Things like this are the reason why I never watched the sequels from the big horror franchises >_>... They should never have released this under the Halloween banner, would have helped already. It is rather boring and I've seen variants of this story before by things that came after it. Better watch the Goosebumps Mask episode ( while being for kids it's still has more tension...

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I knew this film's story had nothing to do with the first 2 installments ages before I even saw it so I won't hold that against it. But despite that fact I found this be an incredibly boring movie, I had to really force myself to keep watching it. It just wasn't interesting in my opinion.

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Halloween 3 is like a bad Goosebumps episode. The beginning grabbed my attention but I didn't like how the story went. The song from the commercial is very catchy and memorable. The scene with the pumpkin mask was very creepy and well-executed. I didn't like the last 20 minutes - it was very unbelievable for me, Challis was walking around the factory as it was his own and no one noticed it and the way he killed everyone is ridiculous. Also, Stonehenge and robots don't mix well. The final scene was a good way of ending the movie.

It is not the worst horror movie ever, but very different from the first two. I know that the initial intention for the franchise was to be anthology series, but even without comparing it with the first two, it is not my cup of tea.

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“You should see all Halloween movies, they are good” do yourself a favor and skip this one...

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Not at all for Michael Myers fans. Avoidable for hardcore Halloween franchise fans although the presentation is not too bad. My one and a half stars for the Myers miss in the plot by its makers. A big mistake making the Halloween hilariously gory than a frightful one.

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Started off promising, and then dissolved (quite literally at times) into something like a sleepy carnival ride you expected to shake you up but instead revolves so slowly that you're counting down the time with vague interest until it ends.

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Better than the second one.

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Full of interesting ideas but not always well executed.

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Halloween day of my 31 Days Of Horror rolls on with this annual re-watch! Love it! And I've loved it for the longest time, all you Johnny-Come-Latelys! But it's nice everyone is finally getting on board.

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Best Halloween movie. Don't argue with me.

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This isn't even a sequel, this is pure crap!!!

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Whilst the film is not without merit, such as it's fun soundtrack and some interesting ideas, it ends up being a convoluted and silly film with a goofy villain that doesn't fit into the franchise at all. Why is it even called season of the witch when it has nothing to do with witches?? Fans were surely left begging for Michael Myers to return

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Tom Atkins plays pretend James Bond and battles charismatic villain Conal Cochran, who's plotting an evil plan sure to wreak havoc on the planet. Stacey Nelkin co-stars as Bond Girl Ellie Grimbridge.

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If they had just called this "Season of the Witch" and dropped the Halloween branding, this would have gone down as one of the better horror films of the 80s.

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One of the most ill-conceived films in movie history, Halloween III: Season of the Witch is incredibly awful. Instead of continuing the Michael Myers saga, the series veers off into an unrelated story about robots and magic. It’s the most convoluted and idiotic plot imaginable. The acting is just terrible, and the special effects are cheesy. Full of all kinds of craziness, Halloween III: Season of the Witch isn’t so much a film as it’s a steaming pile of crap.

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This was just dumb. I understand what it's supposed to be but even then this just felt like an outdrawn episode of a "spooky" TV series. And was there any reason for the two main characters to hook up? There was a 24 year age gap. Kinda weird.

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It would have been interesting to see the Halloween franchise take an anthology approach and this seems to be the intent here, with little connection to the previous films. It starts intriguingly enough and there is the kernel of a good idea here, but unfortunately it is poorly executed and once it becomes clear what is going on, most of the tension is lost and it becomes a little too ridiculous. Still, it's more watchable then some of the later entries.

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Not like the other two before it,.. but who cares .. it’s fun/ ridiculous

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Pleasance is amazing as the Doctor

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I hated this in 1982. I tave it space and watched it again this year. Maybe not hating it as much but it's still a rather slow movie.

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-Good halloween atmosphere
-the 3 iconic masks and the unforgettable Silver Shamrock commercial
-Very good soundtrack and effects
-Charismatic protagonist and villain
-Critic to consumerism

-The title (this should have been a standalone movie or the beginning of a new antologic saga)
-The Plot. The fundamental idea is good but the story is full of plot holes and wtf moments (Robots and snakes, come on...)

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This is such a wonderfully weird but amazing seasonal horror film. What starts as a slow burn mystery builds up into something totally schlocky and full of charm. It's so creative, fun and unique in its own way. It really takes its exploration of Halloween terror to new places. I thought the company with hidden agenda plot was fantastic and the TV commercial song is super addictive. The characters are all fun to watch, especially the leading man and the villain. There are also some truly disturbing and graphic kills in this, combined with the score that genuinely make me uneasy during the whole thing. I can see why some people hate this film because there's no Michael Myers in it. But watching it now knowing it has a large cult following, really makes sense because this film is easily my favorite of the franchise so far. I haven't seen the other Halloween sequels, but I have a strong feeling that I'd still prefer this one. It's a shame that the anthology direction got scrapped because it received such a poor reception when it came out. I personally love this film and it comes highly recommended.

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Well that wasn't scary at all.

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Tom Atkins plays James Bond and battles charismatic villain Conal Cochran, who's plotting an evil plan sure to wreak havoc on the planet. Stacey Nelkin co-stars as Bond Girl Ellie Grimbridge.

I wish the Halloween series had continued with this anthology format. Michael Myers was already a worn out idea at this point.

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"I do love a good joke and this is the best ever: a joke on the children."

Wow. Where to begin... I know John Carpenter and Debra Hill wanted to make this into an anthology series, but I was not expecting this. Not really my cup of tea when expecting some more Michael Myers. Maybe it is a breath of fresh air, but I just wasn't that into it.

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This movie gets such a bad wrap for dumb reasons. It would be cool to see different events happen around Halloween. Kinda like an anthology series.

But no, lets have more terrible Halloween sequels that kills the mystery of Michael Myers. Audience members can suck sometimes.

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Shout by Deleted

This is probably my favorite film in the Halloween series. It has some catchy songs, a great soundtrack and an interesting story. However, the title doesn't fit the film since there is no witch in it, nevertheless a great horror film to watch around halloween.

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Dr Daniel Challis as a Blade Runner… You can't unseen it, after you saw it! ;>

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The history, the deaths, even the characters were good. The only problem is his name. It's a Halloween movie without Micheal Myers and that's fine, because on Halloween you could die in different ways and not just for a slayer. This is the best part of the movie, but it's not about witches at all, so the bad opinions were blamed for whom chose the name, because the public expected something else for the third part of the franchise. So, I think it could have been a good project, but they did not know how to sell it.

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Shout by Deleted

Although this Sequel is the only Halloween without Michael Myers featured, as a huge
fan of the franchise, I'm giving Halloween
III the benefit of the doubt.

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What a load of crap! Has NOTHING to do with the real Halloween movies. Calling this Halloween 3 is nothing but false marketing.

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Needs more Michael Myers. The best thing about this movie is they show Jamie Lee Curtis in the first movie on the tv. Otherwise it is just a boring film. It shouldn't of been called a Halloween movie.

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I'm here because screenjunkies last week movie fight lol
watching HIII right now

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