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I Am Number Four 2011

Number two is more like it.

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I liked it. It is very cool movie, and I'm sure that the sequel will be very very cool...!

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The Greatest It's Super Cheesy This Is Cheesy Beau Mirchoff ("Gametime Awkward Born To Race & Easy A") & AJ Amanda Joy Michalka ("Super 8 Hellcats My Super Sweet Sixteen 16 & Easy A") Hollywood Remake Remake In Hollywood

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10 Out Of 10 Rating Stars 100% High Highest Rated Best

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Shout by Deleted

If I hadn't read the book, it would be a great movie. But it's a wreck when it comes to the book.

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Not the greatest. Plot was same old same old, but they told it in a way I did not hate. I enjoyed the movie over all and will see any squeals. I'd say worth a watch. On a scale of portal (the game) this is portal 2 so not mind blowing but definitely fun the first time through.

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despite all the hate in this shoutbox i went ahead and watched this. i enjoyed it, it wasn't bad, and look forward to any sequels!

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Last 30 mins are the best... due to awesome Special Effects and an Epic Final Battle...

Actually liked the movie... Maybe should have been some less romantic at some times, but still good movie.

Enjoyed it quite a bit... Special Effects did help with that, to be honest...

So overall, let's say : 7/10 maybe 7,5/10 ...

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Shout by Deleted

ist wie twilight nur in anders aber trotzdem sehr gut und werd twilight mag sollte den auch aufg alle fälle gucken!!!


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Had high hopes after a friend said that it was awesome, but I got so bored in the first half that I almost felt like deleting it. Managed to reach the end though and I must say, other than the final 15-20 minutes, there isn't any redeeming factor in the movie.
I do like fantasy and sci-fi, but this one just didn't cut it.

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Shout by Deleted

I agree with lotophagous!

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Just watched this, wasn't what I was expecting and was a bit too much 'fantasy bullshit'. It was watchable but not amazing, a shame really!

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I loved this movie as a teen, and I still think it's great. I don't really know why it didn't work out, but maybe because it feels more like a huge ass trailer and not a standalone movie. It had a lot of buildup and an open ending, and too little real content for a standalone. Also I have never read the books so maybe they f*ed up there. Too bad. Maybe a tv show in the future, like Percy Jackson. One can hope.

Rating: 7.5/10

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A great movie. If you're 12. Was nice to see flip phones again.

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Really don't have much to say....somewhat typical teenage fantasy movie...I like the casting choice and the whole idea, but it was all just too weak and meh. Really hope the book is better, the movie does suggest it could be in my opinion.

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This was one of the most boring movies I have seen in quite some time… the story was just blah… unbelievable how people (re)act.

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If you go to see "I am number four" I suggest you leave your brain at home then sit back and enjoy the pretty lights and moving pictures. Don't expect much and you might actually enjoy it.

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This film should have a sequel! I really liked the story (and Dianna Agron).

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Crappy movie and forgetable characters

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not bad

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does anybody know if there is a sequel comming?

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I liked, it's not a marvelous movie, but have a nice story and they can make a very good sequel...

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Horrible movie

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I liked it.
It opens up for a much better sequel.

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If there was more Sam and Number Six and less teen romance it would have been much better, but still not great.

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the end of the movie wasn't bad, but as the others said: Twilight meets Harry Potter...

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I do agree with Koying.
It has a Twilight ring to it and the vampires have been replaced by aliens... Otherwise it is the same story, the same development and the same boring stuff.
The trailers were somewhat more promising...

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Typical teen movie, in the "Twilight" vein (I guess, I haven't seen Twilight)

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