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Good Boys 2019

Yes, the acting was juvenile, the jokes puerile and the swearing youth infantile so obviously I laughed harder than I have at any other movie this year. The movie's ending and the refusal to resort to sexist humour made this film a pleasant surprise. See it with the 15-year-old in you.

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This is a lot of fun, it's really funny and sweet. There is just something funny about young kids cursing nonstop. Jacob Tremblay, Keith L. Williams and Brady Noon have great chemistry together.

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okay so let's start by saying THIS ISN'T FOR KIDS and it's rightly not meant to be but I went on a crowded Saturday night to see this movie with my two teen brothers and let me tell you the entire theater was roaring with laughter from pretty much begining of the movie till the credits rolled this is a clear simple plot and has been done before however it's funny every time I must say this is indeed the comedy movie of the summer I gotta say if you are mature enough not to be offended by raw humor and are looking for a good time this is most definitely the movie for you we all laughed nonstop

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it has the same mistakes as the most recent comedy movies but manages to be one of the funniest released in the last decade that I've watched.

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Haven't lmfao in ages! So many wtf moments, but a nice binge!

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Bean bags boys 4 life

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Don’t believe the bad reviews, this movie is light and funny and shouldn’t be taken seriously. A movie about 3 tweens trying to grow up to fast.... watch it if you love dumb fun!

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Enjoyed it very much.Laughed out many times.Love to watch movies like this

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Whoooo! Awesome, funny and exciting! That's what a comedy needs.

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This movie is a fun watch. It's a juvenile version of Superbad. Needless to say, this isn't a movie for kids. :rofl:

That kid's version of I Want to Know What Love Is was on point. :metal_tone2:

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I thought it was a bit awkward to see kids act and talk about certain topics...

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I haven't laughed this much or this hard in years!! This is hilarious - no fart or poop jokes either!

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I really, really, REALLY, REAAAAAAAAAAALLY liked it!

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Best comedy in years, reminds me of my adolescent years with ma bois

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There are lots of things wrong with this juvenile take on Superbad - the bad language and raunchiness is sure to upset a lot of parents and moral guardians - but it is very funny at times, with a great group of kids who gel well together. Any chances of a sequel set in the 7th Grade?

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This is basically the terrible middle school version of "Superbad".

28:30 is the exact moment that I turned it off, because I couldn't take anymore. I gave it a 4/10, only on the benefit of the doubt that it COULD have gotten better, but I was not willing to sit through it and take that chance. That's 28:30 of my life that I can't get back, but at least it wasn't the full 1:29:00.

I'll take my victories where I can get them.

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Nice movie that is funny because you're an adult looking back kn childhood.

There are some funny scenarios and there's laugh out loud moments throughout.

Enjoyed it in a sweet way. Harmless and quite charming.


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it's actually a really fun movie.

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It's definitely got its moments - the drug deal, the obliviousness (CPR doll and the card exchange come to mind.) It's also not the funniest movie ever, and that's okay—it does its job. Got a few chuckles and a few laughs out of me. Without a doubt the greatest scene is the random "What the f*** are you looking at, Gandalf?" 2.5/5

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okay so I wasn't sure what to think of this one going in to see it with my two brothers there were lots of thoughts running threw my head but however I laughed nonstop the movie was dirty no doubt but absolutely hilarious at the same time if you are looking for the comedy of the summer this is it one of the best of the year you couldn't possibly see a better comedy that I know of this entire year leave the young kids at home for this one but it's hilarious.

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A rather entertaining film that anyone who is secretly a kid at heart will laugh at. Jacob Tremblay is a very talented actor and I look forward to seeing what comes from him in the future.

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The bad thing is I saw the trailer earlier so most of the funniest parts I knew and wasn't surprised me...

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First of all this is not a kids film, it is not meant for Kids.
I haven't laughed like that in a while! every scene every joke was perfectly crafted, yes the sex toys ignorance and the use was hilarious.
The CPR Doll got me in tears. Great movie, very funny, great scenes and lines that you would not expect. Extremely enjoyable from many multi advertised and promoted "blockbuster comedies".

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I loved this movie! When I put it on I just wanted a comedy and that is exactly what I got. I didn't expect it to be crude and that is what I enjoyed the most. It made me think back to my childhood and the things we did behind closed doors. I was able to look past the inexperience of some of the actors and appreciate the movie as a whole. This movie I have recommended to many and it was always a hit.

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Since I started tracking all of my movies, this is my most watched movie that has come out in that timeframe! And it is entirely justified in my opinion! This movie is incredible. It is hilarious in a unique push the boundaries type of way! There is so many quotable lines...and they are all from the mouths of kids. If you haven't seen this yet, you need to check it out immediately!

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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I just want to be Thor parents rich.... the amount of mula they squander on sex toys is definitely pre-coronavirus times :joy::joy::joy:

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Superbad jr. The Movie.

Yeah this wasn't for me unfortunately. I didn't laugh once.

I'm surprised this type of American humor is still going after 2013.

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This is the only movie that truly encapsulates what it is to be young nowadays, messing around with friends, drinking "sips" of beer, looking up porn for the first time lmao. Overall pretty great movie, with some really great laughs. The fact that the girls were so obsessed with getting the molly really made no sense, even to the point where they buy a 600$ drone to trade for two pills really made no sense but it's a comedy and really didnt unemerse me too much.

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Who are the parents to these kid actors? ha

Well that was a good laugh, the talented kid cast trying to be teenagers put on a good show and I enjoyed it. XD

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Shout by kinky

Hot damn! I hadn't laughed this much with a movie in ages! Probably since the excellent Superbad, as this movie is rather reminiscent of it.
I've read a few terrible reviews about this one, which made me procrastinate watching it, even though I enjoyed the trailer. But I'm glad I finally got to it! Yes, it's tacky, vulgar, crude, raunchy... But it's also a ton of fun!
Please do yourself a favour, tell your brain to go take a walk for 90 minutes and get your belly ready for some heavy laughter!

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"For all its wacky, gross-out, shock-ya humor, Good Boys has a lot of heart."

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everything you can see here you can see better in other movies. dont know why somebody made this. boring, unfunny and no chemistry at all.

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Maybe they'll just keep going lower and lower in age. After SuperBad, Eigth Grade and now Good Boys we'll maybe see Toddlers and how the inner circles of choice babysitter selections can lead to a struggling youth and desire to re-enter the cradle.

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Shout by Deleted

It's a really fun movie, its funny to watch

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