only difficulty I had was with the level of strobe like effects in the final third. Im particularly sensitive to those unfortunately. What a masterclass of cinema. 9.4.

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One of the most stunning since the legendary "2001: A Space Odyssey," which overwhelms the viewer with science fiction, experimental film, psychological drama, psychological thriller, and a background knowledge of physics. A blockbuster that is the white-hot best of Mr. Christopher Nolan's work. To be honest, "Inception" and "The Dark Knight" are not my favorites, but the truly astonishing ending is a real eye-opener. The beautiful computer graphics technology, combined with the development of the story, creates a brilliantly shivering universe that stands as a masterpiece of science fiction thriller that towers over the long history of American cinema.

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Refreshing and really moving movie. Couldn't help but cry tears of joy


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such a fantastic movie, best science fiction out there, man the emotion of every characters damn fantastic movie, I recommend this to you all folks, watch this DAMN MASTERPIECE!!!

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I gave this movie a 10/10 it was perfectly done in every single way for sure you need to understand a little bit science to understand the movie but If you know what you need to know in the movie you are gonna enjoy this movie and I fell like the characters development was well done it was not the best part of the movie but was still great and the main character development was perfect and you were feeling his emotions in every part of the movie but the best thing about the movie is the visual and the emotions the visuals were perfect as well as the movie was pretty sad the last 30 min of the movie were perfect

This deserve 10/10 by far this is a Masterpiece by Christopher Nolan

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inevitably one of the best movies that were ever made, and one of my all time favorites, Christopher Nolan i f*cking ADORE you for gifting us this movie, and don't even get me started with the legend Hans Zimmer.

the use of '''Time,,, in this film is one of the concepts that make me fall in Love with this movie, also the excruciating and incomprehensible pain it can have on a person was so well portrayed throughout the whole two hours and forty minutes, yet, it's also such a beautiful concept
just like the portrayal of love
the visual effects were amazing
the music was phenomenal
the fore shadowing, out of this world
Matthew's performance, incredible

i loved it all the more on a second rewatch, after so many years, and i cried soooo much, can't wait to rewatch it again after a few years

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96 | Interstellar gives hope for humanity to look beyond for the future. It also gives a meaning for love that connect us in this mysterious universe. I couldn't believe I cried twice, It did not happen when I watch this film for the first time. In my opinion so far, Interstellar is Christopher Nolan's Magnum Opus.

25%: 2.5
50%: 3
75%: 3
100%: 3
Total × 7.3 = 83.95

1st favorite character:
Joseph 'Coop' Cooper (3)

2nd favorite character:
Murphy 'Murph' Cooper (3)

3rd favorite character:
Dr. Amelia Brand (2.5)

Cinematography: 3

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Loved it. Started out a little bored, but I always am a fan of seeing different people's ideas of what it's like out in space. Contact is still my favorite though.

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Top bucket, plus it's one of those movies everyone needs to see.

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Nothing, nothing of this film, falls in set "A Movie", everything go directly in set "B Movie wannabe"

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I don't know why, but the entire time I was watching this I kept feeling as if the director really didn't want to make a science fiction movie, but wanted to make a psychological thriller and couldn't get that funded so had to wrap it in the trappings of a science fiction movie in order to get the cash.

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I..... MIND BLOWING!!!!!!!!!!! My head hurts, I can't overcome this

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Great film. Filled with complex postulates and wonderful actors. Watch it. Well worth the time. A bit surprised it wasn't more critically acclaimed, but then, most science fiction isn't.

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Nolan is one of the few directors who can manage to tell a complex story and intertwine it so elegantly through the lens of a summer blockbuster, all while retaining the emotional gravitas of his characters and their motivations. A simply gorgeous movie that is equally coherent as it is dramatic, one of the best movies of the last decade.

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I am watching this movie second time but nothing has changed. In fact, musics and fellings are combining and hitting you harder.

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Nolan Fanboys: if you don't like the movie, you're just to dumb for it.

I think, if a movie spend most of the time with boring explanations and most of the people don't get the ending, maybe it is something wrong with the movie, not the people. And yeah, there are some wrong things in this movie. It is way too long, the scenes on earth don't have the emotional impact that Nolan wants (maybe because he never learned how to write good female protagonists). The space scenes are wonderful and Hans Zimmer is still the GOAT of movie scores, but again to many explanations, to many scenes that are in the movie because because they are beautiful and a Matt Damon character that doesn't fit in the rest of the movie. The acting of nearly all actors is definitely on point.

Nolan Fanboys will keep ignoring the flaws of the movie and hate on everyone who doesn't like it, and Nolan haters will just pointing out the flaws. I think the right rating of the movie is somewhere in the middle.

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I have never watched a Sci-fi movie with this amount of drama. You get attached to it to the point that you found yourself really appreciating what are you watching even though you don’t quite get some of the science theories that are within the movie. Really amazing soundtracks and the ending was perfect. That one scene at the end where Cooper walks into the hospital room where he meet his daughter again afer all these years is a scene i don’t think i will ever be able to forget.

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Christopher Nolan rocks. :metal: :metal: :metal:

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I keep loving this move more at each iteration!

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“I need to fix this before I go.”

You have to talk to me. So, don’t tell me no.

I need to exist – I can’t be their ghost,

I have to go, because I love you the most.

You have a strong heart – Don’t let it crack,

I love you forever, and I am coming back…!

No time or space can separate us,

But you know gravity and what it does.

Out there, time is gonna run more slow,

But I’ll do all I can to keep my vow.

This is not a goodbye – don’t see this in that track,

I love you forever, and I am coming back…!

I know what you mean – but I just can’t S.T.A.Y,

Because ‘they’ did choose me – This is the only way.

I may be travelling miles away – thousand or lakh,

But that will not stop me from seeing you back.

Because it is your love that I am going to pack.

I love you forever, and I am coming back…!

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It looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, and an all around amazing movie. Everything from the story, to the characters, to the visuals and soundtrack was top-notch and made Interstellar a great and immersive experience.

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Love? Really? I was entertained, but....

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I have no words to describe how amazing this movie is. Starting in the effects, the twists, the amazing "love" based-story. I'm really not into this kind of moveis, and I think that's what made this movie so great. I just don't know what to say. Watch it and enjoy.

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The best film I have ever seen. It is as much a majestic piece of art as an open door to the questions of science. It will break your heart and the next second it will take you to the most beautiful places, to the limits of reality and imagination; the place they meet to become science, and maybe, the future. A must watch.

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For such a long movie, I never get tired of watching it; and I am not someone who watches movies over and over again. I love Interstellar.

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Shout by shmosby
BlockedParent2022-10-21T08:38:13Z— updated 2022-11-29T12:30:21Z

There are some parts of this movie that are incredibly stupid (i.e. "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.")

It doesn't matter, because 90% of this movie is head and shoulders above anything else I've ever seen. Absolutely awe-inspiring. Just hearing the score is enough to give me the chills. And no matter how many times I see it, I will always cry at the scene where Coop watches the messages from his children after 23 years have gone by. I'm getting emotional just writing this.

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as another Nolan's movie this movie is great too , his prediction about Black hole now became reality

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-02-26T00:52:14Z— updated 2019-04-09T02:16:41Z

This movie is breathtaking. Visually stunning and emotional. The sound editing is insane and the score is fantastic. One of Nolan's best.

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While it isn't a perfect film and the ending could have been improved, Interstellar nevertheless is an ambitious, character driven, epic space drama that offers fantastic visuals and terrific performances and is a true heir to 2001 a space odyssey.

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I'm not a fan of Space Movies. And this film does not make it better. Towards the end of the film is too crazy. The special effects are really great, but that's about it.

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A typical Nolan movie where you scratch your head going.. WTF did I just watch!!!

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Shout by Rui Oliveira
BlockedParent2015-08-05T00:45:49Z— updated 2016-08-25T15:31:32Z

"Interstellar" is Nolan's best work so far. Absolutely brilliant with a perfect balance between the narrative and the amazing technique and skills of one of the best directors of the modern cinema. An emotional/humanely journey escorted by a flawless photography and Zimmer's stunning score. Audacious, intelligent and masterful. "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space". Love is the ultimate dimension.

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Shout by Deleted

Possibly the best film I have ever watched

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Shout by Deleted

Just watched this awesome movies!

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This movie, the story, the science and the insight will stay with me for the rest of my life! It was beautiful!

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Amazing film of this year! Mixing of all sciences, astronomy, physics,'s a movie to be watched more than once. Thank you Matthew and Anne for their roles in this film

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the best Sic-Fi movie I have ever watched also best movie of 2014.

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With a score of 8.8/10 on iMDb I was somehow expecting more. yes good effects, yes good performances but glacial pace of progress allowed the fidgets to set in.

Overly long and for me too confusing. Best movie of 2014 for some, but not for me!

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Visually is great, and the direction -as always- of Nolan is excellent but I have to say that the plot wasn't too good and that the Nolan brothers have a big imagination but maybe they went too far with this one... I liked that they show the things about Albert Einstein's theories of gravity fields and all that but I don't know. I although would have like it to see what happens with Brand and what she did, I'll have to assume that what they show at the end is her set in the colony and all that.

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A brilliant '2001 space oddisee'-like real science fiction movie we haven't seen since the first Matrixx movie.

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Shout by sp1ti

So... we live in an age where Nolan now has THREE movies in the IMDB Top 20. Figures the word masterpiece is thrown around. I'm not exactly sure anymore what the requirement to achieve that is but I fail to see how Interstellar can be one by objective means anyways.
The movie to it's credit is ambitious and has some visually impressive scenes in there but the it isn't really that much about interstellar travels but is loaded with very simple 'mainstream' american themes which lead to the excessive runtime.
The problem the people on earth have to overcome and leads to everything happening is actually interesting but is handled very poorly, painting mankind as rather stupid in progress but whatever your excuse is for having to make plot happen... right?
I don't want to get spoiler-y so lets just say that after an hour it gets to magic land and is riddled with exposition, dumb scientists and predictable waste of screentime. The whole thing stands on such a weak foundation it is sad really. No matter the scale, I don't think I recently saw something as full of plotholes as this.
I'm not calling the movie terrible but it's a flawed mixture of things other movies did better.

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Don't deserve all the 10 he got !
It's good, but not a "masterpiece" or else.

Too long ! 45 minutes too long to begin with.

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In the end...speechless ***** TARS *****

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You've done it Nolan. It's not perfect but it's basically a move made specifically for me in every way, with so many individual scenes, moments and ideas that make my heart whir. Space, guys! Space.

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Still one of my favorite movies ever. Simply amazing.

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Still at this day and age, BEST MOVIE EVER!

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The knowledge of how accurate the science is in this movie tells you how much care Christopher Nolan put into this movie. While the ending might not stick with everyone, Nolan's amazing use of the concept of time as a tool cannot be overlooked.

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The only reason I am not giving this a 6 is because of the last 30 minutes - the rest of the film wasn't that good. If the last 30 minutes weren't there, this would be given a 6 at the highest. I'm actually quite sad this wasn't better because I absolutely space films, and this one is just nowhere near as good as people make it out to be. It's overrated. I had many problems with it and several parts were just flat out stupid. One of the more worse space films I've seen.

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I can't stand Anne Hathaway in this movie.

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Not bad, but it's too typical making it predictable in many ways. By taking a step towards a new level of knowledge, we have to put the other foot on a new moral rung, and this is not respected in the movie.

Questions like this: "What is the reason that moves the human being to continue with his determination to know, despite having recognized the impossibility of reaching the truth?" They remain unanswered. If you expect a deep message, it's not your movie.

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Masterpiece! You have to know some things about science especially about physics and what black hole is so you can enjoy it more.Nolan wrote a sick script and with his powerfull directing made this brilliant movie..

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OMG!!!! What a MASTER PIECE from Christopher Nolan!!! I absolutely loved this movie

The Plot was Amazing!!! The Characters.. usually Pacing would be a problem but this film was so Great I scored it a 1.

Anne Hathaway WOW what a performance!!! Of Course Matthew McConaughey Showed UP!!! Great Cast!!!!

This Just bumped American Sniper for Movie Of The Year in 2014.. A perfect Ten In my opinion. I'm speechless how great this movie was Christopher Nolan Really Directed and Wrote a Masterpiece

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One of the best movies I've ever watched. It captured my attention throughout and it's been a long time since I last cried as much as I did watching this. 10/10

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Rewatched "Interstellar" for the first time in 4K now and what can I say...It's my all-time favorite. What a brilliant movie Christopher Nolan made. The story is intriguing, the special effects are out of this world and the Soundtrack is one of the most beautiful scores I've ever heard. Love the cast too btw.

And I really recommend watching this film in 4K. The IMAX scenes are just mind blowing.

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One of the best movie ever

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Shout by Deleted

Can't describe in words i mean its just the best space movie i ever watched till now ive watched it like 15times lol

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Wow! First let me say, that this wasn't first time I tried to watch it, because it's kind of a slow start and it didn't help that I knew it would be almost 3 hours, as I am not a fan of long movies.. But I am so glad that this time I watched through as it was so so so good! Once the story gets going it's really interesting journey of hope and survival. And kind of sad too, because of the family.
I am so happy that this movie was recommended to me (several times!), really enjoyed it.

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