This movie is gold. Jason teleports. Heroin just makes Rennie a little dizzy. Downtown Manhattan is a ghost town. There's toxic waste in the streets and sewer. It's exactly the kind of silly schlock fans love about the series, but I give it a 9 because after Sean pulls the e-brake while being chased by Jason in the subway, everyone complains that they're going to be late and one dude cheers Jason on. That's New York.

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For me, this is one of the more fun Friday flicks. There are a fair few amusing moments, and the kills are a notable step up from the previous several entries. A lot of people dislike the humor of the latter Friday movies, but that's something that never really bothered me. It's a matter of taste. Aside from that, this one gets a fair bit of criticism for its shoddy plot and poor acting. If that's something that really bothers you I question why you even watch these films.

By the time this film came out Slashers had changed a lot. Instead of the legitimately disturbing fare of the mid to late '70s, Slashers from the mid '80s on reveled in their decadence. Slapstick violence and hair metal soundtracks were the new trademarks of the genre, and while I understand why many fans have a bit of a distaste for this style, I think it has its place. What you're getting with these flicks is pure '80s cheese, nothing more or less, but that's no issue if you're in the mood for it.

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Another attempt to shake some life into the franchise, relocating Jason to a major city for the promise of unmitigated slaughter. Two problems: the film might have been more accurately titled Jason Takes (a cruise to) Manhattan, since he's ship-bound for all but the final half-hour, and he doesn't really concern himself with anyone apart from the vessel's survivors once he's there. This is a guy who's made a habit of ruthlessly eviscerating everyone he's ever encountered, yet now he passes harmlessly through a loaded subway car and cheerfully lifts his mask to scare a gang of punks like a haunted house denizen.

Production values have taken a significant step up since Part VII, and the gore feels somewhat less censored, but it's failed by yet another repetitive, hole-laden plot and a reliably godawful set of actors. How does a boat sail from Crystal Lake to the Atlantic?

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Shout by Monika
BlockedParent2019-08-25T08:24:30Z— updated 2021-02-04T09:24:54Z

The longest 1 hour and 36 minutes in my life ever. I know that Jason is "special" but since when he can use teleportation? This was so lame and boring. Jason should stay in Crystal lake like in previous movies. The worst chapter ever. I am used to stupid behaviour of characters but this was new higher level of stupidity.

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Jason takes a boat ride and then chases a couple of teenagers through New York. That should be the title. He never really takes Manhattan just slowly chases some kids while everyone else just ignores him.

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Not as bad as I was expecting with a title like that. It was yet another installment put an end to the franchise but don't they know you can't kill Jason! The only real problem i have is the child Jason scenes.

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What the hell are talking about boats and shit? Just get to the stabbin'!

You don't think it can get worse but it do. By far the worst one yet. There's nothing redeeming about this one. Even if previous ones were bad, they were so bad, they're good. This is just plain bad.

"I wanna make sure I labelled all my organs correctly." uhm.... No love. That's nowhere near where your stomach is.

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You can think it can't get worse than this but just continue watching, you haven't seen the worse of it yet!

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Shout by Mounir

jason popping up outta nowhere when you see him in another place. some scenes when he killed certain characters there's no blood at all and previous movies did better than this and that's weird cause the industry evolved and jason is soooo fast and a fast swimmer as well!!! he suddenly an amazing swimmer since he drowned or i don't know but still that was some fast stuff yo. and why he didnt kill everyone in that subway, diner??? was it because it'll make the movie longer since he'll take time killing all those people or something??!! then change the scenario cause that made no sense whatsoever.HE SWAM TO MANHATTAN BUT HE GOT SCARED OF SEWER WATER AND DROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously!!! these movies are getting ridiculous.

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It just goes to show that you need to bring more than just Jason killing a bunch of people. On paper they are making a Friday The 13th but you can feel it is missing the spirit and fun of the others outside of a few moments here and there. At least he turns into a little kid at the end

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Wow... That was uber bad. Must be the beginning of the death spiral for the franchise... Was mostly good up thru PT 6

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The only good thing about "Jason Takes Manhattan" is the scene where the guy gets his head punched off. Or maybe the boombox scene were Jason scares off the muggers by showing his real face.

Other than that, there's nothing here that's worth your time. This series should have died years ago. I mean, is he going to space nex-


Fun fact: "Ki Ki Ki Ma Ma Ma", actually means "kill kill kill; mom mom mom".

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A mass of stupidity that boggles the mind, Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan goes completely off the rails. Once again Jason is resurrected by electroshock, and then proceeds to hop aboard a party boat to kill a group of graduating high school seniors on their way to Manhattan. The plot is terrible and makes no damn sense whatsoever. The directing is also extraordinarily bad, and isn't able to bring any suspense or terror to the film. Truly abysmal, Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan is painful to watch.

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Jason sucks. they make it seem like jason has powers.

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If you think this movie is bad just wait until you watch the next movie of this franchise; "Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday".

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Shout by sp1ti

This movie is what happens when your brain farts.

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