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Hired Gun 2017

This was a really interesting look into the studio musicians that have made so much of the music that we hear on the music that we listen to. As with 20 Feet from Stardom I found their individual stories to be so very interesting. I also found it interesting to see how some of the major acts were more than willing to help the musicians and others took a very different approach.

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Great story about the “side guys” in some of the best bands. These guys work hard as hell to give it their all but don’t get recognition they should because they are really A list players. Nice to hear their story and how some of them struggle from paycheck to paycheck.

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I played some guitar myself, nothing serious, just as a hobby. If I had been asked "would you rather meet the guitarist from Hillary Duff or Alice Cooper ?" I would have not thought long about my answer. Turns out I would have met both at the same time

If you like to know stuff about the music industry this is recommendable. This isn't about the stars in front but the musicians without whom said stars couldn't be who they are. Very interesting behind-the-scenes stories. I already knew some of the people but I learned a lot of new things about them.

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