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Grave of the Fireflies 1988

The greatest movie I never want to see again.

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Finally got around to watching this remarkable, deep, powerful, beautiful and heartwarming picture with a great sound track from Ghibli Studio.

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I watched Grave of the Fireflies in the mid 90's and was deeply moved. I watched it again in 2004, then having a 4 year old son, and found it profoundly painful in a way I hadn't before.

A remarkable achievement.

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After watching this the first thing came to my mind was I'm so privileged I hadn't have to live through the horror of a war. Heartbreaking and moving story of two siblings whose love for each other gives us an example how we, people should treat and look after our loved ones. Must see!

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Shout by A.K.
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-06-02T17:02:58Z— updated 2018-08-10T11:16:11Z

It was emotional. The boy lost everyone one by one but i think the film was highly inaccurate. First he should leave his sister at his aunt's house.
Second if he had the money why did he steal?
Third he should take her to the doctor early.
Fourth he never tried to find a job.
The moral of this movie is "war is bad".

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Very depressing and sad movie and a neglected masterpiece, this movie clearly shows the direct and indirect costs of war and it's effect on children, I deeply moved by this movie
Totally recommended.

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This movie was like a deep stab in my heart with a knife. No with machete. So sad and cruel... and unfortunately so real. This actually happened and my cold heart was shattered into thousand pieces.

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What a terrible pick to watch on Christmas Eve.
Many of the comments I've seen have refered to this as one of the saddest cartoons every created.
I felt this movie was more depressing and anger inducing then anything, and left me rather drained when the credits rolled around.
As always with everything Studio Ghibli, a feast for the eyes from start to finish, but beyond that, a rather staunch and bland adventure.

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Another fantastic movie from Studio Ghibli that you'll ever want to watch once. This is a film that aims to hurt, and after watching it, I can't see myself ever wanting to watch it again in the future. I still highly recommend it, but pick a good time that you can fully pay attention to it.

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Possibly one of the most emotional anime movies I have ever watched. Grave of the Fireflies was filled with so much raw emotion. It's a tragic, heartfelt movie that shows you the outcomes of war and how its like to live through them. From the beginning to the end I was hooked, waiting for the next scene and preparing myself for even more tears. I highly, highly recommend this. 10/10

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Heartbreaking… Although it feels a bit weird to watch this kind of story in an anime format, but still… Heartbraking.

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Grave of the Fireflies is a tragic and heartbreaking war story. Its message is poignant. However, the anime emotionally moves the film one step from reality, softening its impact. Anime is just not for me.

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A neorealist and heartbreaking vision of World War II told in the stories of two orphaned children.

One of the saddest films I have ever seen, Grave of the Fireflies is a wonderful film with beautiful animation accompanied by an incredible soundtrack. Get your tears ready.


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An incredibly powerful, heart wrenching depiction of the impact of armed conflict. Sadly, always and forever relevant. This should be shown in schools.

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There was an intense sadness that permeates this film. It was simply a heartbreaking story that we know is all too true in our history. I think this story hits each person with a different intensity. Whether you have children, have survived through a war, etc. The emotional impact is different for each person, in each stage of life. I think if I were to revisit this in 20 years, I might be left sobbing instead of simply depressed. It was still an excellent film.

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The film is of quality, but very sad, very deep it makes you see the cruelty of that time and it tears your heart at the end.

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When I watched this I was on the dinner table, I wasn't able to cry there because I was also talking with my family, but later, when I was watching paying attention, the sadness and how brilliant this movie is hit and even remembering now makes me close to crying.

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the only movie ever to make my tears fall

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I cried about it, but I don't really like it as the story just doesn't feel right.

It has a bit of story, but it feels rather weak for a Ghibli film and it just doesn't have the excitement or magic of the other Ghibli films :(

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This movie is so deep, so profound, I do not only cry every and every time I watch it, but I start to cry just remembering it (idd I'm almost right now).

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A very good movie!!!!!! Underrated! But, Ghibli at its best!

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Shout by Deleted

Grave of the Fireflies is a masterpiece and even the most cynical of viewers will be moved by the plight of the doomed siblings in this shocking, tender and devastating story of love and war.

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Tears are still falling...

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Shout by Zaheer Khan

Before the planes drop bombs we hear the sirens going off. But when the biggest bomb is dropped on us, we get no warning... "She never woke up." Just like that... Tragic. :'(

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I strongly disliked how half the problems could have been avoided had he acted different.

A masterpiece for its time in animation. But the story fell flat for me.

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Shout by Deleted

Cried my fucking eyes out. This review didn't help!

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This is such a horrible movie.

You can go years not remembering what it was about, and, then, a fleeting glimpse of the tin can the hard candy used to be in will destroy you all over again!

Watch this and think of Gaza. (Proud of my Jewish heritage, not a Zionist. War, and children starving cannot be tolerated.)

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A tragic and emotional journey supported by a World War II portrayal, those are always captivating. Without a doubt a quality drama that's emotional for most but maybe i'm heartless because this didn't do much for me. First off, you watch this knowing how it all ends sinse they show it to you. Everything that follows is just delaying the inevitable and it's made so predictable. Then it's misery after misery after misery... so much of it that it shoots itself in the foot and completely desensitized me before the ending. It could have worked if it was shorter with less of the misery scenes I think. A little more than half of it was incredibly effective though and I like the characters and it's heartwarming seeing Seita care for his sister. By the end I was just exhausted at all the misery and incredibly let down that it goes for the ending I saw happen in my head the whole runtime.

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Revealed the cruelty of war in rather fresh tone.

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Oh wow. Perfection–I don’t have words for this.

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if you every want to be happy again, don't watch this movie. 9/10

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This movie tells us the horrific conclusion of WWII. The two main characters touched my heart to the core. This movie reminded me of Satyajit's Rays "Apu's Trilogy".

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this was the only movie that i was keep thinking even weeks after i watched it.. and that it is based on the autho's real life ( i dont want to fully spoil it ) that makes this movie even more sad

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The original title of the film is Hotaru no Haka.

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Ok, this one is heavy and sad, but I fell that something is missing about the story, it's so square and I still have some questions...

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Ever since I watched it when I was younger (like pre-teen young), I've always felt this movie was a beautifully animated tragic tale that makes one of the best anti-war arguments. And now, as an adult, I can see how the cost and tragedy of war is immeasurable. Yet this movie is just one story trying to show that.

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oh my god :pray: this movie close to my heart :heart_eyes:

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watching this movie while having a 4 years old sister is extremely painful and heartbreaking :broken_heart:

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I can't imagine how this film could have been more poignant :disappointed_relieved:

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I don't remember being this sad because of a movie before.

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This is just one big cryfest. No matter how many times you've seen it.

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From the very beginning, you know this movie is going to break your heart. Based on a novel by Akiyuki Nosaka, with screenplay by Takahata, this is Studio Ghibli at it's best. Beautiful animation. A full and poignant story. Equisite detail in character animation. A wonderful pairing of music and theme. I can't think what would have made this film better. I give this a 10 (perfect) out of 10. [Animated Dramatic Feature]

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The sadest movie i've ever watched

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Um filme impecável no sentido de qualidade visual. No enredo, senti falta de uma trama com mais reviravoltas e surpresas.
A relação dos irmão é muito bem construída e é a maior responsável por nos levar até os minutos finais do filme.

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Brilliant, but so damn sad. Careful to be in the mood for a sad film or it will ruin your day. Very powerful.

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@majormercyflush I tried to watch it when I was already a father (my daughter should also be about 4 at the time), and I found it too painful and disturbing... I couldn't see it to the end.
I never ever felt so deeply moved by any movie.

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Solid movie, but look stupid if you watch it today!

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