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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra 2009

I haven't seen it since it was released but on the rewatch it was still a fun romp. Classic tropes. Nothing original. Just plain fun.

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What. A. Snooze. Whew. Watched for WHM.

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If anxiety was a movie. Lot of action and threats and adrenaline and hyped music and shouting but nothing's going on. Worth it to see Rachel Nichols in various outfits.

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What a waste of time a really bad movie

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Due to circumstances beyond my control I have seen "G.I.Joe: Rise of the Cobra" twice in theaters and it doesn't get any better or worse on repeat viewings it just flies by you with action scenes from start to finish. Crashes explosions and chases make up its runtime. The only sequence that had any impact was the chase through Paris when Ripcord and Duke wear "super suits" to pursue the baddies. The funniest thing to note is that in their haste to catch the bad guys and save the Eiffel Tower they destroy about a hundred cars and with it must kill or injure a lot of drivers and passengers. There is a LOT of CGI in this movie and it's very easy to spot. In fact its practically a cartoon in many places. Channing Tatum plays "Duke" who I guess is the primary hero of the movie and he is as vanilla as good guys come. Stephen Sommers directed this which explains why the CGI gave me bad "Van Helsing" flashbacks.

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It's a shame because I distinctly remember this being one of my favourite movies when I was younger but upon this rewatch I just didn't feel the same way. It just felt pretty basic and bland, like it had nothing original to it. I also think that I've grown out of the whole physco ex-girlfriend trope which was contained quite a lot within this film.

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Good movie, great actors, but the script is good bad. Still, it is my favorite movie, although the script is bad for a lot of fun.

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The car chase scene is fucking bad ass!!! the rest of the movie is meh

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My initial intent was to dip into the action adventure worlds of our Canadian son, The Rock, Dwayne Johnson. Arbitrarily I started with G.I. JOE: RETALIATION and soon discovered it was a sequel, which lead me to this movie. I can't say I expected much of a movie created around a doll (action figure) financed by Hasbro, but in both this and the sequel they brought in some big box office names, action and comedy, and turned out that although both scored low in terms of audience ratings, they both brought in 3 times the cost of making them, which speaks to the power of marketing our childhood. The cast had fun, the audience was amused and nostalgia was satiated. So I agree with the masses and give it a 6 (fair) out of 10. Now, I move back to watching my first Dwayne Johnson movie, the sequel.

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If you like action films, you will enjoy this one. If you want angst-ridden characters stopping every five minutes to discuss their feelings... pull the stick out and move along to a sappy low-budget romance; this isn't your kind of film.

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wow. tough movie. there's so much going on in the movie. so many people, so many scenes, so many stories. a little bit too much for my liking

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Brilliant action film and adventure

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Loved this movie
From the moment it hit
Our screens, it's
Just a really good fun
Movie and the vfx are
None to shabby either.
I am a massive massive
Marvel super fan so this
Movie was an automatic
Pull and win for me anyway and it definitely
Holds up it's promise
Of being a Thrilling
Entertaining ride
And a Hella lot of fun.
I had all the toys growing
Up many many many+
Moons ago and I enjoyed
The cartoon also so I
Kinda knew what to
Expect but I was happily
Surprised that they pulled
It all off so damn well
And with such conviction.
(Them suits by the way
Are frickin awesome).

Verdict: lighthearted
Fun and very
And that's certainly
Not a bad thing.

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There's no doubt about it...

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is so full of “stupid” it almost rivals a flat earther trying to explain his beliefs.

Is it still fun though???

Yes! Yes it is...

I mean...what's not to like. You got cute women in skintight outfits, a whole lot of explosions and other fun action tropes, a very villainous villain, etc., etc.

Will you get smarter by watching this...

No, you sure as hell won't (much like listening to the flat earther from the scenario above), but you will laugh.

A lot..

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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is an affront to all that is good and decent in this world. The animated series never made too much sense, but you just went with it because it was fun. Yet this non-American G.I. Joe makes no damn sense whatsoever and insults anyone trying to apply any. The story is atrocious and deserves a mantel in the pantheon of bad ideas. And, the acting ranges from bad to awful; except for maybe one or two actors who don’t fail spectacularly. If the special effects were any good the film might have been tolerable, but they’re not. Most of special effects just make the film more ridiculous and unbearable to watch. Over-the-top and out of control, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is an embarrassment to the franchise.

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I came across this movies whil flipping through the channels. I watched for about 5 minutes and determined that this is one of the worst 5 minutes in movie history and changed the channel. I cannot believe this trash exitsts.

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