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Gerald's Game 2017

After reading the synopsis, I was expecting a minimalist film, akin to "Buried" (I've never watched "127 Hours", so I can't really compare to that one). But this was a rather trippy experience, by comparison. Carla Gugino may haven't carried the whole thing all by herself, but I think she did a great job, nonetheless, with some very convincing acting. Practical effects, though scarce, were very effective, as it was shown by the scene of her cutting her own wrist and thus escaping the handcuffs, which was very gut wrenching and a torture to watch (I mean it as a compliment).
There was a nice twist and a satisfying ending. I've never read Stephen King's book, but I'd say the movie stands on its own merit.

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"Hey Siri, Call 911" Boom. Problem solved.

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Surprisingly good movie. The plot quickly took a turn I didn't really expect and Carla Gugino carried this movie to a higher level with her performance. the addition of the Moonlight Man was a bit too much for me though, It was a strong plot on itself without this piece of the storyline, it felt added to bring a bit more gore and horror to the story when truly it was thrilling enough.

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An overreaching yawner. While I appreciated the lofty goal of shining a light on the strength a woman can find in herself after being abused, and moving forward afterwards—it almost feels like that idea was put in the film to make you feel guilty for not liking it. And I didn’t like it. The way her visions with her dad and husband intertwined somehow with the weird face eating freak with acromegaly disorder felt disjointed and ridiculously implausible. Just because Steven King is super famous and popular doesn’t excuse the failed sense of the supernatural. He must have been trashed when he wrote it, or perhaps something far worse.

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Well this one had me cuffed to my couch with It's deep, dark, creepy story plot also had me In a few giggles at times with Carla Gugino's character's actions. Over all It was a good film but did confuse me at times, played with my mind as much as her's, specially the ending, just didn't have the key to the cuffs.

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Very different from what I thought it was gonna be, I'm pleasantly surprised.
That scene where she rips her hand out of the handcuff was the grossest shit I've seen in a while, I could barely watch it.

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a really solid adaptation! i think netflix should be in charge of adapting all of stephen king's works from here on out. this was a good, uncomfortable watch—since many of his books are uncomfortable reads, it's nice when a movie pulls it off as well as the author did. and i cackled when gerald referenced cujo. the acting in this movie was A+, carla and bruce had amazing chemistry and carla excelled in playing both parts of a mind psychologically tormenting itself and desperately trying to survive.

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Google...unlock cuffs.......Google!....Unlock cuffs!.....Alexa, you bitch

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Really really good! Not to be defined a masterpiece but it's surely a great movie. I can't talk regarding the adherence with the book, considering I read it more than 20 years ago (and I really don't think it matters, as long as the movie is good) but for sure I can say that they did an awesome job both on the scripting and, especially, with the choice of the characters. All great but Gugino is way over all the other in a really impressing way. Outstanding performance, chapeau!

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An ok movie little boring in some points but overall it wasn't a waste of time. 6.4/10

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Pretty good! Definitely an interesting premise. It didn’t floor me or anything.

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My 2 hour long Carla Gugino fantasy put to film.

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A decent horror movie the is held together with the good performance from Carla Gugino.

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A very solid adaptation! Great production, Netflix is really surprising me with its King's adaptations. Keep up the good work!

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Carla Gugino stars in Gerald’s Game, a rather ugly and disturbing adaptation of Stephen King’s novel. The story follows a married couple that goes to their vacation home to work on their marriage, but when a sex game goes bad the wife ends up chained to the bed alone and at the mercy of a wild dog and other dangers. A lot of the film is psychological, with the wife thinking through escape plans, arguing with her subconscious, and flashing back to childhood memories. And the “chained” metaphors are pretty heavy-handed. Additionally, there’s a supernatural-ish subplot that seems forced and doesn’t quite work. Still, director Mike Flanagan does an impressive job at creating an intense and suspenseful atmosphere and at making the audience feel the pain and desperation of the character. Gerald’s Game is and interesting psychological thriller, but it’s kind of a mess at times and isn’t pleasant to watch.

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Absolutely loved this one, Flanagan and King at their best, great stuff.
A disturbing, gory, dark yet (somehow) sometimes humorous psychological horror movie that just really works.
From the main scenario to the devolution and resulting introspection of Jessie's psyche, it all meshes together to make a solidly twisted horror flick.
The main negative was the Moonlight Man and his story line. If it had been left more vague, leaving him to be an overarching supernatural threat, a manifestation of death there to push Jessie forward to face her dark past and escape her situation, I think that would have worked much better than him being an actual physical being who just turned out to be a weird ol' murderer.
Maybe this is handled better in the book.
Still, great movie, high recommendation.

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Oh man that handcuff ripping through the hand BLEHHHHH!

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A faithful adaptation of the book, and it was a good book.

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Being a huge fan of Stephen King, I was obviously keen to see the movie. The novel is one of the few I haven't read yet, so I can't fully compare the film. However, as a movie, I thought it was lacking somewhat. The main character seems to fall into psychosis very quickly, and there is little sense of her trying to escape from her predicament after the dramatic turn at the beginning of the film. The conclusion also failed to resonate as there wasn't enough focus on the reason why this ending is supposed to be so shocking. However, the film is well made, disturbing in parts, and more than a little sad when it comes to the backstory. There were also some neat connections to other King works, including The Dark Tower and Dolores Claiborne. So, while the film was ultimately underwhelming, the film has enough merit to make it worth a watch. The novel may cover over some of the issues I had with the film, so I may readjust my review at a later date.

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Shout by Deleted

Recommended. Very disturbing movie though.

The ending dialogue by the Moonlight man scared the shit out of me for many days..

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Wow this one creeped me out ._. - It's a really good movie which has the story of an inner conflict. That's really rare and makes the movie great, yet not easy to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

It’s a very strange film. It plays with our mind and in some case you cannot know if is real or not... I have been thinking that she is going to awake in any moment! It’s crazy.

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Going through Mike Flanagan's older films, and I think Gerald's Game is one of his stronger earlier works. You can see what he will eventually create in some of the scenes, and I don't just mean when a copy of the Midnight Mass book is thrown early on. This movie isn't particularly flashy to showcase some of the technical prowess of Flanagan, though flashback sequences illustrate his use of color well. There are some good use of prosthetics also. However, this movie is really a showcase for Carla Gugino's acting, often bottled up in a single location and hyper-focusing on her face as she works through a lot of emotions and interior thought processes. She's fantastic and really carries the movie. As for the story, you kind of have to get over the initial premise which feels a bit silly to view it as a way to explore our main protagonist's trauma and relationships. It does that really well before kind of going off the rails in the final minutes, but I will chalk that up to more Stephen King being unable to write a good ending than something specific on Flanagan's end.

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Shout by JC

This hits a bit better the second time. Maybe I’ve matured more or grown more accustomed to Flanagan’s style. The performances are strong and they sell the hell out of their speeches, especially Gugino who holds the whole film together. It’s a tight, suspenseful thrill, and the hand scene still makes me wince. What still holds this film back is the Moonlight Man and the last ten minutes or so. It’s rushed and doesn’t feel needed in its current state, and the changes made do the Moonlight Man to give him a physical condition and mentally disabled coded is. A choice that weakens the intended catharsis of the courtroom scene as well as the thematic parallels the film draws between him and the other two awful men. The final product just doesn’t come together as much as you would like.

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A slight warning about Viagra, and a cameo of the Terminator appearing in the night. ;)

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The most unnerving film i’ve seen in a very, very long time. An intense movie, which was so powerful, saying that, i don’t think i’ll watch it again, for my own sanity, the Moonlight Man really did a number on me. :laughing: but definitely worth a watch! I’m also a big gore fan but that scene where she is getting the handcuffs off at the end? i could barely look.

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"You've had everything you need to survive from the beginning."

I was craving for some more Carla Gugino after watching The Fall of the House of Usher and it satisfies in that regard. It's not her best performance but she was still really good.

Went in completely blind it's a miracle I didn't even know the first twist. I have to say it was predictable once I saw the pills. It's a great idea for a script but I wasn't sure it could stay interesting for the whole runtime. The decision making was fine. It got boring after 35-40 minutes but thank god for the flashback scenes. So much more terrifying than what's currently happening—but you later find out it's possibly even more terrifying in the present?! Nothing worse than being confronted with your repressed inner demons!

Practical effects looked awesome in the third act. I enjoyed the Creepy Pasta-ish story at the end, Carla Gugino should start her own podcast. Perfect last line to finish the movie.

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After the setup it doesn't have a whole lot else to offer.

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Nothing special.. certainly NOT what the preview made it out to be.
It's nothing about sex, but everything about psychological flashbacks to her childhood. I'll leave it there...

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There’s more to this movie than you think, and it’s a good movie to pay attention to, especially when it wraps up at the end. There’s also a few Easter eggs in this movie that references back to a previous Mike Flanagan film, and one that references back to previous Stephan King novels.

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Shout by Lindaisa

I dont understand two things.
1. why did she not "hey siri, call 911" on her iPhone - it's been available since 2014 so it doesn't make sense here that she wouldn't use it...
2. why did she not try standing on the bed and pulling the cuffs up to the thinnest part of the bed post and having away at that part until it broke

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We watched this as it was compared to "Till Death", which we just watched. So, a double play of sorts...

I rated them both an 8 as they were both enjoyable in their own rights. The comparisons are only superficial as the backstory behind the events were totally different. Again, probably not worth a rewatch, but definitely recommended.

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This film starts strong then quickly falls apart, it really starts to drag on after the husband has a heart attack. Couldn't continue watching after around 45min and ended up skipping through the rest. Is a pity because the acting was good and the initial premise interesting, but they didn't really do anything with it. Instead we get a drawn out and convoluted plot which I didn't care enough to sit through and try to understand to be honest. Maybe it's genius but I just didn't get it. I don't know. If they had gone in a completely different direction after the aforementioned heart attack ,I feel that an all around better film could have been made. Maybe watch the first third then write the ending yourself? I'm sure you'll do better than the writers of this film.

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well this was intense of those movies that you can't stop staring at the screen...and the duo of Carla Gugino and Bruce Greenwood was phenomenal... the end was quite not what I expected but still this movie delivered

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Surprisingly good. Enjoyed every moment of the twist and turn. The scene with the dad was a bit disturbing. Overall a good Stephen King movie! 7/10

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Shout by Deleted

I like the dog. Can't remember more, boring.

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It was surprisingly great movie. great mixture of thriller and drama with great acting . Carla Gugino :heart::heart::heart:

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An initial approach that should give much more game than it really manages to extract. Idea totally wasted, badly flat and badly finished

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Ive been a Stephen King fan for years, both of his books & the movie adaptations, but hadnt read/seen this one. I also really like movies that mostly take place in one location, so this one was right up my alley. And thankfully I quite enjoyed this movie. Carla Gugino was great in particular. Havent seen her in much, but her performance here was great. Carlas character, being tied to bed for most of the movie, made her face her inner demons, which was quite compelling. Something that happens in the 3rd act feels kinda out of nowhere, but I liked it. Really well paced movie too .

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brilliant. this is the first time i've seen graphic footage that not only made me wince but also made me feel afraid. i think the lead actress did a great job, i really felt her fear with her.

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Oooooook....this was disturbing. One of the new directors, and probably my favourite for horror genre currently. I loved Hush, loved Ouija 2, loved Oculus, and i am not disappointed with Geralds Game! But, watch it with caution.

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Salvo el tramo final que me parece que baja un poco el listón, la película me ha parecido bastante solvente. Y lo que es mejor, me ha dado ganas de leer el libro.

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Shout by Deleted

T'was alright. The acting was only average however.

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Good movie but too long, it could've been much better if it was shorter and straight to the point

فيلم جيد وشخصيات ما انصح فيه للأشخاص الي يبون الزبدة على طول لأن مدة الفيلم طويله وفيها نوع من الملل، القصة معروفة إذا كنتوا قارئين الكتاب ولكن بهذا الفيلم حسيتها شوي ممله أو متوقعة حتى للأشخاص الي مايعرفون الكتاب.. بالنسبة للتمثيل فا كان روعة بكل معنى الكلمة والإخراج أيضا كان جميل.. بالنهاية ما انصح فيه للجميع لأنه شوي محتاج صبر

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Shout by Deleted

Good plot. And just this.

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