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Hellraiser 2022

Surprisesingly better than expected. It is a ok reinterpretation of the 80ties original. Njoyed it.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hellraiser’:

  1. After all these years, it’s nice to understand more, certainly not completely, what the heck that damn box is all about. I very much appreciated a more linear, fleshed-out story with this incredible mythology.

  2. While this new film got creative with the gore, there’s something about the practical effects from the original that unsettled me a bit more.

  3. I missed Bradley’s iconic Pinhead vocals, but I’m very pleased with Clayton’s take here. Her presence was different, yet strong and formidable. I’d definitely like to see her return to the role.

Bonus Thought: I loved the way the doors to the other realm opened up in various scenes, especially in the back of the truck.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-10-07T21:49:04Z— updated 2022-10-09T20:47:49Z

You’re less likely to enjoy this the further away you are from its target audience.
It leans more towards the Saw side than the Scream side of teenage horror; it’s really vapid and witless.
A little less edgy and angsty perhaps, and it uses more of a goth aesthetic, but still so much of it feels contrived and cliché nevertheless.
Some interesting visual ideas here and there, but also a lot of wonky acting, cheesy dialogue, uninteresting characters, awkward pacing, odd editing choices and underlit scenes (yes, I did take into account that this is a horror movie).
It manages to build some scary atmosphere at points (props for not relying on jump scares), however I never felt completely engaged by it.
Maybe that’s due to me not being the target audience, but then again we also just got Bodies, Bodies, Bodies, which is a lot better and you should probably watch instead.


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I had fun watching it..if you saw the trailer then you knew what to expect. I just miss the way you felt a little dirty after watching the original for the first time lol

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Another disappointing experience that softens the sadomasochistic implications of the original to follow a less disturbing and much more conventional path. It's the reinvention of tame horror, because it feels more creative on the surface than deep down, coming up with interesting atmospheric solutions without building a mythology that actually brings real purpose to the cenobites as a reflection of human desires.

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Way better than expected. Worth a watch. But at least watch the Original first.

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A summary of the film;

-What happened?
-I dont know!!

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Failed models who are now failed actors are tortured by beings that my dogs would have for breakfast.

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Having (somehow) never seeing any of the other Hellraisers, I went into this with no preconceived idea of what I wanted this movie to be. As a reboot, I didn’t force myself to catch up. I simply went in blind. My blind perspective, it was a solid film worth watching. Gory, brutal, and horror/thriller. This movie makes me want to watch the originals. Was it a little weird? 10000%. Did I miss something not seeing the originals? Surely. But it was good. And happy I could watch it straight to Hulu.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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This was a fun watch with friends but I would not say its ground breaking or even a solid addition to the Hellraiser franchise. The visuals, art direction and score are all what made this movie a little better then a lot of other modern horror movies and this was likely thanks to Clive Barker's amazing hellish design that's presented in the source novel. My major disappointment is that the characters are just not likeable or relatable. This is important because of the thriller/mystery aspect going on. This leaves us often watching upper class drug addicts run around with little to no direction bumping into each other and some how still solving pieces of the puzzle despite their lack of mental acuity. Id stick with the original or the book on this one but its still a "fun" movie to laugh at and appreciate a few scenes with friends. 5/10

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Like most remakes, the original is better.

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What a load of junk - we literally wasted an hour and a half of our lives on this - do yourself a favor and watch the trailer before you waste bandwidth downloading it.

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Love it! This is better than the original.

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Not as bad as you might be led to believe.

True the horror aspect is the same old same old, but the story telling is done well and the effects are good. The film leans towards practical effects and that adds a nice tough to make the film seem more real. What little CGI in the film is used well.

This one is more of a play on the mind and held a slightly different attitude towards Why Things were happening.

A'zion was excellent, Clayton was a fantastic Priest, Starkey played a brilliant support!

Recommend a watch if you're a fan of the old or if you're new to the series.

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"Hellraiser" will probably never become one of my favorite franchises in the horror genre. I'm just always too annoyed when Pinhead goes on about pain and desire in long, cryptic lectures while slowly striding through a dark corridor. But at least the 2022 film managed to surprise me positively; it's actually a movie with decent production values. You really can't say that about its predecessors. The result is a competently shot film with few flaws, except that it's highly conventional and even dull in places. But that's a thousand times better than the last few "Hellraiser" sequels.

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Loved that it took its time. The atmosphere was excellent, too. A great addition to the Hellraiser universe.

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After so many bad sequels, I think this was really an amazing movie and I had a big hope for the franchise again with this movie! I really loved it!

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I think it should have been a mini series of 4 or 5 episodes. It was too long and too much for one movie. I like the mithology of the cube, the demons, gods and whatsoever, but it was hard to stay awake.

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The bar for Hellraiser films are so low. If you compare it to all the Hellraisers that came after 2, It's pretty fucking good. I didn't care for the writers turning a puzzle box into a silly magical sacrificial dagger, (actually it looked more like something diabetics use to prick their fingers with to measure their blood glucose levels) but the The Gasp is almost as hot as Julia without skin so theirs that.

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indeed very very cool. the story took a little bit to really unfold but there were so many tense moments that at some point it doesn't mattered anymore. i would say this part is just okay. but with the effects and those awesome and creepy looking cenobites i give one extra point. i didnt watch any hellraiser before but i will sure do now. and i hope this one gets a sequel, i think there is much potential. so definitely one of the better reboots.

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I’m not a major fan of the original and really enjoyed this - however the one thing it was really missing, that the original had, was a strong narrative of human evil. In the OG, the cenobites mostly play accessory to the actual antagonists, Frank and Julia. This movie half assed this concept with voight and Trevor however voight is the “behind the scenes” bad guy and Trevor barely wants to be there. MUCH different than a murderous adulteress and her bag of bones hook up who escaped hell and needs human bodies to feed on.

This remake felt a little more scooby doo then Hellraiser, but I did genuinely enjoy the last third of the movie. Pinhead absolutely ruled this movie, I can’t even begin to praise the great direction of making them more ethereal and less like a frankenstein.

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I've been looking forward to this since it was announced and had just rewatched the original recently. I'm the target demographic and really enjoyed this. Was it perfect? No? Would I penalize it more if it wasn't such a beloved franchise? Yes. The Cenobites and Pinhead scenes were marvelous. Costume design A+. I was never scared, but more in love w the whole aesthetic and some of the CGI choices were superb. It's probably a 6/10 movie, but one that I gladly give a 7.5. I thoroughly enjoyed it far more than the average fan would.

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Doesn't live up to its potential, unfortunately

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The Cenobite designs are amazing, especially Jamie Clayton as Pinhead. This version of the Pinhead goes well with the sexless look from the novella. Blood and gore are done quite well; they never felt gratuitous. The protagonists, on the other hand, were not quite as great. Similar characters have been done countless times before... in much better ways. So yeah.

The story was faithful to the idea from the novella and the first two movies. I liked the callbacks and the homages. It's a worthy spiritual successor to the first two movies.

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Miles ahead of the numerous other outings but then again it doesn't take much to top those.

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Felt like it was made for Gen Z.

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I found this really a very good reboot.
Im not an expert in movies, i can imagine some or even many die hard hellraiser fans will not be satisfied, but to me i find this succesfully done. They did their best. Thats for sure.

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Better than the last 6 movies combined.
Could have used some more blood though.

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As a bit of a baby when it comes to torture porn, I do think this is straddling that line. But I surprisingly found it enjoyable enough despite that. The mystery combined with the lore building consistently moves the story forward.

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I thought it was pretty good. The cenobites were pretty creepy. I think I like the original pinhead better but overall it was good.

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Kinda looks like the real hellraiser, but that is where it stops. The cenobites aren’t scary or menacing in any way. Sorry it just doesn’t feel like a demonic sadist hungry to tear a soul apart, more a cosplayer trying to look like pinheaded.

Liked the box having more configurations, but not the trick blade. You open a gate to hell you shouldn’t be able to just stab someone to get out of it. It should be more by the rules, unfair twisted hells rules but not just lucky you didn’t get cut.

Story similar to a hellraiser movie, so much that the surprise isn’t one.

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Very good, definitely upset my tummy more than the original. I thought the cenobites were fantastically gruesome, a huge upgrade of flesh from the original leather. I'm not sure how anyone thought this was less sadomasochistic than the original; the only thing more torture-y than this is Saw, or Hostel. I admit I was a bit disappointed that Voight got turned into a cenobite at the end. He deserved to feel all that pain as a human would, after what he did. It would serve his dumb ass right for picking "sensation", after seeing the sort of shit the cenobites are into lmao.

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The atmosphere was great but the plot and script was just crap. Seems like one of the recent slasher flicks where the Cenobites were the villains killing the hapless teenagers .....bah.

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HELL-ERASER this movie wipes out the , you can skip it..

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So... Why do I bother watching these damn remakes?!!?

This one has none of the magic that made the original so effective. Gone is the forbidden and slightly sexual feeling that made you feel a bit "wrong" when watching, and in with weird effects, cenobites that look like they belong in a sci-fi instead of a horror (glowing pins?!!!?), and a distinct compulsion to look at the runtime to see how much of it was left every damn minute.

This version of Hellraiser is so generic in both looks, feeling and story that it could easily have been one of the hundreds of cheap and mediocre horror films released every year. Oh, wait...

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Is really that hard to make a movie without sex nowadays? man... 30 minutes in and I have already seen a prostitute working, a crackhead couple shagging 2 times and a gay couple naked in the bed...

Yeah... horror... SoOoOoOoO scary!

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"Save your breath for screaming."

I think the magic in the bottle the first 2 had are never going to be had again. I appreciate this franchise getting a decent budget again and while it is better than most of the sequels, it still felt a little lackluster. The cenobite designs were still pretty interesting, but I never truly felt horrified.

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A real puzzle box of a movie. All the ingredients are there for something disturbing and scary but the filmmakers failed to put all the pieces together to make a satisfying movie.

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Sorry folks - but this is just a pale imitation of the 1987 original Hellraiser movie. Go watch that instead.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I'm not a huge fan of the original franchise; I liked the first one, and kinda liked the second one, but stopped watching after that. However, I'm excited about this new era. Though I think this movie was a bit too long or perhaps the second act was too drawn-out, I enjoyed it and I was happy to see that this is its own story.

The design of the cenobites is an upgrade in my eyes; I love that their skin is their clothes and that you can see how grotesque their "pleasure" and "sensation seeking" has made them. The actors did great too.

My only issue with the film is that the human characters are so uninteresting and I couldn't care less about them, especially Riley who I was NOT rooting for. I was rooting a lot more for the Cenobites and found them a lot more interesting. So, I would love to see better characters in future films and if they plan on keeping Riley as the main one, I hope she's better developed and becomes worthy of the final girl title.

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Certainly didn’t live up to the advertising hype, story progressions felt pretty lackluster, characters were a bit dull, gore was alright. Overall, left me feeling pretty blah about it.

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Shout by De-mon
BlockedParent2022-10-24T07:21:05Z— updated 2022-10-25T07:56:48Z

Ok, but not as good as the original.

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when kentaro miura created berserk he was inspired by hellraiser, the cenobites and the god hand, the configuration of lamentations and the beheliths, and leviathan and the idea of ​​evil.
so when i watched this movie, i ended up seeing it was a berserk feedback, where the wailing setup works similar to beheliths where you sacrifice something you love in order to gain an audience with god hand and they give the owner a wish behelith.
and that's all I wanted to comment

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Like feeling a little sex fatigued but your partner just keeps going at it, Hellraiser feels pretty good but doesn't know when to stop.

The aesthetic of the film is gorgeous and the actors, especially Odessa A'zion, are great, but the story starts to feel like the game of Cups in Friends. The rules of the universe change so many times it's like the writers are making them up as they go along.

A decent take on the Hellraiser franchise but not one that begs a sequel.

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This was not the reboot I was looking for. Way overlong and bloated (though aren't most movies these days), Barker's original had no fat on the bone, this has a lot of bits you'll have to poke around. Doesn't do much new other than throw some new designs into the franchise (which look great), the latter half descends into Saw territory. Feels like a mini series stitched together.

Seriously though, I mourn the lost art of 90 minute movies. Lean and mean, straight to the point.

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I like the movie but is not as the original hell raiser could of been more gruesome I didn't see the much of it only towards the end

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It began as a generic horror film featuring poor acting by a bunch of teens doing stupid things and having stupid conversations but it got more and more interesting each time the Pinhead appeared. By the end, the film was redeemed by its slight plot twist and Jamie's incredible performance.

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Hyped movie with nothing to give.
I am 100% sure people watched this movie because of the trailer.
I promise you you will regret this.

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original a 1000 times better .

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I said a long time ago do not watch remix this movie is the worst movie I ever seen

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Well at least it's better than most of the franchise. Still a bad movie. No longer desire driven humans seeking other worldly pleasures. I guess that was given up on a long time ago. Anything goes now. Acting wasnt too cringe but it's not winning any awards. Woke politics didn't seem too injected. Could have great...

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there is this rubik I have been unable to solve for years, after watching this movie, I am never gonna try again! I don't want all that configuration sh!t.

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I'm at odds with this movie because I'm absolutely enamoured with the cenobites design, execution and the depth of the lore surrounding these beings and how they operate. Every time a wall slides out or the floor pulls back I'm in awe, especially the effect during the van scene and the hospital. But I'm equally so disinterested because the human characters are note? Flat? I have zero connection to Riley, her brother, her rebellious love interest or anyone else. They're all so bland when juxtaposed next to how fleshed out (heh) the antagonists are. It's still a good horror flick, it's just not got that final layer that would have elevated it to greatness, but definitely worth a watch.

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This movie is so very SLOW. The plot adds layers to the Cenobites and the puzzle box that make no sense given the previous films. There’s very little of the Cenobites in this movie at all, what with the main character focused on something other than the gruesome deaths happening around her.

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+ better than last 5 movies from the original series
+ making of cenobite
+ explanation of how/why things works
+ new cenobites look good
+ opening of doors to the other dimension
- she"pinhead" looks like S&M barbie, although her voice is ok
- disappointing, generic music with cues from original
- ugly, uninteresting characters

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I never thought i could stomach such terrible acting and dumb script writing. Personally, i consider it a high achievement to have finished watching this 2 hour bloody mess of a film.

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To the sick minds behind the creation of this .... damn you to hell.

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I went into this pretty skeptical because Hollywood horror remakes don't have the best track record, but honestly this was such a blast. While this has some pacing issues and some forgettable characters, it captures the spirit of the original perfectly. The dark atmosphere and chilling visuals kept me thrilled and immersed. It is as beautiful as it is grotesque with its monsters and various forms of body horror. The fantastic production design really shines as well. One thing that bothers me is how sinister the Pinhead looks, then we have other Cenobites that look like they belong to a circus rather than 'another dimension'. Still a solid watch, though.

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