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Hell Fest 2018

Throw back to 80's Slasher films actually achieves some scary scenes from time to time. Sure, it is a tad hokey but it is never pokey. It moves at a good clip, offers some good action and few nervous laughs. Not the worst thing to see this Halloween. 7/10

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This movie is a waste of time.

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Hell Fest is the recycled toilet paper of horror films: the same shit just slightly repackaged.

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I fell asleep a little more than half way through and I don't care to find out how it ends.

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I had fun watching this beautifully shot but by the numbers slasher flick! You almost exactly know what is gonna happen, except for the final scene which was kinda creepy but brilliant! We have cardboard characters, a creepy mask, brutal deaths, well 2 of them anyway, a standard soundtrack and Tony Todd in a cameo!

The story is simple, group of friends going to a horror festival with those living haunted houses and among the crowd, a killer is busy doing his job. A very cool concept with a lot of potential which wasn't fully utilized in my eyes. But it is awesome to look at and entertaining and if somehow it is shown somewhere and I pass by, I would watch it again. So yeah, thumbs up!

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Hell Fest kept my attention throughout. It was a little intense even if the murders kind of sucked. As a fan of Scream, I knew anyone who said they’d be right back was goner. So that was predictable.
Despite being a generic slasher film it was quite fun. Due to a likeable cast, nice creepy musical score and cool atmosphere for a Horror movie.
The killer just has no motive or backstory. Goes after anyone and their friends who says he isn’t very scary.

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One of the best horror movies i've ever watched ! Brutal deaths,scary well done atmosphere that made me feel like i was in that haunted park attraction.Loved it !

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Pretty sure the ending I saw has him stalking someone else who says he isn’t scary. I don’t remember him having a daughter at all in the end.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2022-10-31T00:05:37Z— updated 2023-10-31T00:51:40Z

I've been watching this and Haunt for the last 3 years around Halloween and they're both Halloween classics for sure. As a double feature, you've got one hell of a night!

Hell Fest is a traditionnal slasher full of clichés, as cliché as it gets actually, but it feels fresh to me because of the Halloween spirit. The colors are so bright you won't even need the LEDS in your living room. The non-stop Halloween decorations get me in the seasonal mood instantly. So much Halloween stuff you won't even know what's a real threat and what isn't—much like our characters. The characters are generic but at least they move some air and the actors look like they're having fun. My favorite is Ben Taylor-Klaus.

The killer is my biggest criticism, he's bland and cliché with only an ugly mask and steel toe boots to standout. It's what keeps this movie from being great for me. The kills are well placed and distanced apart and the camera never cuts away. I do wish there were more of them though. Kind of a wtf ending but I like it.

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Shout by Bronson
BlockedParent2022-05-22T04:16:04Z— updated 2023-10-13T04:14:23Z

Hell Fest took me by surprise. I love horror, and I was not expecting much from this, but it has a simple premise and delivers with ease. The movie takes place at one location and we follow a group of six friends - who we get to know well (for a slasher movie). Our killer is silent and to the point, like Michael Myers - no one-liners, just here for death. Our main group is believable without being annoying or too far into cliche. I'd recommend this as a double feature with Haunt (2019).

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Terribly written and boring as hell.

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average for the genre, but not unwatchable at all. i'd classify it more as background entertainment than an edge of your seat type of slasher flick.

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A masked killer targets a group of friends at a horror theme park, a fun slasher fueled by the atmosphere & set pieces of the haunted attraction.

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They get into a scary amusement park and also separate from the group ... What do they expect?

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As befits the film's setting, this is a fun and imaginative horror, undermined only by the typical cliches that are found in this genre.

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Shout by Deleted

Hellfest no es de mi género favorito. Me resultó bastante predecible y no me aportó nada nuevo que consiguiera engancharme. La vi por si... pero la verdad es que tenía pocas esperanzas de que me gustase.

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Run of the mill slasher with all the same tropes we've seen before. Some solid set/costume work, and the kills were effective even with their sparse use of gore, but everything else feels very "paint by numbers", making this a mediocre at best horror flick.

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This was more of a satire of a horror movie.

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