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Here Before 2022

Decent psychological drama about a grieving mother’s descent into madness with a good sense of mystery that leads to some genuinely unsettling moments, although it does feel a little messy towards the end. The film gets a lot of things right, notably its image, sound design and the performances are uniformly excellent. Even if you find you are unable to get wrapped up in the story itself, because this is a bit of a slow burn, I think it's hard to deny that the image alone is enough to evoke certain emotions and feelings. The minimal camera movement and long shots create a sinister atmosphere, with the lead character being what she is, it works brilliantly. Some people may find it not 'horror' enough, but I personally think it fits, horror is a subjective genre anyway. That aside, this is a genuinely sad and chilling film, and worth seeing for Riseborough’s performance alone.

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The movie intrigues until the last third when the plot starts to unravel.

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Keeps you guessing and pleasantly lost amongst the madness of Laura’s melancholic life.

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super boring .... turned it off after 30 mins I just could not waste my time .

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