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Extinction 2015

I love it, It's action packed! A great cast. It deserves more ratings and it's better than most horrors out there.

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Misleading beginning but turns out to be an awesome adventure into the apocalypse and the human condition.

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Not bad but annoying at times. The girls sees a zombie and hides under a bed. Next day she sees it kill a dog and bite Patrick. So what does she do the next night? She goes outside alone and nearly gets her and Jack killed. So Jack and Patrick make up and they decide to take her shopping. To the shops where the zombie was. Great idea. Then she goes missing for a second. Yeah she went off alone to play with dolls. Honestly, the girl is dumb.
Good movie but something about it dragged on. Worth a watch, but I don't think it has much re-play value.

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Extinction is low budget, and it's definitely evident with some of the graphics work, but damn if this isn't one of the best zombie movies I've seen, if not one of the better horror movies period. Matthew Fox and Jeffrey Donovan are good actors, and Quinn McColgan did a hell of a job, but what really stands out is the background story that's unveiled through a series of flashbacks and the character development work, both of which are rare for horror movies, nearly across the board. I lost count of how many horror movies I've watched and thought, yeah, it's an ok movie, but I didn't care about any of these fucking people. Extinction sets itself apart in this way. It's not going to be reflected in the ratings and reviews, but Fox brought a nuance to the part such that you cared about Patrick and were truly sad when he sacrificed himself. Sure, a similar story has been told a million times, but usually not in horror and not this well where the characters' death actually has an impact. This deserves a higher rating than it has.

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I liked it but I certainly had a few issues with it.
The first act has some annoying camera work, frustrating character decisions and an important flashback scene that probably should have been shown earlier. The characters are good and the plot is fine. As a low-budget horror, it's watchable but nothing is surprising. It's worth a watch.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2023-12-31T02:28:54Z— updated 2024-01-06T02:34:29Z

Extinction - :heart:x6

This movie was not what i expected. I was expecting some sort of nuclear winter or ice-age wiping out the planet. Turns out it was just zombies? and where exactly DID the freezing cold come from? Is that what happens when global warming goes away.
Other than that, it was an OK human story. Much more of a drama than horror.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Overall I didn't think this was too bad. I think it would have flowed better if they addressed what happened in the past in a different way, or not at all. The flashbacks didn't have any coherencey and felt awkwardly placed.

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Shout by Deleted

I feel like this could have been a lot better but also a lot worse.
As I definitely enjoy the main points pulling the narrative forward, the portrayal of those same questions doesn't fit their intensity. I'm not sure if it's a direction problem, an acting problem or what. Most of the solutions presented during this almost 2h long film didn't seem natural enough to make me believe what I was watching.
It was SO awkward in so many different ways.

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One of the best zombies move I've ever seen.

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Problems with story logic threaten the film with extinction. Its not the end of the world however, as good performances and some tense moments keep the film alive.

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Movies like these always have that one little girl that's stupid and annoying.

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Movies like these always have that one little girl that's stupid and annoying.

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Shout by Deleted

Not as good as "Maggie" but still a nice zombie/end of humanity drama. Bad CGI ruins it a bit though...

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the development of the story is slow, still liked the movie. Tense scenes, you get nervous to know what will happen. Impossible not create similarities with "I Am Legend". For those who like the genre I recommend

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the development of the story is slow, still liked the movie. Tense scenes, you get nervous to know what will happen. Impossible not create similarities with "I Am Legend". For those who like the genre I recommend

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