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Free Country 2020

Faithful remake of the Spanish thriller "La Isla Mínima" (Alberto Rodríguez, 2014). The political background moves from post-dictatorship Spain to post-reunification Germany. The settings are used smartly, especially in the final climax. This remake, however, shows the lacks of the original film, more interesting visually than narratively.

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Free Country is the tale of an East German ex-Stasi officer and west German cop who team up during the reunification to investigate a serial killer...

Where the story isn't facile it's as forced as the political metaphor they're trying to make fit like two puzzle pieces that resemble each other but don't go together.

That said, the movie is a beautifully made film noir, with a soundtrack that is so tight it will stick with you like cigarette scent in your hair and clothes after you leave the party.

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