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I Capture the Castle 2003

Quite the cast. We started watching this because of Bill Nighy (who does an excellent job) but seeing Tara Fitzgerald (before Game of Thrones), a young Henrey Cavill (pre-The Tudors and Man of Steel), an older Henry Thomas (Elliot from E.T.), Rose Byrne (pre Moira from the X-Men movies) and Marc Blucas (who I mostly know from Buffy the Vampire Slayer series).

The movie deals with love. It is a romance (not really a comedy), but it doesn't end with the normal everyone gets what they want and live happily ever after.

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This felt like a low-grade version of Little Women. Every single thing about the movie – script, acting, production, etc – felt like it was off. It also marks the first time that I don’t like Bill Nighy in a movie.

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