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Infinity Pool 2023

That was something, not a good movie but something.

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This movie spends most of its time tricking you into believe that it's a good movie, then you realize half-way that it's just a movie and by the end you're not even sure if you watched a movie.

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Infinity Pool drowns in its own insanity. Yes, Cronenberg presents some fascinating ideas but then abandons them for cheap shocks and disturbing imagery. Some restraint would have served this film well.

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The first half of this movie is really strong and then it just feels like a series of deleted scenes that were thrown together. I loved the ending but it's just the second half leading up to it that was meh.

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It is a very weird movie to watch, the plot is good but the ending is a little off. I liked the music with the cinematic artwork. It will make you feel so uncomfortable though!!

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I don't know why this movie exists. Really annoying that the first half is so good and the last half is devoid of any good reason to watch it.

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Be prepared for every bodily fluid to be layed out on the screen!

Infinity Pool introduces some interesting sci-fi elements mixed in with some horrifying thematics and a rich exploiting everything subplot (we needed another one of those). Everything is there for an interesting watch until these ideas fade into the background to become a weird-ass porno trying too hard to be stylish and layered. The second half of the movie felt like it was going absolutely nowhere and it reduced it's main character to pretty much nothing, leaving the viewer with nobody to root for except Goth's performance. Mia Goth once again shows her acting chops (among other things), she's unhinged, wild and horny. Goth and Skarsgård made a captivating duo on-screen. Unfortunately even their amazing performances couldn't save this movie - or rather they were this movie. Beautiful trippy disturbing visuals, hypnotising camerawork, psychedelic score, brutal kills and stellar acting. The movie ended and I was still waiting for the plot to show up but it never did. It absolutely went for style over substance and ruined it's great potencial.

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Two whole hours of pretentious non-stop nonsense.

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This started out really good and had me hooked for the first 45 minutes or so, but it definitely dropped off after that.

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I don’t know why this movie has so many bad reviews. This was an absolutely crazy movie with a very disturbing undertone that you feel inside of you the entire time your watching it. That movie has a really fun wild ride as the story is progressing, but than it takes a very interesting turn, but that’s not to say the movie is bad. Obviously is has to end eventually. Either way Mia Goth was great in this movie, and Brandon Cronenberg did a great job for someone who’s trying to follow in his fathers footsteps and carry on the torch.

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I don't think a movie has made me this uncomfortable since "mother!".

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I don't watch a lot of horror films so it's hard for me to place them into the greater context of the genre. With that said, I found Infinity Pool an interesting film with some amazing visuals and an inconsistent plot.

Alexander Skarsgård did a very good job, but Mia Goth stole the show with her frightening portrayal of a very unhinged person. The science fiction elements caught me off guard and posed some questions I would have liked to explore, but the movie wasn't interested in that. It was a nice backdrop for a bored group that took things way too far. I wasn't entirely sold on why some of the scenes were in there other than to look trippy and gross out the audience.

In the end, I'm not sure what to think about Infinity Pool. I feel like I need to sit on a deserted beach during rainy season and reflect.

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My take on this film is "They missed the plot". I was interested all along waiting for something to become cohesive some sort of dark twist but the film just puts all the proposals and question together and comes to an ending that does nothing for the watcher. It leaves you cold, confused and thinking this was a waste of time. Don't get me wrong there are lots of story arc goodness. Pacing is decent and the acting is high calibre. But as usual with this film maker it lacks that ah ha moment to bring us to at minimum our own conclusion.

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This movie was quite the trip. Several twists and turns for sure. Plus it has Mia Goth doing Mia Goth things.

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If you want something that actually executes the mind-melting potential of doppelgänger plots, play the game Soma. (Or watching a YouTube video on it.)

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The first half is really great! Unfortunately, the second one became a simple "horror porn". Not a bad one, but there were a lot of possibilities, and he decided to go with none. It's not as good as "Possessor" (2020) or "Antiviral" (2012). I expected a cleverer development in a Brandon Cronenberg movie, specialty with a so intriguing plot like this.

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There were some interesting concepts in this movie, but they were poorly utilized.

Wasted fantastic performances by Mia Goth and Alexander Skarsgard.

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Stupid as fuck. Awful. Horrible

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Live, die, repeat, very unoriginal artsy garbage. :wastebasket:

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This movie is one that is hard to critique immediately after watching. I had seen the trailer, and it was some combination of The Black Phone (masks) + X (Mia Goth) + Barbarian (Skarsgard). Three movies that came out in 2022 that I loved! Unfortunately, this movie couldn't be further from any of those comps.

This is some A24 wannabe weird metaphorical horror -that works- but that many people will not get or like whatsoever. Fortunately, I was prepared to shift my expectations going in and I am grateful a friend gave me a heads up. Anyways, go in open minded, it might be the only way you can appreciate this rather unorthodox film.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Listen..the movie is mediocre..but mannnn..there is something special about Mia Goth...make a boy sit up and beg for buttermilk

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This movie....made no sense to me. There is a mystery behind the pool itself, but doesn't get explained at all. That's is the most interesting part, but doesn't find it's way into the film at all. So it's just a bunch of nonsensical filler in my opinion, which tries so hard to be "artistic".

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The concept of the film and its acting were amazing, but the plot fell off in the third act an become confusing, boring. It seems like this movie had no clear direction, the plot is too messy and weird for no reasons near the end. Overall it is a weird experience that is worth the time.

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A movie full of metaphors and many reflections, a dystopian fiction that works as an allegory of reality. The highlight goes to the incredible direction, which develops the scenes and characters very well, as well as the performances, which are excellent.

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Shout by Ash b
BlockedParent2024-03-24T00:19:15Z— updated 2024-05-15T15:30:52Z

The 5 is for Mia

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This started slow, but then introduced some really intriguing moral concepts (identity, levels of justice, cloning) that had the potential ask some very tough questions, which the film seemed like it was going to at times, but ultimately devolved into a trippy mess that jettisoned just about everything interesting set up in the middle third of the film. I felt extremely disconnected and disinterested by the time the credits rolled. What's worse, though, is that there were pieces of a sharp, complex film there.

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Great idea, bad development. The last part of the movie bored me a lot.

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I thought this movie was the one about the haunted swimming pool, but I guess it wasn't. Honestly, pretty terrifying, but it felt like there wasn't much of a central reason other than to torment the guy. I feel like a lot of the moments were just for shock value more than anything else.

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How I love uncomfortable weird creepy movies

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It starts ok, ends really bad. At some point it was boring. The only good thing was Alexander

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Too bizarre for its own good. This could have been a stylish horror piece. Instead, it was a little too off the wall to truly provoke a chill.

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Mia Goth really do be playing the same girl in every film.

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First half promising then goes completely off the rails. A jumbled mess of ideas that make no sense .

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Didn’t hold my interest and i skipped the last third of the movie.

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I don't even know if there was a third act planned, there's no clever twist. It honestly should have been better based off the talent on screen and behind it but what was delivered I don't know it's like ordering A pizza and only getting breadsticks very confusing. Plot holes and excessive amounts of body fluids

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lame movie not worth watching. its just a bunh of rich people buying there way out of any trouble they cause.

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they should have called it infinity poo because it was sh#t and seemed to go on forever

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I may be dumb but so is this movie. Maybe there was a deeper message I didn’t get but either way it’s wasn’t an enjoyable viewing for me. Only thing I know for sure, is I won’t be wasting any time thinking about it.

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Such an interesting idea but executed extremely poorly, sex and drugs isn't the only thing that you have to use to show the desires of humans eyerolls

Waiting for Mia Goths oscar pls

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It's a sh!tty version of White Lotus

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Probably this is the WORST movie I've ever seen in my whole life

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Oh yes, I liked that very much. Weird, beautiful, gruesome, surprising, thrilling, Mia Goth and did I mention it already? So fooorking weird! I did not expect anything at all and wow what a ride. I was disgusted and mesmerized at the same time. This trippy experience is definitely something I will rewatch many times.

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That was just not for me, I'm not into psychedelics and trippy vibes.
It was gory for sure and had interesting premises but it strayed into that weird area that I just don't care for.
The acting was great, no doubt, especially Mia Goth & Alexander Skarsgård.
Most of the cinematography was good but again the psychedelics are just not for me.

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yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn

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The first great elevated horror of 2023. It's not supposed to be accessible.

Even the ending credits are cool.

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grotesque in a fun way. i agree that it was stronger in the first half of the film though.

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First 30 minutes was pretty good, after that you can go away

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Good bullseye, Cronenberg's son also released such a sticky-nasty film, it's not easy to put it on the recommendations. In such places, anything can happen to some. But as soon as you accept the rules, you find out that permissiveness is limitless. And what the hell are the rules? This parable is about you, but who are you?

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Drugs, sex, violence, and a whole lotta blood. Skarsgard and Goth.... You gotta love their psychotic looks and performances.

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7.3

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A lot of nudity, sex, blood, etc... The first half was good but the rest of the movie got super weird. For parents please don't bring your kids to the movies if you're watching this movie. Trust me you don't wanna traumatize your kids.

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this is why you never befriend rich people

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