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Halloween 1978


Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-10-07T21:41:33Z— updated 2018-10-17T03:11:58Z

Great classic horror. Simple but effective. The score is really well done and sets the tone perfectly. You don't know much about Michael Myers and that kinda makes him even more scary.

Watching this for the new one coming out and it still is great. There are some great shots of seeing Michael for a second that are really scary. You don't know if he is really there or if you're seeing things. There are some great pov shots, including the oner to open the movie. Again the score is really good. That main theme is so iconic and instantly recognizable.

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It starts pretty interesting. Then it gets boring. Then it gets freaking annoying.

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Just watched Halloween for the first time and... it’s okay. Obviously I’m sure it was more revolutionary when it came out, but it does not stand the test of time. The directings okay, the acting is subpar, the plot is shallow, and, in my opinion, it wasn’t scary. 5/10 for me.

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Pretty frustrating how Laurie puts down the knife right next to Michael and sits and waits next to him instead of … idk maybe getting the fuck out of that house already

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One of the very best slashers of all time that manages to capture your mind and attention. This movie makes you feel like your part of the horror and truly picture the kills. A lot of people probably would be surprised to go back and see just how little gore is seen in this movie but how many kills you swear you can remember seeing in full gruesome detail. Michael Myers movements and expressionless behavior just adds to feeling of no remorse to a level where it could even come across as supernatural. Overall I love this movie and feel like it was always be a timeless classic for the horror genre. 10/10

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I've seen this so many times and I never tire of it. Carpenter and Cundey shot an amazing looking film. They were so patient in setting everything up and not afraid that their audience would lose interest. Love the tributes to Howard Hawks's "The Thing" and to "Forbidden Planet".

Horror movies WERE better back then.

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-10-10T02:18:51Z— updated 2023-10-29T20:45:05Z

Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 9/10
Kinematography- 8.5/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 44/5 = 8.8

"Death has come to your little town, Sheriff." So it begins... the long and splintered story that is 'Halloween'. What I loved about the first installment is the greatness of its simplicity. There is no motive, only evil; there are no rules, only chance; and there is no man, only monster. Laurie Strode is an excellent survivor girl, an evolution of the archetype in the right direction. She has the capacity to make smart choices, but as the fear increases the decision-making may be less effective. Donald Pleasence as Sam Loomis, a driving force and heart of the movie and franchise as a whole. It doesn't take a third of the movie to set the stage either, it just goes immediately and fills in blanks along the way while hoping you don't get left behind. That's not to say it's fast-paced as it is as methodical as Myers himself, but Carpenter is simply utilizing every single minute of his runtime efficiently. John Carpenter's original, in my estimation, is a cornerstone of horror movies and a fundamentally must-see film.

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Fans of modern gorefest horror franchises like Final Destination and Saw will probably find the pacing of the original Halloween to be slow and maybe even boring, but fans in 1978 were no doubt sufficiently freaked out by the suspense and creep factor of Michael Myers' eerily stoic stalking and murdering campaign, but even for current viewers, the film has a truly gripping payoff near the end as the last survivor among her friends uses her tenacity and toughness to stay alive with an assist from Dr. Loomis. I also enjoyed the psychological angle and, as a first time watcher, I'm curious to find out what happened to Myers to make him go off the rails at such a young age. Finally, John Carpenter's choice of music and cinematography added a lot to the suspense and general eeriness of what was playing out on the screen. It's a slow burn, but well worth a watch. I'm looking forward to part two.

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There's no need for me to say why I rate Halloween so highly. Most of the people that has seen it agrees with me anyway. I'll say this though...

Halloween is the quintessential slasher from one of the best horror directors out there.

If you require more incentives to check this one out, there's something profoundly wrong with you...

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(also its not my 1st language)

how did that movie get a 7.7 imbd rating???

movies like this are the reason why I dont like the horror genre, its just so dumb.
Ofc the kid only starts screaming after the Killers gone so she can say theres no one there, not turning on the lights and rather walking in the dark when hearing a weird noise, her only stabbing him once and not making sure hes dead/tie him etc and turning her back to him and just sit there so he can dramatically rise from the dead and all that stupid shit are reasons why I cant with horror movies, its always the same. Sure there a a few good horror movies but for me those are the exception.

Very boring movie, apart from the typical dumb behavior it also has no real story or substance, dont understand how this turned into a kult franchise, maybe with 45 years after release Im just too late.

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I'm definitely not a fan of slasher movies, but John Carpenter's Halloween is just incredible in my eyes. It's one of those movies I can rewatch constantly and never get bored. I feel that much of it has to do with how fantastic the direction is. Carpenter uses plenty of long shots and slow transitions, and there's almost always some chilling detail daring the viewer to find it. The villain feels especially scary because of how quiet and foreboding he is. The iconic music and sound effects just seal the deal. Despite how many times I've seen this, it always surprises me with how effectively it can build tension and how firmly it can grab my attention, despite my adversion for the genre. It doesn't do that by being original (I mean, it is one of the most quintessential examples of the genre) but by just being a damn good movie.

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The only good thing of this movie is the theme song (and I think P.J. Soles nipples too) but that song begin to annoy when you heard again and again and again and again and again and again in every scene of this trash shitty film.

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A milestone movie in slasher genre.

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this movie is so creepy at times.. so much better than the recent films from the franchise

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First time seeing this one ever and gotta say kinda liked it. Sure the acting and the plot weren't the best but considering in age its still fairly decent. I do however like Laurie's character. She didn't just sit back and scream like a helpless child. All in all fairly decent. Definitely going to watch the next one

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It is just an old classic. Don't go in and watch it expecting anything incredibly amazing and unexpected. At this time of year, it won't be anything chilling and out to shock you, leaving you in disbelieve as if you have watched something incredibly new and original. Don't. Just no.

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BlockedParent2015-07-08T07:43:46Z— updated 2020-07-29T09:05:53Z

One of, if not THE best, old-school horror flick! Every horror movie buff has to watch Halloween, even though it looks a little outdated today. The score however passes the test of time, its a perfect match for the movie and still gives me goosebumps.

I think this is John Carpenter's best (horror) movie, which is sad, because if he could have repeated what he did with the original Halloween movie, I would have loved his later horror flicks, too!

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Just Rewatched This Great Movie.. Writing Coulda made a more detailed Plot.. but I still enjoyed it... the Pacing suffered it was too quick. But Still a Very Great Film.. I love The Score and Cinematography Blend that in With a Thrill Ride and u got ur self a Great Slasher Film. My final Rating 3.5/5

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I like this movie and I've watched it a few times and I'll probably watch it a few times more in the future but the score throughout this movie is so annoying. The shrill high pitched noises, the repeating synths, very irritating.

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Is it a superb movie in today's definition? Absolutely not. Some characters become annoying, there's about 2 minutes of back story on Michael Myers that doesn't explain anything at all really, and the story is pretty predictable.

But put yourself in small town 1978, not that I'd have any idea being born 7 years later, but I can imagine. Kids walk to and from school, are running around the neighborhood past dark and no one locks their doors. It's possible to think that a killer could move in and out of houses around the neighborhood stalking teenagers having premarital sex. But in the current sense of a good movie, one could argue (and a lot of people have) that it's not a good movie.

But this movie holds a near and dear place in my heart. It's one of the first horror movies I saw as a kid while handing out candy on Halloween and it sparked the horror movie obsession I have today. The soundtrack, while simple, is something you'll never forget. And I look forward to sitting down with my kids, when they are old enough, and keeping the first horror movie tradition alive.

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The original and still the best of the Halloween franchise, it’s the template of so many horror films since. Sure the impact may be lessened by repeat viewings but what is still striking is how good the first half is at building tension and the film does not just rely on its jump scares to work. The opening sequence sets the tone straight away and the score still gets under your skin regardless. Myers remains a force of nature, relentless and silent and Pleasance hams it up brilliantly.

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I get the reverence people have for the character, the franchise, the history of it all, etc. But I could not believe how bored I was. Scenes drag on and on. Michael being unkillable is scary, but the dude is pretty slow, and reckless. Back in the late 70's, early 80's I could see how a stalker killer portrayed like this with long drawn out shots could increase the tension of the movie because that's just how scary things used to scare people but it just falls so flat in comparison to the horror of today, (and let's face it, the short video ADHD brain rot killing us all).

I ain't watching this again, and I won't be recommending it either. Felt like I wasted my time. Could have just read a synopsis and called it an evening. Would have been just as scary.

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First time watcher. I didnt like this at all. Nothing happens. Every scene is so long an boring. The extra loud lounds to try and force a jumpscare is lazy. The characters an acting is terrible. The screamin and moaning of jlc is also annoying.

The first escape scene at the start is nothing. Just a dark scene with a car. I dont understand, what am missing here. Why is the a 'classic'?

And why is no one switching on the lights?

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There’s not much to say about this film that hasn’t already been said. It’s easily MY favorite horror movie all time. It’s nearly 45 years old, shot on a tiny budget, and it still holds up. It’s still shooting out sequels, with the main character at that. I’ve watched this movie more times that I can count at this point, and it’s surely to remain a staple to watch every October. This year it’s a privilege to be binging before the new movie on Thursday!

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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Halloween is an absolute must watch for any horror fans. Despite being done in the 70s it's not horribly cheesy like a lot of movies were, although it does have its moments.
I honestly prefer this one to the others, especially the more modern ones.

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"Halloween" is an all-time classic in the Horror Movie genre with one of the creepiest killers and a solid protagonist with Jamie Lee Curtis's Laurie. There’s also Dr. Loomis who is so out of it, it can be unintentionally hilarious.

And let‘s not forget John Carpenter’s fantastic eerie soundtrack.

If you haven’t watched the original Halloween in a while and instead focused on countless sequels and reboots, you might be surprised how different Michael Meyers‘s first appearance was. The kills were not as frequent or over the top, there was no deeper more attached to him and he wasn’t an unkillable entity that hilariously survived being hit by an axe a few times.

No, the original Michael Meyers was build up slowly, first point of view shots, glances from the shadows and only really appeared fully fleshed in the third act of the film. He truly was treated like some point of Boogyman.

And while the film takes its time, and is maybe even a bit slow for today’s frantic standards, it works perfectly well.

It’s a film that still holds up even decades later and is just as effective around Halloween.

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THE classic October slasher flick. Kids nowadays don't get it, I guess.

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It's a nice movie to watch. I ended up with more questions lol. Curious how the other movies are going to end up compared to this. Nice to see Jamie Lee Curtis young.

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"Death has come to your little town, Sheriff."

Could there be a more classic Halloween film than THE Halloween film? Everything from the music, Michael Myers' silence, his presence.. is great. I remember watching this as a kid and being petrified of him. I think I still would be if it weren't for all the sequels. Knife deaths > gun deaths.

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When you strip horror down to its basic elements, you get Michael Myers. Save for some of the acting, this movie is flawless.

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A bona fide classic of the horror genre, but by no means the best of the genre. The original Halloween has impeccable direction and sound design, a staple of John carpenter's work. The film is subtle and creepy, preferring to let you do a lot of the guesswork when it comes to it's villain and his motives. The score has since become iconic and for good reason, as it is masterfully composed and utilised well throughout the runtime.

Whilst I would argue that by today's standards the film is not particularly scary, I would level that same criticism at the slasher genre as a whole. This films remains in my eyes the best the slasher genre has to offer, and a must-watch for horror fans.

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The horror is measured... until it becomes a slasher. I think it is OK, it was 1978. The feeling of someone lurking is terrifying. But the music... oh the music. That piece of music is great, it has everything to become iconic, which it did, but it is used until tired. I really would've liked it better to be used only in key moments, not in the entire movie.

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From writer/director John Carpenter comes the horror classic Halloween. The story follows the pursuit of escaped mental patient Michael Myers, who returns to his old neighborhood on Halloween night and goes on killing spree. Featuring Donald Pleasence, Jamie Lee Curtis, and P.J. Soles, the cast has some good performances. Carpenter’s directing is also especially good; particularly at building suspense and tension. Additionally, the minimalist score by Carpenter is remarkably effective at creating an eerie, atmospheric tone. There are some problems with the storytelling, but overall Halloween is a chilling horror film.

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of those horror films everyone has probably seen and for a reason. It's a great film and great to re-watch. The music and story compliment eachother. There were some great kills (especially the scene were Michael kills the boyfriend of the girl who says totally all the time). The ending scene was great as well. Definitely a horror film you need to see at least once.

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As for begining of the slasher movie series even after 40 years it still watchable. It makes it some sort of classic. :)

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Great classic horror film the score is fantastic in this film and really sets up the tone quite nice. Movie isn't too scary but you do feel for the charcters and not want them to be killed, probably not one of the best horror films ever made but a classic you should see.

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Absolute classic. My favorite movie. Was the template for a whole generation of horror that followed.

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For me it's was so annoying the music, but the movie is good for 1978. We had to admit that slayer movies couldn't had strong scripts, because nobody cares to do it.

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A teen babysitter named Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) gets stalked by an escaped mental patient. After making a delivery to the house he once lived at. Once he sees her with her friends he goes after them as well.
It’s that simple. This original classic isn’t an over-stuffed and disturbing film filled with random kills, like the remake. Which helps it be more effective.
Jamie Lee Curtis gets a lot of credit as a Scream Queen after this film. While she’s solid. I think Donald Pleasance steals the show. As Michael’s shrink who’s obsessed with stopping him. He’s over-used in every sequel but here he’s quite intriguing.

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Still so good, still so much fun and EVEN BETTER ON THE BIG SCREEN!

Yes, I watched Halloween in all its glory on the big screen today! And boy did I like it! The soundtrack sounds even better! And I love this film more the more I watch it! And I think I'm not the only one!

The Michael Myers mask, Donald Pleasence, Jamie Lee Curtis, Blue Öyster Cult, that amazing soundtrack, the ending, the POV shots in the beginning, everything just clicks. This is Carpenter at his almost best (best being the Thing). So glad that this film inspired so many other films.

I can recommend everyone to watch Halloween on the big screen. It really adds to the experience!

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Shout by Deleted

Halloween is one of the best slasher films of all time! Rob Zombie did a great job with the the 2007 reboot and hopefully the 2018 reboot won't disappoint. Honesty John Carpenter's Version will always be the best.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is at Jon carpenters best as this movie had a brilliant concept ,a some how impenetrable antagonist, none other than Jamie lee the scream queen , chilling music, a little drizzle of jumpscares , a bit of required nudity because that is where the story reveals on and that is why the antagonist starts killing teens in the first place.The opening scene was in my opinion a great sequence where he seen a his sister with a boy in a sexual relationship and kills her though seems over the top but that leads us to dwell into the psychotic nature of Our very own antagonist The deadly ,fearless, mask wearing who walks in a single posture ., the infamous 'Micheal Myers'

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My personal favorite horror film. From the lengthy first tracking shot to the final story twist, this is Carpenter's masterpiece.

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@rgmotamayor is much better than the Rob Zombie remakes.

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The best of the Michael Myers films, especially better than the over-stuffed, brutally violent and depressing Rob Zombie remake.

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Shout by Deleted

I actually thought it was pretty bad. I dont mind the lack of gore, in fact I liked it, but I guess it had to be seen at the time. Does not pass the test of time

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Cinema Paco 3: Image 3.5/5 Sound 4.5/ 5. Ideal for today (31/10). J. L. Curtis scream queen, it is okay and a clasic

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"it's halloween, i guess everyone's entitled to one good scare!" the best classic slasher. totally.

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Breaking into the Scream Factory boxset for the 31 Days Of Horror.

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Shout by Deleted

This was my first time watching this classic horror film. I was already familiarized with the well known story of Michael Myers so it was no surprise to me. I had once seen one of the most recent remakes of Halloween but it didn't stopped me from enjoying the film anyway.

Great camera work, great atmosphere and one of the greatest soundtracks and intimidating characters in the history of horror films.

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