Hot damn is this terrible. I used to think 6 was the worst....but I don't know, this one is pretty bad. Also there are certain "good" characters we weren't awarded with seeing bite it on screen. Unfair! Also, it is so ridiculous to see Michael Myers drive a car so damn much. I know he did in the original, but that was....different. It was some minimal stalking. In here he's speeding all over the place, sometimes trying to kill with it unsuccessfully. I hate this movie.

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cop 1 - someone could be dead tonight
cop 2 - fortunately we're lousy cops!

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Oh boy, this is when they start to get really bad...

The film starts off by showing how Michael hilariously escaped an explosion at the end of the last film and how a random man brings him back to full health, for some reason??? Its really stupid.

The main crime this film commits is being really dull. The main girl this time around is Rachel who briefly appeared in the fourth film. This character is incredibly irritating to watch as she bumbles from one scene to another, completely failing to see that her friends are being murdered. Pleasance and Harris give it the best they can but their material is also pretty weak in this film.

All in all, this film feels very pointless. A bridging film between the mediocre Halloween 4 and the downright awful Curse of Michael Myers. Boring, silly characters, pointless story. 4/10.

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Loomis is a bigger psychopath than Michael Myers.

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This is simply a mess.

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This use't to be one of my favourite Installments especially with it being a direct sequels to 4 but sadly this installment hasn't aged well at all and they wasn't enough
Michael in it are enough killing going on.
This was the first installment where the characters annoyed the Hella out of me and I was praying for Michael to end them. great to see Jamie back
but even she couldn't save this poor
Imitation of 4.
She spent most of the movie not talking and getting terrorised off of the Doc. Don't get me started on the
2 goofy pointless cops and the
carnival stupid music entrance they got.
And Michael tearing around
in a muscle car was just ridiculous.

First time I felt a little boredom with this one.

I do like how he's gone Supernatural now though
and gone the same way as
Jason and Freddy.
Now he can hang with
the big boys
Now we're in the
Big Leagues.

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There’s not enough Rachel, she was hot. This movie is when things got silly….ier. With cults and Michael posing as a girl’s boyfriend and driving her around.
Most unnecessary death was it turning out Michael killed Max the dog. After already killing his owner. So yeah it loses a point for an unnecessary dog murder too lol.

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as they get worse I continue to watch because apparently I’m a glutton for punishment

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Halloween 5: Why Hasn't Anyone Chopped Off Michael Myers' Head Yet?

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"He'll never die."

Ok now we are going into supernatural territory, and I am not sure I like that about Michael Meyers. 4 actually picked up and had a cool ending, and this ruined all that hard work.

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I hate the fact that they didn't used the real Michael Myers' house from the first movie. It's so different because, well, it's a completely different house in a different state.

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Hell might not have taken Michael Myers, but Halloween 5 did. In this installment Dr. Loomis realizes that Jamie has a psychic connection with Michael Myers, and uses it to hunt him down when Myers returns for another Halloween night massacre. The plot is extremely contrived, and the acting is exceptionally poor. However, the fast pacing keeps the film moving and gives it some energy. Additionally, the action sequences are intense and exciting. In all the craziness that is Halloween 5, there’s an entertaining horror thriller that’s a bit of fun.

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Sequel of the sequel to the semi-sequel of the sequel to the original. Though better than part 3, if it weren't for Danielle Harris it would be worse. The young actress confirmed her some kind of talent.

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Like a Loomis said... Die Michael, Die. Awful movie.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm a Michael Myers fan. I'm a Danielle Harris fan. The best of both worlds: a Slasher all the
fans love to see and his Adorable Niece, who
yet traumatized by her family reunion in part
4, was breathtaking in her reprisal role.

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Why would they allow kids to wear Michael's masks on halloween? Also Michael chasing down Jamie in a car and still not catching her means he is a bad driver. I did kinda like the useless cops.

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While granted that this movie isn't the worst movie in the world, I do enjoy the Halloween sequels, I think this was a fall in the story line for the Halloween series. It really could have had a lot of potential, but since they dropped a few ideas that were presented in the previous Halloween sequel. Not to mention this is one of the rare times that I wasn't scared by Michael, he's loosing his touch… no, I can't say that, please I can't say that… it's the writing! It's the blasted writing! So if you wanna see the sequels, yeah, do watch it just to see the story continue, but if you are just looking for a scary movie in general, you can skip Halloween 5.

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Moving swiftly through the Scream Factory boxset for the 31 Days Of Horror. Here's where it starts getting nutty and off the rails...

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