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Get the Gringo 2012

Gibson, for all his offscreen controversy, still has his star-quality charism and shows it off in Get the Gringo.
It's invigorating in its disreputability; it's both cheesy and striking, corny and bold, dismissible and yet strangely appealing for its singularity.

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Well, wasn't expecting much but it was very entertaining (a fast pacing story, funny situations, a good dose of action and characters that feel real even if a they are sometimes a little too stereotypical), although the flick and its outcome is a little predictable and cheesy. None the less you could spend your time much worse than by watching Mel Gibson in Get The Gringo!

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"Get The Gringo" is all about Mel Gibson. This is a return to form for him. He's charismatic as the main character. Tough, funny and street smart, he transforms this otherwise quirky dark comedy into an action flick worth watching.

The supporting cast is underwhelming except for the little boy. He's practically Mel's equal when on his home turf and the two of them together have great chemistry.

As the movie rolls along, it gets very violent, as most of Gibson's movies do. It doesn't finish up as well as it starts, primarily as the relationship between Mel, the boy and his mother grows. It is an entertaining movie though, and it's great to see Gibson own a movie like this again. It's no "Road Warrior" or "Lethal Weapon" or anything, but it's pretty solid overall.

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Mel Gibson does not disappoint! Wonderful movie.

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Total surprise, total treat.

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Mel Gibson's comeback to Action/Drama with an entertaining and funny tale of a thief locked up in Mexico's worst prison...A must watch if you like Mel Gibson.

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Ok. I admit it. I missed Mel. Good to see him back in fine form. But he is still a schmuck offscreen.

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What we have here is the spiritual sequel to 'Payback' - a former soldier who is now a career criminal, quick-witted and able to conjure his way out of every trouble spot.

Now the cinematography is the complete opposite. Bright and digital (and that horrible overly high-frame rate digital that troubled Collateral back in this era too) opposed to Payback's washed out noir look.

But the character - here named only The Driver - is Porter (or Parker) in all but name. That same wit and ingenuity is identical.

As for the plot, it's predictable but deployed in an engaging and quick-moving way. The setting is more enjoyable in a post-Narcos world than it was when this first came out.

I know Mel Gibson has shot his career in the foot several times but this is evidence that he can carry a film in his sleep - even past his prime.

Really enjoyable and I recommend it as an essential yet highly unorthodox sequel to Payback.


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A buddy movie without a buddy. Totally predictable action fare.

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Shout by Deleted

I love it ❤️❤️

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Mel Gibson might be a douchbag in real life but he very watchable!

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This was a great movie, way better than I expected it to be. A definite must see.

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Finally saw this after excruciating days of waiting. sucked.

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