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Flirting with Disaster 1996

I wanted to like this movie a whole lot more than I did. Don't get me wrong - it's a pretty good film. But when you consider the cast and the writer/director I just thought there would be more. I think that you can really see Russel start to grow into his own with this script and maybe if he had written it five or ten years into his career it would have been a really good film. It's a shame that we didn't get to meet Alda and Tomlin until the last part of the movie.

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Pointless shlock, Flirting with Disaster lacks focus and doesn’t deliver very many laughs. After becoming a father Mel Coplin attempts to discover his roots by finding his birth mother, but the journey takes some strange turns as his case worker tries to track her down. Starring Ben Stiller, Patricia Arquette, and Tea Leoni, the casting’s fairly solid, however the performance aren’t that good. And the comedy is all over the place, resulting in an uneven tone. A poorly made film, Flirting with Disaster is an unfocused, rambling mess.

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