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Founders Day 2024

Its intentionally campy and an obvious love letter to stupid b-movie logic and dialog. It just doesn't sing.

If you LOVE bad horror and cornball dialog with completely illogical characters who make bizarre decisions and say things that make little sense other than to hamfist a plot, then this is your bag.

I don't say those things to criticize. They are what they are, and sometimes they're charming. Sometimes they're what people look forward to.

I just found it uninspired and a rehash of played out concepts better executed in other movies.

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this is probably the worst movie i’ve ever seen. why are they tryna get the new mayor to do a kubrick stare but doing it terribly

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Seen at a Regal Mystery Movie Monday screening 1/1/24

Founders Day doesn’t do anything that a thousand other Scream clones haven’t already done since 1996. Far too self-serious for something that doesn’t seem like it’s trying to be funny, resulting in some moments of horror producing a laugh while at another time a character’s on-screen joke falls flat. Actors of varying skill levels produce wildly different performances from each other, and moods of characters spin quickly in confusing ways that make it hard to form a connection with any of them.

If it were worse, it would be more entertaining. As it is, it’s mostly just boring.

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This is by far one of the worst movies I seen in awhile. Even if it’s identified as a horror-comedy, it’s utter ridiculous.

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Wherever you look it is listed under genres as a comedy, horror, thriller, I have to take issue with the comedytag because there are literally no comedic elements whatsoever within this film. Sure, some of the characters are laughable but that does not make a movie a comedy.
Overall this passes as decent just don't expect anything funny in it

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Like a cinematic mullet: looks OK at the beginning but comes apart at the back end.

It's nice to see small-budget horror get wider releases, and while I was rooting for the film for most of its runtime (the soundtrack and a couple scenes that really work helped), the disaster that is the 3rd act made this very difficult.

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