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Horse Girl 2020

I'm not entirely sure how to rate it. As a film, in its artfulness, it was nice, but that is visually speaking. I would give a shout out for people with similar issues as me, whatever those might be, but I don't do too well with films in which the main characters are utterly disbelieved and declared insane by their surroundings as it happens here rather soon.

And whatever universe she's living in, it is terrible. How can she only be surrounded by so many uncaring, heartless characters? The only good person was evidently her co-worker, everyone else was actually just really overwhelmed/scared/cold-hearted. Which hurt to see. And they are being so while being utterly passive. It's like they're villains toward the main character, but not written as villains. Which makes it harder to dislike them, or harder to argue why they are bad people. So even the viewer gets this sense of manipulation or that you're the one not right in the head, as the majority seems to have such clear and different views from you.

I realise my comment this time around lacks eloquence, but I hope it gets across what I meant to express.

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I really liked this. As a person with mental health issues, I think that spoke to me. It's surreal, it's a little bit artsy, and I am absolutely into it.

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An almost perfectly realistic depiction of a woman spiraling into schizophrenia.
Alison Brie plays the character beautifully. The supporting characters are portrayed very realistically. The direction is quite symbolic and abstract, and the ending may not satisfy many audiences.

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This movie looks stunning but I can't figure out for the life of me what I just watched. The first part of the movie has a very slow build (and I actually turned it off and then watched the rest of it a week later) and then the last 30 minutes are just insane. You're left wondering if the things that happen to her are real or if she's having trouble with her mental health. I would have liked an actual answer to that but I don't feel like you get it.

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For its first 2/3, this was an uncomfortable and sympathetic portrayal of someone who may just be a bit shy, weird, and off-kilter...or perhaps dealing with some mental health issues. You felt her slowly unraveling and then...the last third goes truly off the rails. It sort of lost me in the end, which is unfortunate since the lead up was quite intriguing. As is her usual, Alison Brie was spectacular.

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i wouldn't classify this as science fiction as there's no definitive proof for anything occurring within the setting. not enough screen time for the poor horse considering it's a movie titled horse girl tbh.

most importantly: i would watch the tv series within this movie in a HEARTBEAT i mean its flawless procedural trash very clearly making fun of supernatural. when is netflix gonna make that??

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It took alien abduction for a this self-effacing young woman to let out her inner ninja, but does society agree with her perception of reality? Does it have to? Cutting the fabric of space time and creating a patchwork reality she wanted to live in.

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I have been a fan of Alison Brie since I first saw her on Mad Men. I'll be honest - I had no idea that she had these kinds of chops. Every time I see an under-appreciated performance like this one I can't help but think of every time an actor won an oscar for simply being sassy (Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side comes to mind). This role could not have been easy and she completely destroyed it.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Fcuking loved this movie ... Great actress i like her .. i have also mental illnesses and the portrait is very accurate ...

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What the actual fuck? I know this movie deals with mental illness, but all it managed to do was give me severe anxiety. I think they were supposed to make the ending metaphorical but they just made it confusing... I'd watch the show she was watching any day. Not only because of MGG but the only time I didn't feel bored was when she was watching it. How do you make the show in your movie better than the movie?

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...her increasingly lucid dreams...


A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming!

This has nothing to do with that, she's just mental, probably...

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Shout by Deleted

It's hard not to feel weird and maybe a little too sympathetic of Sarah's reality. Every aspect of the character screams on how out of place she is, especially in social contexts. I'm a little grossed out about how much empathy she built up on me - I guess I just don't wanna feel this conection towards her.

Anyway, "Horse Girl" has some awkward vibes and choices, but it's not a negative experience overall.

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a totally hallucicrazy film I didn't understand anything completely, but until I understood some things.

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i love alison brie.
but this is soo weird

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I don't even really know what to say about this one. I love movies that play with time and reality but this was just some art house bullshit. If anything it was watching someone spiral into mania, from a first person perspective. But there was no real story to it besides that. Just someone's sad collapse and then the movie ended. Alrighty.

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She clearly is Bipolar and i love how this movie show us that without really talking about it. All the Maniac attacks that she has, and all the hallucinations trought the movie are perfect. The fact that the people around her are aways taking care of her and helping (also the doctor saying that she was there before) are the exemples that she has a lot of mental illness.

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Sci-fi? Mental illness drama? Probably the latter, although the film tricks you into thinking otherwise at times. Its a pretty good film, though a little uneven, and perhaps too abstract in its approach.

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Alison Brie had me interested in watching this but it was a little too weird for me.

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