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Ghostbusters 1984

Awesome movie... I dont think I'll ever a see a movie again that amused me so much as a kid growing up1

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One of my first favorite movies ever! I am happy to stay that I like it as much now as i did when this came out during my early childhood.

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I was sitting down to watch the new Ghostbusters: Afterlife when I realized that I hadn't seen the original in probably 15 years and had in fact never bothered to see the sequel. So, I changed plans and decided I'd do something of a marathon and watch all three (perhaps even four, as I also haven't seen the reboot from 2016).

This movie is a classic for a reason and it remains worthy of its reputation. Yes, the effects are incredibly dated, and yes, the ending doesn't quite stick the landing, but neither of those things really matter when Bill Murray is on screen delivering some of the most hilarious and iconic one liners of all time. I also want to complement the brilliantly snappy pacing, from hilarious cold open all the way to marshmallow covered finale, there isn't a wasted moment.

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I occasionally take the quietest moment of the evening to turn to who ever I am with and belt out SOO Be GOOD!!! for GOODNESS SAKES! Woah-Ohhhhhhh!!!!

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Part of my 2022 Ghostbuster FunTime - 1 of 3

"You don't know what it's like out there. I've worked in the private sector. They expect results."
Dr. Raymond Stantz

Ghostbusters was one of my favorite movies as a kid, and that hasn't changed much. Except for a little dated effects, Ghostbusters is just as I remember it. Loud, fun, and exciting. Just about perfect!!_

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After watching it for the first time, I expected much more out of the movie. I understand it is a 'classic' but it did not click with me enough. It felt slow at times and the overall writing was below average.

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It's not one of my childhood favorite movies so I have no nostalgic feelings for it. It's not that funny and it gets too silly. But there are still some really good moments on it.

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Also, to say the special effects are dated is so obvious and stupid. Of course they are. It was made in the early 80s, ffs!

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Very much of its time. Bill Murray is annoying and seems to not even care for the role at many points throughout. Great music and practical effects, but overall this is probably not worthy of its “classic” status.

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First of all, I understand the financial success behind the original “Ghostbusters” idea: their weird equipment and traps, the firehouse base, the Ectomobile, the good chemistry of the leads, the colorful and inventive design of the creatures, the soundtrack…so many elements of this film are potentially iconic, but everything gets spoiled by the underwhelming writing. The relaxed tone they chose is perfect, but the jokes are not nearly as witty as they were meant to be, the plot is contrived to say the least, characters have no development, sometimes new people are introduced and just left hanging there without purpose (Winston, Dana’s hinted “boyfriend”). Verkman’s character outshines the others at first, but his humor gets repetitive quickly. It’s weird when a film that finds its climax with one-liners like “This man has no dick” or situations like Dan Aykroyd getting a ghost blowjob is regarded as a timeless comedy masterpiece. Again, the film is not terrible, it has more than a few nice ideas and funny situations indeed, but overall is nothing more than your average ‘80s mainstream comedy.

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I found it entertaining but with lack of power in its plot. I felt it like a TV episode, not so much like a movie. Evidently the visual effects didn't age well but I think that makes tbis movie feel very 80's and that is a plus.

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Am I the only one who doesn't like this movie at all? i find it very boring and with a very weak dialogue. I respect the ones that like it. But if there is enyone who agrees with me please let me know.

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Can’t go wrong with Dan Akroyd and Bill Murray! Funny, light family film.... great 80’s throwback full of memories. Can’t wait for they instalment!

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Having never sat through the film in one sitting before, I thought Halloween would be the perfect time for me to cross the streams.

This film really is fantastic. A fun-filled, hilarious 80’s classic. The script is very well-written and every single performance stands out. I don’t know why I haven’t watched this sooner.

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This was NOT as good as I thought/remember. Bad day? Maybe. I really want to like this.

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I saw the 2016 reboot yesterday and decided it was time to return to the original. Many people have slated the new film - it cant' match the original - it can't work with women - blah blah blah - etc. Guess what, the 1984 movie is not perfect. Its very much of its time, the special effects are variable, it isn't as funny as you remember. Return to the film and you might agree - we remember the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, the demon dogs, the library ghost - all with affection. But it is rose-tinted and not as good as remembered. For its time though, it is a good film, but it does not warrant the classic status that the 2016 Ghostbuster haters are making it out to be. There is room in the world for both movies and for the record... I kinda prefer the new film.

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The main support of the film is the interpretation of Bill Murray. As the film progresses, his character remains anecdotal and becomes repetitive.

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Ghostbusters was pretty good. Bill Murray's characterisation, while funny, seemed inconsistent and everybody's line deliveries were really awkward and unnatural to me. While I realise it wasn't a horror film, tension was almost solely achieved through music and the EPA 'villain' was very contrived. All that unnecessary distruction was uncool and the movie featured the quietest and meekest prisoners ever. Having said that, it was still fun and there were definitely some funny moments. Louis and Stay Puft were the best characters.

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Shout by Deleted

I've seen this literally dozens of times... Could act in it!

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Almost ashamed to say that my first Ghostbuster movie was ‘Afterlife’. Now that ‘Frozen Empire’ is out, I thought it was high time to view the originals first. This is some good ol’ 80’s fun, precisely as expected.

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I forgot how much of a dirty comedy this actually was. The casting was unbeatable. Everyone brought something different to the table, whether it be Bill Murrays one-liners, Sigourney Weavers embodiment, or Rick Moranis with his awkwardness. Aside from the costume design and destruction, the soundtrack and sound design make this even more iconic than it was. For its time, the visuals are shockingly good. It feels perfectly cinematic like the story. It doesn't shy away from being outrageous but makes sure to keep grounded. I mean, they added a huge marshmallow man. Do I need to say more?

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Is a film of the 80's in everything, I'm not the target for this one, i tried to love this but i can't the pace is so slow, i hated the characters and almost everything but i can understand why in those times was an instant hit and now is considered a classic.

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Fun film. Bit overhyped i feel though.

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Ghostbusters is one of the greatest movies to come out of the 80s.

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I always forget just how ....New York this movie is. Nothing else I can say about this one that hasn't already been said; it's a classic! I just miss that distinctly 80's style of moviemaking, with all the practical effects, where you can "see the strings," see the cracks in the illusion, and go "oh, that's how they got that shot." Some people might say it takes them out of the experience, but to me it just makes movies like this one even cozier to watch and rewatch. You can try to recreate it, and some have, but there's no substitute for the real thing

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Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9.5/10
Acting- 10/10
Kinematography- 9/10
Time- 10/10
Total - 48/5 = 9.6

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they sure did... bust some ghosts

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I don't get why everybody is so high on this movie! They say it's funny but it's not at all. The plot is stupid. Even the acting isn't all that good. Very disappointing.

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Ghostbusters is one of the greatest comedies of the 80s, and it still holds up as a classic today. The all-star trio cast of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis are at the top of their game, delivering unforgettable performances that are both hilarious and endearing. The film's blend of horror, comedy, and action is expertly balanced, making for a cinematic experience that is both thrilling and laugh-out-loud funny. The special effects may seem dated now, but they still hold up remarkably well, and the film's iconic theme song is still an absolute classic. Ghostbusters is a timeless classic that should be on every movie lover's watch list.

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Good movie about ghosts, very funny

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Classic movie, and if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s time to crawl out from underneath that rock you’ve been living under.

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For folks who don't want horror but want a great Hallowe'en movie. Loved it since childhood and always will.

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I like the 80s. And Sigourney Weaver was hot.

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I'm not afraid of any ghost, especially when these four catch them. :)

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7 - Good

Wacky, but fun is how I'd describe this film. Definitely funny, but at some times it can get a little scary even.

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Like the photograph of an old flame, the image is a little dated but the memories hold up well.

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Bought this on 4K Blu-ray so looking forward to seeing it on my 4K TV,the cast are amazing and nothing beats the original,it brings back lots of good memories of the 80s..

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“Who ya gonna call?” Fun and clever, Ghostbusters is a magnificent film, and one of the best comedies ever made. The story follows three paranormal investigators who go into business capturing and eliminating ghosts. Director Ivan Reitman has crafted an exceptional film that strikes the perfect tone; balancing the seriousness and the humor just right. Additionally, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis shine, giving outstanding performances. The soundtrack is also extraordinarily well-done; besides the now infamous Ray Parker Jr. “Ghostbusters” theme song, all of the music serves to enhance the film’s motif and gives it a surreal quality. Ghostbusters is one of those few films where everything seems to click together just right, and it has become a cultural phenomenon that continues to entertain audiences of all ages.

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"An infectiously fun blend of special effects and comedy, with Bill Murray's hilarious deadpan performance leading a cast of great comic turns."

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that lady needs to stay away from glasses. he is my boyfriend whose name i refuse to learn

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good movie with a good plot, expected more tho

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Shout by Deleted

Idok Fire's 1st choice. "I know it so well, I can recite nearly every line!"

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Shout by Deleted

old movie it from Columbia Tri-Star home video. #ShiftvW8

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I still like it, it does not seem as special as when I saw in the movies, but it has not aged badly. The new, ignored

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Obvs a 5 star. Truly baffled why they left the blowjob scene in. It looks to be part of a bigger cut scene but so odd being in there.

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My favorite film as a child and still brilliant today!

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This movie is a testament to comedy. Decades upon decades can pass. The mountains will begin to erode away ... but this movie will still stand tall and strong. It is, in all true statement, a natural wonder of the movie world.

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Still a great movie to watch even though we are so spoiled with today's CGI its amazing what they did back then!

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Something about Bill Murray in this one gets me every time. He’s not mugging for the camera, and not all his lines are that funny. He’s both the voice of reason and the kook, and bridges the gap between the cynical audience and the other-worldly happenings on screen.

Yes, the film loses steam towards the end but it’s such a fun journey to get there it doesn’t matter. Also, this whole thing is worth it for Sigourney Weaver; as are many things.

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need to watch the cartoon series to get me understand the consequences between them. really not give high expectation on new remake coming.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2015-10-05T03:51:41Z— updated 2022-10-17T14:54:01Z

Ghostbusters actually still works every time I watch it. I still cringe at Venkman’s pick up lines to a woman he just met. I still want to punch Walter Peck and get mad every time he has the containment unit shutdown.
For a PG movie it has a little too man grown up humor and language though. I do still laugh at them however.

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"Ray, when someone asks if you're a god, answer yes."

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suddenly seymour is the key master, he helps all the ghoosts to kill the human race

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Shout by Deleted

Classic. Grew up watching it

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Shout by Ben

Ghostbusters + Halloween = Classic! :D

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This is one of the best. I can't describe how much I love U, Ghostbusters <3

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Shout by Deleted

One of my Favorit Movies! I have see that one so many times and its sill entertaining!

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Only 98%? How can someone exist who doesn't like this movie?

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