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God Grew Tired of Us 2006

An emotionally charged, unflinching look at the vast cultural gap between suburban America and war-ravaged central Africa. When a select few members of an impoverished clan of Sudanese expats are voluntarily selected for transplant to the United States, it seems like an act of charity. But after three months, these tall, eager, warm-hearted refugees - many of whom were fascinated by the electric lights above their seats on the flight over - are expected to come to terms with this brave new world, acclimate to the new social and temperate climates, find work and begin paying down the air fare Uncle Sam extended to them. Their passion to do so, and the extent of their successes over the ensuing years, is a source of deep inspiration. It's not without a political agenda, as is the case with most documentaries in this vein, but even after casting that aside there's a rich, poignant message waiting here.

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