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Hyena Road 2015


Shout by sirtwist2

I thought overall it was a good, almost great movie that could have used more subtitles. Started off slow, remained slow thru the middle, but really picked up at the end.

I did have some nitpicking tho. I've never been in battle, but don't you hope for the best and plan for the worst? Twice they went out and had no cover when they needed it.

Also, there were no other soldiers other then Canadian? The narration even mentioned that the airfield was a collection of different countries soldiers but they never mentioned or showed any other soldiers then Canadian, Afghanistan, Taliban, and militia?

And the love interest was kinda odd. They were supposed to be keeping it quiet, but were meeting out in the open, touching and holding hands out in the open, and someone even mentioned that everyone knew about it. It was supposed to pull at your heartstrings at the end and it did, but I would have been upset at the end even without it. If you're going to have it in the movie, at least end the movie with Jennifer and the child back in Canada!

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Was a pretty good movie if you like the realistic ones. The little shots of authenticity on the food, culture, combat, equipment was good. About my only gripe was two things- the shooting the IED's with rounds and the ending. You'd think they would've learned their lesson the first time that not having the air or ground QRF to help you out was asking for that ending. It was poor planning on their part but good writing on the writers, since I wasn't expecting them to basically kill everyone. Of course that's not saying much since they literally only had one fire team of four out alone that was 20-30 minutes away from any sort of QRF. Overall though I think the movie lacked a strong narrative point which made it dry at times and a feeling of aimless. The clash between the Ghost and BDK held my attention but the resolution was definitely a bit unsatisfying.

Would only recommend this movie if you just want to see what combat in Afghanistan (in a dramatic setting as one fire team out alone against 30 was very unrealistic) was like or some of the culture.

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I had hard times paying attention to this movie. Can't really describe why exactly, but I found this movie failing on several fronts. Had more potential.

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Shout by Deleted

It does remind me of Afghanistan, the government corruption, and daily TIC's (Troops in Contact) with the enemy. Damn Good Movie. #ShiftvW8

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This was a very well written and produced movie about our #Canadian troops stationed in #Kandahar. I recommend everyone watch this movie. Great movie with a great story line.

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Loved movies like this before they became popular on video games

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