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Hancock 2008

Stripped down to its core this is probably the most romantic of all superhero movies. Man and woman immortal and bound together by cosmic fate live through centuries being chased by bad guys, only having each other to protect. But they can't be together or else they become mortal. In order to save his life the woman leaves the man upon learning he won't remember her after waking up from a life threatening injury, which he sustained while protecting her. Many decades he has become Hancock a no-good, booze drinking, alcoholic excuse of a superhero and she is a married housewife with a son. They meet again and the love story that has been going on for thousands of years continues in modern day LA. Now THAT'S original storytelling, Thanks to its unique mythological undertones Hancock is easily one of my top 3 superhero movies of all time.

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Considering the rating this movie was surprisingly good o.O I'd even go so far as to say it was really good. Sure, some may complain about the language, but quite frankly, I'd say it's appropriate ... Some do resort to strong language and violence when otherwise unable to express themselves. And Hancock has obviously some issues, starting with his amnesia and him being overwhelmingly different than anybody else, his drive to help people but his lack of self restrain which causes numerous problems and makes him very unpopular to the point of being hated by everyone - what would you do if you'd tried to be nice and everyone is shouting and cursing at you??? His innate goodness is the reason he still tries to help people, he could just give up and let things happen, but he doesn't. And Ray... well if I ever meet someone like him, I'd count myself lucky.

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While amazingly successful at the box office, after watching Hancock I'm not sure why. Sure it's Will Smith, he can fly, throw a whale, stop a train, etc. but something is missing. The previews set this up to be a superhero/action film with a tilt towards comedy. That is what you get for the first 2/3 of the film and then it changes. Invincible superheroes usually have strange back stories but this one just ignores some of the bumps that go with immortality. Even Highlander dealt with the inherent problems of immortals and the non falling in love.

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47 | Hancock's personality would be fit in The Boys series universe. He lazy-drunk guy with a superpower. This film tried to tell us that he is a superhero but he was more like an anti-hero. He was a word that he doesn't like to hear, an asshole. But his persona was fun to watch, thanks to Will Smith's performance. And let's talk about this film's bad writing. The people in this film besides Ray and Hancock should be dumb or something. Let's take an example, all people knew that Hancock was very strong and has a superpower but the government put him in prison with the same security as regular people? Many small details like this are badly written. The power of the film was Hancock himself, even that not been developed in a good way.


Rating: 46.79


P1: 0.8
P2: 0.6
P3: 1
P4: 0.7

Favorite Characters

  1. John Hancock - Will Smith: 1.5
  2. Ray Embrey - Jason Bateman: 1.3
  3. Aaron Embrey - Jae Head: 1
  4. Hottie - Hayley Marie Norman: 1
  5. Mary Embrey - Charlize Theron: 0.7
  6. Red - Eddie Marsan: 0.4

Written by Kornelius Harda Wicaksana

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cruel lore, broken in too many ways, and the story also gets way too brutal on hancock, who at least manages to cope with so many terrible life aspects... otherwise one of the most refreshing super heroes ever made with many insightful scenes, through figures and parables.

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"Hancock" wasn't a must see movie for me but it was better than I expected. Jason Bateman's portrayal of a public relations whiz that helps superhero Hancock with his image is funny and Will Smith's transformation from drunken misunderstood icon to beloved force for good is satisfying. Smith is his usual charismatic self and Charlize Theron plays straight man to Smith and Bateman's colorful personas. One of the movie's faults is the difficulty in following the action-effects. They are "Transformers-fast"; everything happens at such dizzying speeds its next to impossible to fully enjoy.

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I still don't get it why they neee to be pair or separated.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Average film one time watchable

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Shout by Lauren

At the end of the movie Hancock has an eagle. No one explains where the eagle came from. It rules.

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Straight up stops making any consistent sense after the halfway mark just to create some easily preventable stakes. Some of the most dull side characters to put next to a super hero. Weird mix of comedy and sad dramatic tension.

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"I can run, I can jump, I can flip, and it's just like we are so limited as human beings..."

It's a unique superhero concept in a now oversaturated blockbuster genre. It was also famously top grossing in it's year but now everyone forgot about this cobbled thing. Too bad it faceplants the ending.

Even though it literally changes to a different movie halfway through, I still appreciated it in some areas, but trying to like this movie is like attempting to stick your hand in a pricker bush to pull gems out just to make your arm bloody in the process.

It's a rare oddity from a bygone late 2000's stank. I distinctly remember this movie being advertised as filler footage alongside flatscreen TVs in Sam's Club isles. Beyond that, it's a kaleidoscopic mash that's difficult to digest; a Kasinski remake waiting to happen.

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Not one of the best Will Smith movies, and this says a lot of about the movie and even more about some of WS roles.

Quite obvious, kinda meh.
I watched it so you won't have to.

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Do you ever see a movie that you totally expect to be one thing and then it turns out to be something completely different? That’s this movie. Tonally it’s a little jarring so I think that turned a lot of people off - I’m watching an action comedy… no wait! It’s an epic fantasy romance! You get some cinematic whiplash but that doesn’t mean it’s not a movie worth watching.

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Shout by Mark B.

Good movie always enjoy will smith, I dont really care for the movie after he learns to be a super hero though. I hate the whole lovey dovey wife concept as a weakness. My favorite part is during the train wreck when the lady says "I can smell the liquor on your breath" and Hancock says I been drinking B!+$# !!!!

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i feel like the backstory could have been better, idk. i liked that mary still kept her decision to be with ray though, that was good

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I caught a preview showing of Hancock tonight. I enjoyed it for what it was which is a fun, mostly fast-paced popcorn flick. The writers of the film also tossed in a nice plot twist that I didn't see coming but it turned out to work just fine.

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I liked this movie, Will Smith was great as a drunk superhero and the whole concept was really good.

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Shout by Deleted

Unbelievable amount of language and unnecessary content. Great twist and great ending. Minus the garbage it was a cool movie.

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