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Hostel: Part II 2007

Good cinematography, bad plot. It gets excited only in the last 20 minutes.

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For all the craze there was about Hostel I never really saw part II brought up anywhere despite being released a year later. Gotta say the first kill was surprisingly fucked up but the rest wasn't really pushing anything specific killing the kid was too on the nose imho. Kudos to Roger Bart which was quite enjoyable to watch and so was the movie despite a lot of shortcomings.

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So Good

Hostel part II
Unseen Unrated
Does face the same
Problem as part 1
in that it takes to damn
Long for shit to go sideways,
The difference being and
why part 2 is the much better
installment is we have
Very likable characters
that aren't annoying
dicks especially that
Josh. These Girls in
this movie are actually
cool and fun to be with
(bar 1).
We have some absolutely
awesome kills that still
stand as fcuking cool
today and this actually has
an interesting extension on
the story with some interesting
characters outside our
female trio.
and with this installment
we have an awesome
Payoff at the end
which makes the drag
through the
1st and 2nd act
rather worth it,
I also appreciate how
we are not sure who
the sickos actually are
till it's to late.
yes these movies are
Very mild by today's
Standers but part 2
holds up better than
part 1 and for a guy who
Loves his bloody disgusting
Horror I know what installment
I prefer in this franchise.

(Right time to rap
my boxset up).

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Wow, this film was so much better than the first one. The characters are actually somewhat developed and likable and the torture scenes are more intense and creative. Definitely was a fun watch.

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