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Godzilla 2014


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2018-07-28T22:45:49Z— updated 2021-03-31T02:59:57Z

I think Godzilla looks bad ass and way better than he did in the 1998 film. However, why so little of him ?
The new film also is disappointingly looks like its more about family and humans again than Godzilla as well :(.
Aaron Taylor Johnson was Oscar worthy in Nocturnal Animals and better as a soldier in the Wall. Here, he’s dull and makes us wish there was more Bryan Cranston instead.

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Just came in to see Bryan Cranston and Godzilla... Brian Cranston dies at 15min and Godzilla appears only at the last 15min. So disappointing.

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What an unholy, uninteresting, confusing mess. Even worse than the rubbish Michael Bay turned out as Transformers movies!

The only character we could empathise with bought it after about twenty minutes, and so did my interest...

More about "mutus" than Godzilla anyway.

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Hum... How about no?

Boring and super lame.

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what's with Americans and friendly fire?

"hey look there are people stuck on the bridge... SHOOT THEM WITH RPGS... NUKE EM FROM ZHE ORBITS!"
"hey look that big guy is helping us... FIRE ZEM RPGS...THROW TANKS AT IT!"

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easily one of the worst movies I've seen in recent years

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Shout by zxki
BlockedParent2024-03-29T18:04:14Z— updated 2024-03-30T23:30:49Z

Both the best and worst godzilla movie. The best because of the sfx/vfx/cgi, horror/darkness, casting, and just every scene with monsters. The worst because around one and a half hours of this wasn't needed at all. It was filler for characters who don't last or have any meaning what so ever. I rather they take a few years building a proper Godzilla movie rather than this wasted 'Wanda, Quicksilver and Walter White with a bit of Godzilla' nonsense. They didn't even have to pay Godzilla for this because she was volunteering as a background character.

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Started off interesting, only to become a movie about darkness and monster sound effects. It's so dark you can't see a thing. Pity paying to see this at the cinema.

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I have a love for every Godzilla movie..some more than others.. haters ain't never happy

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All the people giving this film lower reviews legit don't understand it. This is one of the greatest blockbusters ever crafted, not just in it's visuals, but writing.

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Yes, there's a little too much focus on the human drama and too little Godzilla. That being said, Gareth Edwards exercises a great amount of restraint in showing the titular creature fight and, well, be seen in general. This is both a complaint and a good thing, believe it or not. It builds anticipation over the two hour runtime. I do think we could've seen some more of Godzilla in the first half, though. Maybe cut back on the Ford stuff to make room for more monster. But beyond that, this nails what I was hoping it would be. The audio design here is amazing. The story is a little disjointed between what's happening with Godzilla and our protagonist Ford (a lot of the time it feels like Ford's story is written just so he'll end up where Godzilla is) but it isn't bad. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. 4/5

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The makers of this movie clearly didn't know what to do and quite frankly I don't understand why not. I was watching this with my 6-year old son who, only the day before, watched Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla with me. "'When's Godzilla gonna appear" he said about half an hour in... It would take another half hour to actually happen. And yeah, he looked cool... for the 10 seconds you see him.

The most amazing thing is that they even cut away from ALL the fights almost immediately, not counting the endbattle that takes place in near darkness. WHY? Who thought this was a good idea? The movie is called GODZILLA, not "Dead-eyed humans look at something".

Seriously, let these movies be written by a 12 year old first and then add some adult writing. Goddammit.

Also Bryan Cranston was there for what reason? His family arc was completed the second he died (I won't put a spoiler for this, it happens almost immediately.)


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Fascinating. I love giant monster movies and this has been spectacular. I look forward to the Godzilla movie in 2019.

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Miles ahead of the 1998 version, creature effects to die for, and a decent nod to the original Japanese movies.

Still...can't give this a top score. It's entertaining, and you don't feel bored after 2 hours of giant creature bonanza, but there are something missing.

The story is ok, and the actors do a good job within the framework of the script, but somehow I feel that I have seen everything before in other movies. I'm not sure what give me that feeling, but after seeing it was even worse.

Good enough for an evening's entertainment if you haven't seen it. Not that exciting the second time through...

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meh. Should've rewatched Pacific Rim instead. Did enjoy the storyline and ending though. Just want the 2 hrs back it took to get there.

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Godzilla was terrible. You don't even see the eponymous monster till the last fifth of the film and the first actual fight doesn't take place until then either. But, don't worry, in case you came in expecting some nice action, be sure to be disappointed because you won't be able to see anything at all, as everything either ends before it even starts, or it'll be constantly shrouded in darkness and smoke. No, instead of getting Godzilla for most of the movie, you get some melodramatic human characters you don't care about at all and who never develop. The acting's terrible, and Ken Watanabe in particular just stands around with his mouth open, staring, in practically every scene he's in. Everybody just stands around making irrational and irresponsible decisions too. It took me like five sessions to finally finish it because there was barely any motivation to do so.

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The first few minutes seemed promising. Then the overacting toupee-wearing made-for-TV lead actor started talking :-(

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this is a homemade pacific rim

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People who complain about the 1998 Godzilla - have never seen this. At lease Robo-croc is tongue in cheek...this was promoted as a serious movie!

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As an old school Godzilla fan, I was worried this was going to be a repeat of '98. Boy was I wrong! I loved the scope. I loved the MUTO's. But most of all, I loved that this was treated seriously, and seemingly with a lot a reverence.

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The arrogance of men is thinking nature is in our control and not the other way around.

When this came out, people were upset that it did not have enough creatures in it. I agreed back then but now after the sequels I realize that Gareth Edwards was trying to focus on the story and not just a CGI fest. I really enjoyed Bryan Cranston's character and wish I could have more of that too. While I left wanting more, sometimes that is better than having too much.

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A little too focused on the humans and not enough on the monsters but when we saw them fighting it was awesome.

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not as bad as the 1998 Godzilla, but still a bad movie. Godzilla takes ages to appear, and when he does, the fight between him and the Mutos is so brief, its over before you know it. to make matters worse, the fight takes place in so much darkness and smoke, you can barely see whats going on, plus the action keeps cutting away to show what the human characters are doing. the Japanese never should have given the film rights to an american film studio in the first place. hopefully the upcoming Japanese Godzilla movie, Resurgence, will show the Americans how it should be done.

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Wild hair re-watch off the To-Watch Pile. Holding up well so far...I don't get the hate that this one got. People are weird.

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Shout by Deleted

Godzilla is so lovely

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Quite mediocre, what little godzilla they have is amazing, but otherwise mediocre

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The most boring of the Monsterverse for me, The best fucking actor just fucking dies before reach the half of the movie and after that the whole conspiratorial approach is lost and it becomes an military movie... But hey, despite his participation of like 8 minutes, Godzilla completely steals the movie and makes it all worth it. By the way, the Mutos couple are my favorite kaijus in this cinematic universe.

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The music, sound design, and visual effects shine in this, the sophomore effort from famed Really Big Things enthusiast Gareth Edwards; still the best American Godzilla movie 10 years later
P.S. Cranston steals the show!

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How many Godzilla are there?
15 years ago they found fossil of one Godzilla with MUTO spores. Is the present Godzilla related to previous Godzilla? How long do they live?

Is this the same Godzilla that military tried to kill in 1950's? Was there a MUTO back there as well? If no MUTO showed itself back in 1950's why did Godzilla show up? What did Godzilla try to kill in 1950's to balance the nature?

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Still holds up well after 10 years, Godzilla is how you do a proper Kaiju movie. The characters and story are actually good for this type of movie. Definitely better than average. They used the family aspect to build up the main character and it works for the most part, you get who he is and what he's fighting for. Bryan Cranston did a great job as the father and the stuff with the mother was touching.

Godzilla is such a badass in this one, then again has he ever not been?? His introduction was perfection, I got chill from how epic it was. The MUTOs are the perfect adversaries and I love the flavor they added by introducing the male/female/offspring versions. An improvement would have been the eggs actually hatching and the humans fighting the offspring.

Spectacular fight scenes, great special effects, good score and such a good-looking movie in general. It felt like a horror movie in some parts and I love that, if you watch it in the dark it's a tiny bit scary. Those two hours fly by. Glorious final kill.

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Even though Gareth Edwards' Godzilla reboot from 2014 has a number of weaknesses, I still like the movie. The monster fights, which are by far the most important part of this type of movie, are spectacularly staged. The monster design, especially that of Godzilla, is also convincing. Less strong are the human characters, all of whom remain bland apart from Bryan Cranston's Joe. And the handling of Cranston's character is perhaps shocking, but not in an entertaining way. It also takes far too long to get to see Godzilla. It's perfectly okay to build up the tension slowly, but you can overdo it. Fortunately, Edwards is a master at conjuring up spectacular action with visual effects on the screen. This makes the last third of the movie in particular an audiovisual feast. If the human story had been a little better, "Godzilla" could have been a masterpiece. As it stands, it's 'just' a good monster movie.

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God, that atomic breath fatality directly into the MUTO's mouth, ripping its head clean off, was made even better by Godzilla carrying its head like a trophy after.

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the end of the world vibe always works for me:skull::thumbsup:

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[Prime Video] The approach to kaijū that ends up making Roland Emmerich's film worse than it already was, as the beginning of a MonsterVerse that has had numerous ups and downs. There is at least an attempt to surround the monsters with some narrative consistency around humans, but the more interesting characters end up suffering more consequences than the less attractive ones. There remains a first act highly influenced by Steven Spielberg's jurassic narrative and an entertaining third act, despite taking place most of it in a nighttime setting.

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A touching love story between two giant insect monsters.

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Shout by Deleted

i didn't know aaron and elizabeth were in this?!

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Shout by Deleted

The only monster movie I'd CONSIDER a 2nd watch

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A really interesting movie. Don't understand the bad reviews. It’s a movie, it needs a story. If you want only Godzilla, go watch animated movies.

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frankly i envy anyone who says this movie is the worst movie they've ever seen because they've clearly never been traumatized by cinema before and that's an innocence i wish i could go back to. anyway godzilla is cute i love cgi.

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A movie about the Godzilla, but without the Godzilla.

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A movie where the titular character is weirdly held in mystery for it's entire runtime. Sweeping ankle shots and brief glimpses really detract this from being a great monster movie, with it preferring to linger on the havoc and military response than the monsters themselves. That said, it's not a bad disaster movie, it's just not very gripping one as the human element is shallow and formulaic. A decent first foray for the MonsterVerse, but not the jump start it really needed. Now onto Kong Skull Island!

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I went in to this wanting to see Godzilla wipe his arse with cities from the get-go, so you can imagine how pissed off I was having to wait two hours for the main carnage to arrive. Also, why is Godzilla in this movie for what feels like a grand total of ten minutes, I couldn't care less about the storylines revolving around the main human characters, just show me what I signed up for, a giant dinosaur getting smashy.

I'm blue balled, disappointed and my night has been wasted.

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Further to my point of Cloverfield... This is exactly how Hollywood always botches up a monster movie. I'm sure it's because of the actors ego's, but this is sposed to be a Godzilla film, not a people film.

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Humans humans humans humans humans and a little bit of Godzilla

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A little bit underwhelming even though I really like the look of Godzilla.

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well, i don't know what can i say.. little bit boring, but it was good.

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Shout by Deleted

Visually stunning, but otherwise pretty boring for the whole middle.

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I enjoyed it more the second time on Netflix than the first time in the cinema...

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Might take a couple of watches to get all that is going on. To me, gets better with age.

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Shout by Deleted

This could also be called ''Black - the Movie''

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Good movie but this one is pretty dark, either it's me or the film. Irrespective it is a monster vs. man movie that is relatively action scene after action scene with a minimal plot. Good if you are doing other tasks and not following. To me, this is more of a visual tech demo of special effects and cinematography.

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Shout by Deleted

i like this movie it's good

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Don't watch this movie if you just want some meaningless monsterfight. Watch it because you wanna se a "realistic" movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat - With monsters in it. In a word...EPIC!

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Shout by Deleted

not my usual type of movie; came just for taylor-johnson and olsen but was pleasantly surprised. the two of them are phenomenal and cranston knocks it out of the park. watanabe spends most of the movie looking extremely confused. it's great

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Shout by Adam K.

Quite good, but -1 for Godzilla killer-pukes ;)

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2014-12-06T12:47:32Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:58:14Z

I wouldn´t categorize Godzilla as an awful movie in general. It´s not worse than most of the other Hollywood blockbuster. But it also isn´t a must-see movie by any means. For me it has one general flaw. Although I like the idea of not showing minute-long monster fights, because we`ve seen enough of that in other movies, it doesn´t work here. You need strong and interesting characters to support such a move and that´s what´s missing here.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted


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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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muito ruim. me deu sono... cheguei a babar no meio da soneca...

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Shout by Deleted

It was all good until the godzilla's atomic breath...

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Shout by Deleted


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Plot = 0. Nothing more to add

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Shout by Deleted

buena... vuelve a lo que es originalmente godzila...

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First off; I didn't see any trailers of teasers, on purpose, did not look up any reviews or score cards when it hit the theater, just because it's so easy to create a hype around something these days and therefore you'll end up disappointed by default.

I just went to see a Gojira movie and enjoyed the ride. They chose the keep it closer to the the original story and completely ignore the 1998 remake, like they should. If there is a follow-up, I will go see it, and I'm sure I would enjoy that one also.

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Great Monster-Movie that shouldn't be taken too seriously (like all monster movies). Great visuals and fantastic Sound-Stage!
I would have loved to see Bryan Cranston through the entire movie as a main character.. Too bad he only serves as an entrance into the main story. Still, the Movie deserves more positive reviews and anybody who loves Science Fiction and huge Monsters like in CLOVERFIELD or PACIFIC RIM will enjoy watching this. Ignore the haters - decide for yourself. I liked it!

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Shout by Deleted

Mala. Aburrida. Los monstruos casi solo se ven de noche.

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Shout by Deleted

Great fun film that shouldn't be taken too seriously (like all monster movies). Very glad to see it wasn't a remake of the 90's version, which was more like Jurassic Park in New York. My biggest letdown was the 3D, which didn't add anything to the film.

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too many bad aspects about this movie for me to write. I was like yawn yawn from start to end. boring!

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not for me was kinda poor when I seen the cockroach and well the whole thing took a nose dive in expectations so in a few words it sucks don't waste yah time watching this

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Needed more Godzilla.

(Very poor choice to show nothing but Godzilla and Bryan Cranston for most of the ad campaign, given neither are the focus of the film.)

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It should be called Family Brody and monsters, it´s okay but are little time monsters on screen, I enjoy more with the old

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What a waste of CGI. And a story full of holes like as deep as the deepest sea godzilla was woken up from, not emotions at all. Even the best scenes like the free fall one seem to be just a reuse...

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