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Free Solo 2018

"Free Solo" is a spectacular achievement in storytelling, cinematography, and filmmaking. It expertly captures the pinnacle of Alex Honnold's accomplishments: his free-solo ascent of El Capitan. The film is absolutely worthy of a big-screen viewing!

I most enjoyed the way the creators captured the emotions of everyone involved in the climb. The main focus was naturally on Alex, but the movie also thoughtfully presented his girlfriend Sanni, his climbing partners, and the filmmakers themselves.

My main criticism: Certain words were censored via dubbing, and that yanked me out of those scenes. This was an emotional event - let the language flow freely!

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Bad first - the movie's too long. I don't care that he is fridge shopping. Get to the mountain. It's 1.40 hours, should've been 1 hour. However... I still can't wrap my head around what he does and what he did, in the end. I think, and think... don't get it. Madness. And because I can't grasp it, it makes it all the more captivating. I can't imagine the agonization of watching el Capitan live. It would be unbearable.

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Alex is crazy and that climb is totally insane.

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Besides the obvious draw of the film (oh my freaking god I can’t believe he climbed the rock without ropes) there really was a lot of meat on the proverbial bone in this film. I spent much of the film assuming that he was simply an adrenaline junkie only to realize later on that this was not true. The director did a fantastic job slow-playing this story line as it isn’t towards the end that you get a better feel for what makes him tick.

The second most interesting theme in the film is the relationship between the climber and his girlfriend. What does he owe her? What is right for her to expect from him? Once again this director avoided did a great job to not portray her as a sobbing puppy and instead focused on the nature of their relationship. Some of his statements about the relationship will really grab you.

follow me at and facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Wowsers! My heart was in my mouth during the entire climb. Kuods to the guy for doing what he does; I only hope he continues to free solo mountains for many years to come. I will be watching with anticipation, but only from the safety of my sofa!

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goosebumps, simply goosebumps.
this documentary left me on the edge of my seat, quite literally

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Watching this a second time it's almost as nail-bitingly tense as the first time around. Great stuff.

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Nothing to like about the protagonist. First hour a complete waste of time. Honestly, just skip to the last 20 minutes if you came because of the climb

Feel sorry for his girlfriend to be with someone so narcisstic

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One of my favorite documentary film

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The climb itself is one of the best things I've seen in a documentary.

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Almost doesn’t count. Good enough isn’t.

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Almost doesn’t count. Good enough isn’t.

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If I had to show one movie to aliens in order to display the complexity of humanity, it may very well be this. I was not expecting this documentary to be about love, complex human emotions, and the intricacies of relationships from families to friends to romances. Brilliant. Beautiful. Absolutely unexpected.

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I still have a hard time believing what Alex did. The more attention you pay to the little movements he makes, the more you realize how difficult it is. I sweat for 100 minutes and I wasn’t even moving.

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Was an amazing documentary. it's amazing that he did that climb without falling.

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The guy is absolutely insane

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Wow! Unbelievable feat of strength, endurance and guts! A great documentary that follows the pursuit of the greatest feat in rock climbing.

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Props to the crew for filming this intense, crazy ridiculous shit thing one depressed being just had to do because he wasn't raised right and props to the girl for sticking with the man who has emotions like a rock. The Dawn Wall is so so much better than this. There's no heart in this movie except that girl. Tommy (from dawn wall) had his heart broken and he did his thing to cope with the situation and get a grasp of his life. You won't see an amazing story, friendship, courage, bravery and other stuff here. You can get that and much more in The Dawn Wall. I can't recommend that documentary enough. This is just useless rambling about a guy who wasn't raised right. Who doesn't know how to hug, who doesn't know how to show and appreciate love.

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An extraordinary feat! An extraordinary journey. A unique man with a unique vision for his life. The filmmakers were courageous and caring, leaving us with beautiful images and an glimpses into an undefined life. But I couldn't conclude my reflections on this documentary without applauding Sanni who leaned in to love and support this driven man. Well deserving of its Oscar. I give this documentary a 10 (incredible) out of 10. [Documentary Thriller]

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