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Howl's Moving Castle 2004


Shout by Ruben
BlockedParent2014-12-29T00:24:17Z— updated 2020-03-11T03:43:50Z

It was a pleasure meeting you, even if you are my least favorite vegetable! Take care, Turniphead!

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It's a beautiful movie. But I simply don't understand the story leading up to the end. I just don't know nothing seemed to really lead to the next plot point, creating sudden plot out of no where. But what I did understand, it was lovely. It was romantic, and it was fantastical. It had all the emotional elements that a Ghibli film tends to have. You feel this movie more than you understand, and I'm sure other viewers felt much more than I did.

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sophie walking into howl's castle for the first time: damn bitch you live like this?

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bitch saved everyone with the power of love i'm crying

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biggest plot twist in this movie is that howl is straight.

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The movie had some nice concepts and the first half was quite enjoyable, but the second half was pretty random. Overall, the movie was not amazing and I would not recommend it unless someone is a huge anime fan.

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I just rewatched this with my kids. It was their first time seeing it and their excitement made me love this movie even more. So beautifully and creatively made and yet so fun. This is one of my all time favorite Studio Ghibli films and rewatching it just cemented that in my mind even more!

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I don't get it. Am I supposed to like the Witch of the Waste?

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This movie is so beautiful and the phrase every frame is painting has never been more true, I don't want to say too much about this film as the story is full of little twists. I can't believe I am going to say this, but the dub of this film is perfect and all of the dub voice actors play their parts perfectly.

I think this film is perfect for adults and kids alike, but don't expect it to be like western animated films as it has a very unconventional story and the film is super unique.

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Once again Studio Ghibli gives us a masterclass. Howl's Moving Castle is another all-time favourite. It has everything a brilliant movie should have, perfect animation, soundtrack, voice acting and a beautiful plot. I loved each and every minute of this and whenever I need cheering up this goes straight on the TV. Turniphead was ADORABLE!! 10/10

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Firstly I do understand that I'm not the target audience therefore my opinion is skewed. How can I like the characters without liking the story not one bit, it was a bit nonsensical, or better said open for interpretation and I do think that generally is a good thing, but it was so nonsensical that any interpretation might be its own creative work, so that really did it no favors. Other than that everything felt right, it felt a lot like my neighbor Totoro, but without that oomph that made Totoro better. A solid 6/10

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It’s okay, but I had a hard time getting through it. I can’t put my finger on it, but it just doesn’t click for me. Guess it’s just not my cup of tea.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’:

  1. I have a rough time getting invested in this genre of film. Unlike many, I hated Spirited Away, and I didn’t expect much here. But I liked this one better! It started out strong, with a Wizard of Oz-esque companion journey full of whimsy and magic. But then the second half descended into that familiar nonsensical storytelling that leaves way too much up for interpretation. So much is unclear. I, personally, enjoy clarity.

  2. One thing I’ll praise about this movie are the characters. They’re super endearing and very likable. They gave me Land of Misfit Toy vibes. You rooted for them, even though you may not have known what for lol. Turnip-Head was my fave. And I love what they did with the Witch. I didn’t see her joining the crew. Nice little twist there.

  3. Gorgeous animation. I particularly loved the way the Witch of the Waste was drawn. And, of course, the Moving Castle.

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Loved this one as well.

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Like a story a kid makes up as he goes along, Howl's Moving Castle in inventive, rich and full of imagination, even if it doesn't always make a whole lot of sense and rambles all over the place before settling down.

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Well finally finished the beautiful work from Studio Ghibli and I was very impressed by most of the films that have come from them.

The howling moving castle was definitely a pleasure to watch, it’s a wonderful and moving tale with a beautiful soundtrack and lovely colourful animation style and some cool characters that all blended in great!

Hayao, you genius!

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Plot-wise it feels a bit odd paced, but like in other Ghibli movies I like the layers you can think into the movie. Beauty is temporary, love is eternal.

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film makes 0 sense. things just happen. amazing visuals of any anime i seen but don't go expecting anything to make sense or care for any characters. not sure how this is so highly rated.

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At the beginning, I put a 9/10 at this movie, but when I was listening to the song, It changed my mind.

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creative, good story, and very well made. as a family movie, could be a little scary for young kids, and anime can be weird in general, but enjoyable for all. enjoyed the steampunk-type theme and originality of the story.

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first of all i want to say ,the animation was very beautiful :heart:
I think I understood the story ,but it wasn't what I wanted. the movie was dragged too much and I felt like decades passed. at the end I said " it felt like a tv show" because it was so.. long. ( it's just the feeling I got)
I think it's a girl's movie because " man of the house" and idk.. "I love you " from nowhere because I didn't see their love , it's like it grew being hidden.
I didn't understand the conflict of the war because it wasn't put in light too much.

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Still my personal favorite Studio Ghibli movie. Soundtrack is amazing too.

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Shout by TacosRnoyG3y
BlockedParent2023-10-18T04:38:17Z— updated 2023-12-23T04:06:13Z

(Watched this during the Fathom’s Gihbli Fest run in theaters)

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Story about self-discovery,passion, with anti war sediment

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Characters 8
Story 6.5
Pacing 7
Visuals 8.5
Rewatchability Factor 7
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 8
Average Score 7.5

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giving calcifer a new yorky accent really turned this into a masterpiece for me tbh

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Didn't understand a thing of what was happening.

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Mickey mouse stuff. Not a real movie

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One of the few movies that I cried tears of joy. Absolutely beautiful.

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My favorite movie since I was 8 year old. When I was little i was so focused in how pretty Howl is but since it's my favorite movie and i constantly watch it I started to look all the messages in the movie. When I was teenager I watched myself in Sophie all her insecurities and Inspired me to grow up all the insecurities.... Now i can feel inspired with Howl and all his insecurities (not like I can totally relate with him) but i can understand him and do everything to not be like him (lol) but more a out the messages about 'not be a monster' and 'have a heart (feelings and care for people) is important.

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This movie would just be so much better without the random addition of all the war stuff. I know Miyazaki loves his anti-war messages and I am all for it in theory, but it made the story feel all over the place. However the animation is one of the best out there, the ost is fantastic, and the characters are all very lovable.

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The original title of the film is Hauru no Ugoku Shiro.

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For an Otaku ... can't believe it took 17 yrs to finally watch Howl's moving Castle!!

The animation would even pass for a 2020 movie. The visuals are beautifully done and animations and sound effects were smooth

May be because I am watching too many Kdrama the character changes felt rather abrupt and rushed how abruptly sophie and howl fall in love etc !! . There are also some seemingly evident plot holes regarding sophies old-age.

Neverthless its a masterpiece that must be watched by all

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How ironic that out of all the vastly great female protagonists that the Ghibli films have to offer, it’s the self-indulgent pretty boy that ate my heart!

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Normally, when I watch films with a certain family member, they get incredibly obnoxious. Constantly talking over films, asking questions after not paying attention, ect.

As soon as I turned on Howl's Moving Castle, they were immediately engrossed in it and only spoke when they were in awe. Will forever be grateful to Howl's Moving Castle for being so good that I was able to watch a fucking movie in peace

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Shout by Deleted

I love how there was a potential for an age gap relationship and also a love triangle.

It was another excellent Studio Ghibli movie I missed out on when I was a kid even though I knew about it, and I could've gone to the theatre to see it but didn't want to at the time. I'm so glad I at least watched it now after all these years.

The movie felt like a painting come to life. It was beautiful to swoon over. The characters were nowhere near as beautiful as the scenery, but they looked tremendous in their own right.

The American voice acting was brilliant, and I was surprised to find out Christian Bale and Josh Hutcherson were part of it.

It's definitely worth a watch—another solid gem by Studio Ghibli.

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Felt like there were a couple of loose ends, but overall so magical, so fantastical, so breathtakingly beautiful. There's no better place to escape to than a studio ghibli film!

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Beautiful as any Studio Ghibli film could ever be, and takes some liberties from the book. Oh yes, this is based on a book; a trilogy actually. As with everything else, the book is better than the movie. I think they tried too hard to condense too much book into one film and so it felt a bit implausible. If I had not read the books prior to watching the film, I wouldn't understand the connection between a few of the decisions the characters made. Nonetheless, if you want eye candy, anything by Ghibli will provide and this is no exception. Calcifer is the breakout star.

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The colors are so incredibly vibrant! Studio Ghibli’s animation quality really shines through here. Paired with the excellent soundtrack, this was one incredibly atmospheric Anime movie.

The story immediately sets up such an incredible sense of intrigue. This film just has so much character. Without spoiling too much, I will say that the interconnected characters and developments kept me well entertained. Right up until the beautiful illustrated and quite happy ending. While the end might have been rushed, it was just like a fairy tale ending and I don’t think I would rather end a fairy tale any other way.

Overall, it was a truly phenomenal story that was quite suitable for all ages.

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love this story, they don't know how much, I really liked it a lot, magic, love and a lot of imagination to create this beauty.

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So beautiful and Cute one!!
although i felt i want more story and i can't understand how this doesn't happened in 2 hours of the movie!
i still like it so much

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Shout by Deleted

hmm the story line is good the effect is awesome but the end i don.t get that

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Shout by Deleted

Such a good film, if only the ending was a little bit better and clearer to understand and not feel 'odd paced' it would be a fantastic film. Overall 7/10

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Enjoyed the movie, but the ending is rally bad. :(

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