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Evil Dead Rise 2023

A fantastic blood filled thriller which provides the gore and fun it promised.

Evil Dead Rise is primarily a gore fest rather than being a horror film. Personally from someone who hasn't experienced an evil dead film before, this edition is a scary thriller with lots of bloodshed, brutal and innovative deaths, creepy single location setting and fantastic editing to create a novel horror atmosphere which keeps you on edge of what's next. The screenplay is fast and has some cliches which defines horror film routines. Alyssa Sutherland steals the show with one of the creepiest performances in horror films off late and Lilly Sullivan is damn brilliant on the other end. The show stealer is probably the kid Nell Fisher whose presence makes this more engaging. Overall, its a treat for the fans of this franchise with loads of ingenious elements, and a creepy, gory thriller for everyone else which is fun while it lasts. 

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Saw yesterday, It scared the sh*t out of me because I expected an Evil Dead movie, but here no more jokes just intense creepy ride! I love it tho wish I would prepare mentally this will be more an Evil Within - Silent Hill 4 type movie!

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Help, I need an adult.

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I am very sad for writing this but the film was average at best. I just finished watching this in Berlin as part of the FrightFest film festival. I had high hopes for the film following the stellar reviews, but, it wasn’t really good. It was genuinely an average horror film at best.

Maybe I will need to watch this again when it comes out on Blu-ray, but, until then, I don’t think it was good :frowning2:

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Evil Dead Rise’:

  1. This was standard. Fairly typical horror fare. That was my initial thought when leaving the theater. It wasn’t bad by any means. But it also doesn’t do much that’s new. I didn’t hate it.

  2. I kinda wish the Evil Dead mythology was a little clearer. There doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason as to who gets possessed and why. I was expecting the aunt to turn after getting injured multiple times. I’m not entirely sure how the woman at the end gets possessed and is then able to mosey on down to the lake with her friends. I thought she’d find the book and bring it with her. Did Beth beat the evil after throwing them into the shredder? How about the other possessed folk still in the hallway? I dunno… my OCD brain needs more rules as to how this all works.

  3. There were definitely a solid number of creepy visuals (many spoiled in the trailer, unfortunately… what else is new). And that was quite possibly the most blood I’ve ever seen on film. But the mom provided the best moments. She was creepy AF.

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I loved the movie from 2013 but that movie was pretty boring. The first 5 to 10 minutes was a introduction to the characters (who are all great) but the rest of the movie was just a long boring fight/escape against/from the evil spirit.

The whole fight against the evil, what was around 95 % of the movie should have been the final 10 to 15 minutes, but not the full movie.

I liked the characters and the special effects were great. But I will rewatch the movie from 2013 again, but it was the first and last time I watched that movie.

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Wish I liked this more.

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Boring... The END is a completely no sense... Do not expect a real horror or gore movie... it tries to be both but in the end it is just a really boring movie with some bad actors...

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The sequel of Evil Dead that we all wanted.
Gruesome and scary.

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This needs some guts to watch, not for everyone.

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woow blew my mind i a fan of evil dead and this movie sure does deliver.. i got the shivers even after them movie ended took me some hours till i got to chill down .. definitely recommend !!

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Shout by Sebastian Billmann
BlockedParent2023-04-26T12:17:39Z— updated 2023-05-11T17:00:17Z

Lily Sullivan & Alyssa Sutherland seemingly had a blast playing their characters and this movie is indeed a lot of fun.
As it is, there's not much to criticize. However, I'm hesitant to rate it higher because it can't compete with 10/10 masterpieces - it is "only" top notch in its own genre.

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It was alright but nowhere near what I hoped it would be like. Easily the weakest of the Evil Dead movies though it did have one part in it which was new to me and was very cringe-worthy, but in a good way. But it felt pretty generic for the most part, ticking boxes but not in the right departments.

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Awful writing, terrible acting, boring played-out story. I will say the cinematography and camera work was well done and made the movie finish-able. But trust me, I couldn't wait til it ended. There was no suspense, they didn't develop scares, and for a gory film..... it could've used more creative gore. A waste of time, unfortunately. I'm not sure what the people giving this movie good reviews are measuring this against, Sharknado?

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Definitely better than I anticipated.

The gore and special effects were amazing.

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Finally, a movie in the franchise that feels like the one they intended to make in college. Excellent sound. And it still maintained the humor throughout while amping up the effects, and the violence. Plenty of gore in this one. Definitely a thumbs up. I have to say, as much as #3 was tops for the humor, this one is tops for the creep factor. Great nod to the chainsaw.

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Not bad, with a lot of gore and disturbing, almost grotesque scenes. Just what one expects from such a horror. Too bad it's not as good as the original. While they delivered on the amount of blood, it's missing the psychological horror. Just remember the first one, like the evil tried to make Ash crazy the whole time. Also no "Join us" :/

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How this movie is getting such high reviews is beyond me. Boring at best.

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Horrible screenplay and shitty acting make for one crappy horror movie… lucky it’s short.

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As far as reboots go, I have to say that they made this film fun, campy, full of blood, guts, and gore, and totally beat my expectations. Go and set it, it's worth the watch!

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I went to the cinema to see it seduced by the trailer but I was deeply disappointed. From the first scene it already shows that it is going to be a bad, bad movie...

On more than one occasion I have laughed, as if it were a humorous movie... so, bad business.

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Finds the right tone and becomes a nice gorefest as it goes along, but it’s still not that good. I appreciate the self-aware tone, but I wanted more of the goofy camp that makes the Evil Dead films special. The horror stuff is as over the top as it needs to be, however the comedy in this is much more understated compared to the Raimi films. It’s one of the few choices that makes his films that much better than this. For starters, why does everyone in this sound half American, half Australian? It’s like they didn’t even bother with much of the acting, dialogue and characterization here; all that stuff’s very poorly done. Its strengths mostly lie with the filmmaking instead. There are some well framed shots, effects and editing choices during key scenes (doesn’t look nearly as bland as what we’ve come to expect from mainstream horror), but the use of sound is very cliché and obvious by comparison. Lots of loud noises, jump scares, intense strings etc.; it’s all that cheap, sensational crap you’d expect. Overall, this is above average for what it is but I still feel mostly indifferent towards it.


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Thought it's going to be better, in some scenes it felt like actors are reading the script. In some scenes lack of emotion, the movie felt repetitive at the end, I'll give a thumbs up on the visual effects part.

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Just simply terrible. shitty story line super dump . boring

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[HBO Max] Finds a way to give the saga a fresh air, but keeping the main essence and some of its most distinctive elements, even if it means sacrificing a first act that needs more time than usual to settle the changes. It's sufficiently gore to fit expectations and it's clear what viewers expect from the 'Evil Dead' saga, so it offers it in abundance and in a particularly imaginative way. A bloody entertainment that takes advantage of the horror elements even better than 'The hole in the ground'.

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Modern horror trope after trope. Predictable clueless kids, questionable choices, and pointless dialogue. That said, the physical gore and the amount of it was a nice touch and definitely outweighed everything I disliked about this, so all points are really towards that.

As far as the Evil Dead storyline goes, this might as well have just been called "Dead Rise" and just not have anything to do with the series. It was fun at least. Would I watch it again? Doubtful.

2nd half more than made up for the first half but again it's all gore points.

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"Mommy's with the maggots now."

Evil Dead Rise is a great entry in the Evil Dead franchise and the first one to take the premise outside of a cabin in the woods and it works. It evens drags kids into it! Great stuff and it shows that you can make a Evil Dead movie outside a cabin in the woods. Would love another entry in another setting!

It even has some great gorey and horror stuff in it. The final kill is damn bloody, the glass eating is hard to watch, Alyssa Sutherland is great playing possessed. Lily Sullivan is a great heroine. Nell Fisher rocks a the young Kassie. We get loads of blood, a thing inspired creature, the shining inspired scene, a new fun way to summon the Deadites, we get to see the Naturom Demonto again. We get a fun old neighbour and we get some creepy, creepy scenes.

Evil Dead Rise a great entry in one of my favorite Horror franchises. Director Lee Cronin did a very, very good job and I can't wait what he will show us next!

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Jesus, that was brutal. A horror fest that does not muck around. Short, sharp and scary as hell. With some of the best practical effects I’ve ever seen and a truly wicked soundtrack, this beast of a movie must be experienced at the cinema! You have been warned. 7/10

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Evil Dead Rise meets the highest reasonable expectations for a sequel in this franchise. It has plenty to offer while staying true to its origins. The film is campy, stylistically cool, and a bloody good time.

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With no pretension to be an Evil Dead canon, Lee Cronin makes a really good movie! Gory, non-stop action, a lot of references from Sam Raimi's original "Evil Dead" (1981), and an 80s touch. In fact, I felt here the same atmosphere as in Lamberto Bava's "Demons 2" (1986), but in a suburban building now.

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Evil Dead Rise up and get off my watchlist already

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This felt like a remake of the 2013 remake rather than the ACTUAL evil dead films. It's shit. And even viewed as something completely outside the franchise it's still a below mid horror film. Between this and 'The Hole in the Ground', I feel like I can't stand Lee Cronin.

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Well that was better than the last one, a lot more entertaining, more action that was decent and a whole lot of fucking blood :joy:

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The Evil Dead 10/10.
Evil Dead II 10/10.
Army Of Darkness 10/10.
Evil Dead 7/10.
Ash vs Evil Dead 10/10.
Evil Dead Rise 1/10.

What a complete and utter letdown. Not scary at all. If your an Evil Dead fan, I’m afraid you need to forget this film completely. It felt like a Disney creation. I struggled to keep watching and lost interest early on. No storyline, no scares, no tension, just gore. Couldn’t wait for it to end and was bored to tears. Nothing in common with the franchise whatsoever.

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More than terrifying, it's a very bloody film. So if you're a fan of gore, maybe you can enjoy it.

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Not really scary, more ridiculously disgusting. If it was meant to be, then it's ok.

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Evil Dead Rise is a movie that's definitely worth watching if you like IP. The special effects were impressive and had a classic feel to them. The gore elements were intense and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the film. What I appreciated most about the movie was that it didn't rely only on the space out jump scares to generate fear. Instead, it created a constant tension that kept me engaged. The artistic direction of the film was also noteworthy, as it managed to highlight the most unsettling gestures and situations in a way that maximized the horror feeling. I it did a great homage to classic horror film, while also offering something new and modern. Lot of cool easter eggs as well!

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Run-of-the-mill horror movie for guilty pleasure viewing. Don't expect much in terms of story. Gore-galore though.

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A solid entry in the Evil Dead saga. Good acting and decent writing even if the plot was weak and unoriginal.

I was a big fan of the original 2 movies and loved the cinematic style. Glad they kept at least a little of that intact.

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Amazing acting, definitely went above and beyond. This isn't like Ash vs Evil, definitely Evil Dead 2013 turned up to 11.

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Bore fest overall, coz good cinematography cannot save a film if the main story has loose ends, the back story is under developed and the overall film is only riding of its gore value. Saw it in the theaters and instantly regretted it.

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I'm not sure this is worthy of being part of the original trilogy - however. . . this was pretty good in its own right. There were a lot of quality sfx in it, a lot of creepiness and if you like blood, lots of blood, I mean oceans of blood, then you will certainly enjoy this.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I enjoyed the movie a lot. It just serves what it is meant to serve, nothing else. Scary, great special effects… just missing some psychological horror. Anyways, a 7.

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The 2013 reboot was decent, this is just bad.

Words can't begin to describe how dumb this movie is

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Giving this a 7 because the murder scenes were huge, otherwise there wasn’t lots of suspense and it was a bit predictable…

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The 2013 version of The Evil Dead has set a high standard for the franchise, but it remains a worthwhile watch when compared to recent horror movie releases.

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It is confirmed: there has never been a bad Evil Dead movie (so far). Also, I feel so bad for the family, lol.

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A lot of blood but not scary at all.

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This series really needs to remain dead and buried. Damn deadites.

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As perfectly F’ed up as I expected. The trailers gave away way too much though. So there’s like no surprises really.

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Better than i was expecting i enjoyed it from the first minute.I loved the cinematography,places,directing and the plot wasn't bad it was just ok.Also i really liked the visual and sound effects.The cast was average at best and i believe with a better cast and well written characters it could be even more great.7.5/10 a really good horror movie after a long time and what i was expecting to see as an evil dead fan.

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I liked all the previous "Evil Dead" movies, but something always bothered me. In that regard, "Evil Dead Rise" is a complete success. The film had me hooked from the great cold open. Afterward, director Lee Cronin takes the necessary time to introduce all the characters. The actors are convincing, especially Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan, but I was also pleasantly surprised by the child performers. When the horror eventually kicks in, things get really juicy, including strong practical effects. Sutherland's transformation, in particular, is perfectly executed. The plot isn't exactly surprising, but it's functional. The 97-minute runtime flies by. I hope the next film in the franchise doesn't take another decade to come to fruition.

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this awakened something cursed inside me

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A movie that drowned in its own blood

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Most consistent horror franchise ever? Even the show and remakes were good.

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Thought I would enjoy this a lot more but if you've seen the trailer then there isn't a great deal more to see unfortunately. I know this was originally meant to go straight to streaming and I don't know whether it was the screen I saw it on but it just didn't look great. So I'll give it another go on the small screen when I get the opportunity as I think it will look better on there.

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Delivers on gore, misses on plot

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Shout by C

I looked forward to this. It feels like Disney or Netflix made this. The writing is very generic and didn't have the campness and magic of the originals. I'd even put this behind the reboot/remake. The casting just didn't work. The wokeness just pulled me out all the time because it just didn't fit.

Highly disappointed and a wasted opportunity. :cry:

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A solid horror movie with the typical scares and supernatural entities. I think this will be an enjoyable movie for anyone who likes the Evil Dead franchise and horror movies in general.

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Good movie, full of cliches but it delivers in terms of unsettling feeling and gore.
Not a single boring moment.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9

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As always. Horrible dialogue. How do they manage to have those little heart to heart chitchats amidst all the horror is beyond me.

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An interesting film.
I really can't devalue a film that tries to develop themes while valuing old ones.
It's really a safe film and I liked the setting of the film. So much so that one of the best examples of the film's quality and disqualification is that it begins in the cabin and ends in the cabin. Showing a direct link between the previous work and this one again. After all, we are talking about a cabin horror that is heading to the suburbs.

The biggest problem is the premise of taking it to the suburbs and not taking into account the implications of this. After all, where are the police and the other residents? Not to mention that the protagonist and the boys are not convincing in terms of pain or drama. On the other hand, we have the exception of Alyssa Sutherland's performance, which is impressive and majestic.

The film is full of successes (production and direction) and mistakes (cast and script). The attempt is worth it and I recommend it, I just hope you can be consistent and maintain safe progress.

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It definitely had it's creepy moments.

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I really like the movie I had a nice atmosphere. Action all the way through.

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Do not waste your time on this.

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Evil Dead Rise is a gratuitously violent and grotesque horror film. When a brother and sister discover the Book of the Dead in a vault beneath their apartment building, they accidentally unleash demonic spirits that begin killing everyone. There’s no continuity with the other Evil Dead films, and the plot is threadbare. Also, the nihilistic tone is really oppressive and the kills are so dark and gruesome as to take away any entertainment value. The worst entry in the franchise, Evil Dead Rise is an ugly gory mess.

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"Mommy's with the maggots now."

As a fan of the original trilogy I was quite happy with this one. If it gets too gory, people want a comedy. If it isn't gory enough, people want dark. I think they balanced things out pretty well and the editing and sound design was on point.

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I myself was definitely expecting some original crew easter eggs as Raimi and Bruce Campbell both worked on the whole thing. I mean they did have the camera angel like from the woods in the first one, but it could have felt more evil Dead even if it wasn't going to star Ash as the protagonist

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Shout by kinky

Can't hold a candle to the original from 1981, but they got some things right (particularly the gore and mutilation). Too bad it not only borrowed too much from the original movie, it still managed to leave its suspense, butthole clenching tension and sense of despair out of it.

Good effort, nonetheless, puts that awful reboot from 2013 to shame and is certainly better than what goes around by "horror", these days.

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Without a doubt, it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen!!!

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I guess it was "okay", nothing more nothing less. Anticipated it to be better than it was, so it felt disappointing after seeing it.

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The but horror movie:thumbsdown:,.. predictable 100% some effects acceptable, on performance,.. I prefer to stick with the film "The Evil Dead" from 1981. The truth is that if they are going to make these bad films better leave the first Version totally damaged the story.

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It just does work, it doesn’t feel like evil dead. It’s slow and can’t empathize with the cast.

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really bad. uses too many modern horror tropes. Let the bad person look super scary and phone the rest in.... blah.

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I enjoyed this more than the esteemed remake, which just retread old ground with a bigger budget.

But the 2013 version had something this sadly lacks: Jane Levy.

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People have some unrealistic expectations for movies these days. It was a fun watch with plenty of gore.

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More of a sequel to "Smile" than Evil Dead... but still worth a watch.

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Shout by JC

Nestled right in that sweet spot of horror and camp of Evil Dead 2, Rise is a great modern successor to that framework. The Deadites are back to their petty, spiteful bully selves, relishing the power trips and being nothing but bloodthirsty and sadistic Id. That cruelty for the sake of it is what makes them stand out for me, and this film really returns to that. It also returns to my favorite part of Evil Dead 2- the sequestered isolation from the rest of the world, like you’ve entered a realm of madness it can’t penetrate, while putting a new spin on it through the apartment setting.

It’s not afraid to bring back some Raimiesque camp, and there’s some homages to the originals that feel like actual homages, not ‘please clap here’ moments detracting from the film itself. And some great cinematography , the foregrounding of the mother’s face when she returns and the hallway decimation being some standouts. If they can keep this energy up, I’m excited for more!

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Phenomenal vfx & makeup. Good acting from the two main women. Nice to see Queen Aslaug spookin' it up. Gore fest bonanza. Not without its faults, but perfectly entertaining. Solid 7.3.

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It is bloody. It is brutal. It is demented. It is Evil Dead. Undeniably, 100%, Evil Dead. It is not for everyone, but if you know (and like) how Evil Dead generally is, this will not let you down. I still prefer some of the others in the series, but this really delivered and I cannot wait to revisit!

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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This movie was fuckin badass

2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
.5 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
.5 / 1 originality
1 / 1 lasting effect

0 / 1 misc

8 out of 10

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Maybe its just me, but this movie way just too long for such a boring storyline. Is it a MUST WATCH? No its a waste of time.

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This one suprised me but in a very GOOD way, thought it was gonna be another cheesy letdown that keeps us watching just for the name, but nope! this one was a 10 for me, already watched 3 times...and will again...finally a scary movie, best of thr year or 2 years in my opinion. promise you'll be saying.."OmG"

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More enjoyable than midsommar or hereditary by far. This movie would scar child me

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Loved it. Delivers on the scares. The ending got a bit silly.

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This is the first movie I'm writing a comment on because it was so bad I felt like I had to. At 15 minutes I was already thinking about just walking out of the cinema because of how bad it was.

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I had a very good time at this gore fest, thank you so much.

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Shout by Deleted

This isn't what I would call a horror movie. More like one that makes you feel squeamish. Can't help feeling that way due to all the gore and blood sputtering (and even pouring) out of everyone and everything. The plot and the scripts were not great. Overall, below average for a movie of this genre.

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Boring, all over the place, plotless, overhyped.

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cheesy horror gore feast. loved it.

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This movie is a solid 8. I highly recommend watching it.

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I just watched it today! Meanwhile today is Mothers day and she ans the Sister were Mothers. :joy:

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A solid plot, creepy as hell and some awesome Easter Eggs thrown in for good measure. The movie is slick, gory, violent and fun. Well worth your time.

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great splatter flick, loved it.

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They tried in the 1st film, but it came out like a movie quote from a franchise, and not only. Teenagers again found the same Book and not cassettes, but everything turned out just as bad for many others. Blood is gushing, the dead are sinister, death is inventive, but I enough Ash(?) and humor, you can't be so serious:open_hands:

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Very entertaining and touching. It has comforting effect and made me take a good afternoon nap. Not being ironic, I really enjoyed it.

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