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Hatching 2022


Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2022-06-05T16:56:55Z— updated 2022-06-07T03:50:18Z

Love the pastel colors, the set and the choise of clothes for the characters I think it gives the movie it's style. The highlight of the movie is the creature's evolution and the cool animatronics.

It suffers from having too many thematics. One of them being the whole stepfather side story I think that could of been cut out. I wish the movie could of been more contained it didn't need to expand outside of the main family.

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Is it about puberty, growing pains.. or the legality of an abortion .. I don't know! I do know that the visuals are amazing. The lead character does a stunning acting job. To play both characters must have been a rollercoaster ride for Siiri!

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A story about false happiness, motherhood and some adolescent disorders that correctly introduces the elements of transformational horror cinema, as in some of David Cronenberg's films. But it also refers to Finnish mythology about the creation of the world from a bird's egg, and the upsetting revelations of the doppelgänger. The mix works, with some disturbing scenes and interesting reflections on the family.

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A metaphor for puberty? Or a lesson about the challenges associated with birdkeeping? It's the former but it still put me off bringing a budgie egg home!

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Little Cronenbergs growing up. It could have been a great film if the Finnish director had explained the film's metaphor in a more ambiguous and veiled way.
7 out of 10 but the fact that it's a metaphorical body horror film and the use of a giant animatronic bird instead of the cgi pushes me to add another point to the rating.

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It's definitely a movie that makes you think. What I saw in it, is that it's a movie about the psychological abuse of a daughter. A mother that wants the perfect life and is putting a lot of stress on her daughter to make her life perfect, to make the mothers life what she couldn't accomplish herself. Apart from her abusive mother, she has to deal with other abusive stuff like the killing of animals (the raven and the dog), attack of her competitive neighbor, the affaire of her mother with another man, and her mother seeming to care more for the mans baby then for her own daughter. The egg hatching and the creature growing stronger symbolizes the innocent 12 year old girl growing into a 'in her mothers eyes perfect' but mentally broken girl.

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Well, that was...odd. In a weird way, it was actually kind of "refreshing"…a nice change of pace from the ho-hum same ol' same ol' of every other "horror" movie making the rounds today: how gruesome can we make it? how much torture? how much gore, guts, and buckets of blood can we throw into a 90-minute film? nauseum. While Hatching wasn't what I would consider a "scary" movie, it definitely had a creepy psychological vibe to it. Keep in mind this is a Finnish film (with English subtitles) so it has a different feel to it than most of the carp you see in today's American theaters…but that DOESN'T mean it's lesser quality. It did have some loose ends and side stories that didn't make a lot of sense (and added NOTHING to the movie) and they could have done without those, but all in all, the whole film just had a really unique perspective on it. I would say give this a watch; it's a decently short movie and I think it will keep your attention.

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Shouldn't have had a line of ketamine before watching, weird enough without it.

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This horror movie is from Finland. This movie was NOT scary. In all actuality this film was creepy, gross, and weird. It held my attention for 86 minutes. If you're a bit squeamish or get easily grossed out, you might wanna pass, Other than that this kinda like a fantasy, psychological thriller on mother and daughter relationships in a weird kinda way. Keep your expectations low and you'll be fine.

Do yourself a favor and watch this film!

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it sure has some weaknesses but this is a really unique horror which is kinda horrifying and beautiful and the same time. feels like a scary and modern faerie tale / fable. i enjoyed it at lot and would recommend it for everyone who likes to think a little bit while watching a movie and appreciates stuff like Lamb (2021) or You Won't Be Alone (2022).

i was a little bit reminded at the cuckoo and how they grow up

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A visually stunning and delightfully strange horror film. It's an interesting mix of creature feature, dysfunctional family, coming of age, and body horror. I feel like there's a lot of unique elements to this film that could've made it a lot better but some of them just never fully pan out. Though the conflict between the mother and the daughter is executed well enough, it's weird that they just move on from the family vlog thing since that's the root of their problems. The highlight of this film is of course its animatronic creature. The creature is equally adorable as it is terrifying, and the body horror is gnarly as well. Overall, I think I set my expectations way too high, but this is still a crazy and unique film and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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Trippy AF I’m still not sure what to make of. It

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Such a beautiful and great movie, loved every minute of it

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The idea was there and was effective, but the film had quite a few mistakes and not too logical passages. Overall a pity for these reasons.

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Very odd film.
I’m thinking the egg and the creature is creation of the bad side of not being able to live up to expectations and that creation coming back and biting you in the arse.

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This is not scary! Just weird. Plain weird.

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