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Heart of Stone 2023

Gal Gadot at her most beautiful and best. I didn’t know what to expect but as the credits rolled I was smiling. It was loaded with the things I like in an action movie AND it had heart, plus it had a surprising twist at the beginning. Great cast. Unexpected cameo(s). Loved the international venues. I follow both Gal Gadot’s and Jamie Dorian’s work and I was far from disappointed. This really should have had a theatrical release before it was consigned to streaming because I’m sure it would have been spectacular on a big screen but my little 46” TV subbed in rather well. I give this film a high 8 (great fun) out of 10. [Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller]

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Lost interest 16 minutes in by the time opening credits showed up. Unrealistic fast paced action.

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Terrible movie. The action scenes are absolutely ridiculous and awfully choreographed. Most fights drag on unrealistically with each participant having had the opportunity to put down their adversary multiple times. At one point Gal is running in a straight line in the flat wide open desert and she has three dudes shooting at her from 20 feet directly behind her with AKs and they miss! Ridiculous. They never even told the Asian actress who is supposed to be a top MI6 agent how to hold a gun... I'm always amazed at how this kind of sloppy amateurish stuff is possible when there are so many talented people available. Glad to see so many other commenters agree Gal can't act. She's not even pretty IMO.

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The previews made it look like a female 007... but after 35 mins I had switch it off. Dialogue and stupid scenarios ruined it from the get-go. Yes I was prepared to disengage logic within reason, but to completely disregard gravity and physics is pretty hard.

One example (not a spoiler) how the hell did she 'dispose' of 6 bodies in 30 seconds?


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Lmao.. the have a landline 50 min of air ,, but the don't have the brain to call anyone else maybe the army to help them out ... BRAINLESS.

this movie is bad turn your brain off if you decide to watch it.

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a fat IT girl (hacker), damn stereotypes.

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A truly awful film from start to finish

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Another neutered and lifeless entry to the Netflix catalog of expensive garbage.

Gal Gadot isn't strong enough to carry a movie like this. Dornan isn't either. The rest of the cast were fine but the script was as weak as you'd expect from the studio that insists on giving us cheap IKEA meatballs in a world of kobe steaks.

With less CG and better lead actors, it could have been better. But without a complete script overhaul then it could never be great.

Why are these big budget action films no better than an episode of a cheap tv show?


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Good action, stupid script. Disappointing.

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It's a copy of mission impossible but with a lot of cgi. Gal gadot doesn't do bad. Much better than Citadel.

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As much as I love Gal Gadot and Matthias Schweighöfer, the amount off bullshit (a walled of system can hack any system in the world - how?!? Either it is walled off or it can access everything. You need bidirectional access for that... ; a system that "hacks everything" and transmits that data (we are talking multiple datacenters, bandwith-wise here wirelessly from a plane but no one notices... - the list goes on...).

Would be ok if it was in a futuristic setting, but this plays in the present or close to it.
Sorry, but it you make a movie about tech, get people who know tech and LISTEN TO THEM!

If you don't know anything about computers, networks you might enjoy this movie (maybe its best if you also don't know anything about gravity and basic mechanical engineering - but we are accustomed to bullshit when it comes to that) - otherwise better watch something else...

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Gal Gadot can't act !

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Another failed attempt at creating a "Female" James Bond franchise. The story is good if you ignore the copy-pasting of plot devices from other movies.

Gal Gadot is annoying and talentless. I fail to understand how this woman consistently shows up in A-list action movies. If this movie had another interesting A-list actress, I would have happily ignored the other shortcomings. For example, Rebecca Ferguson as the lead would have made this movie much much better.

Thankfully, Alia Bhatt added some spice to this. Alia and Jamie Dornan pairing worked well for this movie. If you want a real, female-led, spy movie, watch the Bolywood movie Raazi (2018) instead. Alia Bhatt is the lead and it's based on a true story. :ok_hand_tone2:

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Is this what Hollywood calls progress? Are this and Ghosted the type of movies out of touch executives refer to as genuine attempts for launching a female Bond/MI? This is so offensively soulless and generic, there’s not a single interesting call during the entire runtime. Why does it all need to be so shit, Netflix? This isn’t high art, it shouldn’t be this hard to get right. Just give me a real, female-led, fun action film, not this content crap that’s made for NPCs.


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Too many cliches and way too many plot holes
They're stuck in a bunker , they can't call 911?

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nothing groundbreaking by any means but I had fun tbh! it was just an entertaining summer popcorn movie. there's some entertaining stunts/fight sequences and I will now be bumping up movies a half star if they feature a cute cat who doesn't get hurt

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Forgettable, uninspired, cliché. You can't possibly watch it without comparing it to Mission: Impossible, it's constantly copying it in so many ways. Every scene of this is a lesser version of something you've already seen before. Same goes for the story and characters. A few of the action sequences (the ones taking place in the air) have redeeming qualities, they're entertaining but it's not enough to leave an impression on me after watching it. Too much back and forth with the camera angles during the hand-to-hand fight scenes. Poor cringey acting, dialogue and interactions. Gal Gadot almost got it in a few scenes but those flat one-liners really don't help.

Not the worst action movie i've seen but considering the budget and the fact that this is one of Netflix's biggest movie of the year—basically the best they have to offer... this is poor!

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"Heart of Stone" is the next by-the-numbers Netflix movie where you know exactly what you're going to get before you see it. Anyone who has watched the likes of "The Gray Man", "Army of Thieves", or "Red Notice" knows exactly what I mean. These are all movies for which the word mediocrity was invented. In any case, my pulse remained at a consistently low level throughout the entire running time of just about two hours for "Heart of Stone". Neither is the action thrilling, nor are the characters interesting. The film just plods along until it ends in a boring finale.

Gal Gadot is okay as the lead, but nothing more. The rest of the cast remains flat. The script also offers no basis for suspense. The world is peppered with agent movie clichés; the only slightly more interesting element is the super AI, with whose help special agent Rachel Stone (Gadot) solves all sorts of problems at the beginning, but the concept eventually fades into the background. When all's said and done, all I can say is "meh." However, I doubt Netflix will ever learn.

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The stupidest shit I've ever seen. Turned it off after 10 minutes. She can't act to save her life. 1/10

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What a piece of shit!

(With all horribly bad movies and TV-shows lately I'm just fed up with writing anything more to describe my disdain of crap movies like this).

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No one put their heart into this badly written garbage. Not even jovial Matthias could lighten the mood.

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Another boring and no sense entry to the Netflix catalog of garbage...

Gal Gadot was really poor on this one... Script is really bad... and Gal is even worst.

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watched this last night, utter crap. Gal, trying to be a female james bond, jamie dornan, who I like in other things was wooden as feck in this.

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A Mission Impossible movie but missing the budget, a decent lead actor, any other good actors, a good story and a good script. Yep, missing just about everything really so it's totally understandable that the movie is complete garbage with absolutely no redeeming features. Don't waste your time. I also have no idea why anyone rates Gal Gadot as a decent actor, let alone a decent action actor, in any way, shape or form.

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A fun discount version of Mission: Impossible.

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Great movie to leave it play in the background, while doing anything else.

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A small lean woman kicks the asses of men she can fit in twice if not more throughout the whole movie. You need different fights for this and not head on muscle fights. Combined with bull shit tech, old vans that survive drops that my luxury car wouldn’t be able to handle ever.

All signs of weak writers. The story also reflects this. It’s nothing more then a bad 80s action movie, but even worse, because those 80 movies at least had a non high heals wearing muscle actor that could actually deliver a believable punch. It’s sad what movies are these days.

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This movie, Red Notice, and The Grey Man would make a fitting troilgy of bland action films.

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Well that was definitely made for just the money because, the acting was bad, script was cheesy, the plot was lost and a lot of it didn’t make sense and I give the action a fair but it wasn’t anything brilliant so just a cheap movie with some big names.

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This movie was 50 Shades of Craptastic. At no point did anything make sense. Except I was happy when Grey died.

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Basically an MI rip off but it’s not bad. Could have been a lot better but not a complete waste of time.

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Heart of Stone is a new Netflix film starring Gal Gadot. The film starts off promisingly, with a gripping premise and a strong cast. Unfortunately, the story goes off the rails in the latter half of the film and ends in a lackluster finale.

In the first two thirds of the film, the story is exciting and engaging. There are some good action sequences and the chemistry between Gadot and Ortiz is convincing. Unfortunately, the quality of the film takes a noticeable dip in the third act. The story becomes increasingly unbelievable and the characters become increasingly one-dimensional. The finale is a disappointing conclusion.

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A very different plot. I enjoyed the first half better than the second.

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This feels more like James Bond than James Bond has felt in the last decade.
It opens strong and fades a bit towards the end. There are some stupid bits and there are some silly bits, but overall a nice action movie.

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The movie has a nice plot and overall nice execution. There are some technical problems from scene to scene, mismatching clothes and so on. I don't agree with other comments that this is a copy/paste from other movies. It is a spy movie. Bond, Men from UNCLE, Mission Impossible, Kingsman they are all similar. Even latest Fast and Furious are similar. Jamie Dornan was the predictable villain. I think he did really well with what was given. Alia Bhatt was ok. Gal Gadot was ok too. Her dialog and delivery was not so good at some moments. The fight scenes were well made.

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This could have been a good (not great, but good) movie, if it wasn’t that long! In my opinion it was unnecessary long, the viewer loses interest after so many plot twists and failed attempts. The story is nothing groundbreaking or new, more reasons to not prolong the movie. But at least the cinematography was great and there were some nice stunts. Watch and forget kind of movie.

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Mostly boring and unoriginal plot, had high expectations

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A Mission impossible wanna be movie, I enjoyed watching Gal but boy she can’t act, Johnny English was a better movie, at least we knew its a comedy action.

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Gal Gadot is easy on the eyes thats it nothing else. Acting NAH! But hey if these holly weirdos want to pay you for bombing at the box office, you take their money and run girl. I mean there is a lot to say about how terrible this movie was, but I will save and just say. This is definitely a MUST NOT WATCH!

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Shout by Pedro

well at least i got to see on film the street i was born and grow up.

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This was filmed more like TV series than a movie. It should've been a show instead

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… after 15 minutes of horrible acting and CGI overkill, I found myself wondering ‘does the cost of making a film this poor get outweighed by the profit of streaming it on Netflix?’ - because if it doesn’t, I can’t think of a single reason why people would make or appreciate this garbage.

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Can someone explain to me why I compare it to the Person Of Interest series? (From Google translate)

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t was good and entertaining, but
if you have a phone, ask for help or prefer to die rather than be found dead.
Ok there is a mole in the group, but if the bad guys try to kill the ones in the van, one of them can't be a mole because he would have died if not for the protagonist and the story stops. So much prediction and you don't know the other one is a mole?

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This was so much fun. A great twist on an action movie

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Heart of Stone, good action, plot and performance although in some exaggerated parts but in general it is good.

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I wouldn't say it's terrible but it's certainly nothing special. The opening dialogue was so poor I thought I was watching a low budget movie. There are some good actors in this but they are wasted by having to work with a poor script. There are some redeeming features but they are few and far between.

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Gadot is a lovely looking woman, but her acting is atrocious. She really cannot deliver a line with any kind of gravitas or nuance, and it's noticeable. Too much really.

Film is a "one watch and done". Opens with some decent entertainment and preposterous but well done action (which I don't mind at all), but the film falls apart later on and you're just thinking "how has one of them not fallen off that?"

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That scene with the parachute and the title sequence looked really cool. That's about all the good things I can think of.

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Went in looking for a decent, semi-generic Bond-y agent romp and that's pretty much what I got. I enjoyed it – nice explosions, nice action in general, decent plot, ok acting, good score. Hope it gets a sequel.

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Promised a badass villain in Alia Bhatt and a parallel powerful protagonist in Gal Gadot from the trailer.

Turns out it was neither!

If you are okay watching something that is predictable and have fun finding those stupid plotholes, this one is for you!

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I've seen Jamie Dornan in so many different movies and he's bad in all of them. Genuinely surprised how he's still being offered roles. Because even next to GAL he still sucks. Actually that's a bit unfair to Gal, cause she's improved a lot since her start and I quite liked her in this role.

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Okay not sure about this one. Watched it or sat it out. But they tried to mix James Bond, Mission Impossible, Minority Report and whatever into one. It is average or even mediocre… so hope it stays just with this and no part II or III PLEASE

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Why does Sophie Okonedo look like Chris Rock with long hairs?

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6/10 fair
Another attempt to create a female bond &for once it does okay at it, but it definitely doesn’t achieve it!!!
Typical female empowerment storytelling which goes to far as always…
The heart gadgetry is totally over the top and at first has you laughing, but once the storyline catches up and explains the background it’s a bit more believable…..
The action and special effects are top notch and at the end of the movie it has all been enjoyable, just could have been better

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It was fine. However, can't help but feel that the ending and midpoint set pieces would have worked better the other way around. I caught myself checking the time after the one in the middle and found myself surprised we were just over halfway.

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Very good, a little forced, but very good

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If you combine Person of Interest with James Bond you get this movie.

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Suspenseful Wonder Woman, with no fantasy elements, but with a touch of sci-fi. ;)

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I came here for the 'hearts' of stone.

But ok movie enjoyed it. It was a little light story, reminded me of Citadel. Could have been way more, hopefully part 2 will come out.

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I thought this was an excellent action flick filled with some amazing stunt scenes. If you were a fan of a Person of Interest, this has many similar vibes with the Heart. Formulaic in several parts but the script was good and I loved the camaraderie of the team in the beginning. Definitely worth a watch.

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Really enjoyed it. Great action film.

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A good action movie with some surprisingly interesting twists and turns. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1: 9 of :heart: was excellent. :thumbsup_tone1:

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This was a pretty good action movie. In fact, it kinda felt like a female James Bond movie. I kept waiting to hear the Bond Music to start playing at times - that woulda been really cool.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Nice to see her in another action movie. Totally worth to watch for free. I doubt i would have paid to watch in a theatre.

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Promos made it sound like Alia has a central badass role in it. Turned out she's an "abla naari" in it. smh.

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Good action film.. Gal Gadot just nailed it..

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That was great! Hopefully it’s the start of a new movie series. Wouldn’t mind to see it on the big screen.

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