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Enchanted 2007

Potentially my favourite princess movie! Nobody could ever play Giselle like Amy Adams, she is utterly perfect! I totally relate to Giselle, as in real life I literally burst out into princess singing and dancing all the time! This movie is so much fun! I could watch it over and over. The characters are so lovable, the songs are so catchy and it is so light-hearted <3

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I don't care what people say - this is such a great movie...

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I'm rewatching this. I think I probably first saw it when it was released in 2007, and it was, I think, my introduction to Amy Adams, who was perfect for this role. Then, as her resume grew rapidly (she is a self-confessed workaholic) I came to see her for the chameleon that she is, pretty much perfect in most of her roles, accumulating many awards including 5 Oscar nominations, the latest for her role in my favourite movie last year, "Arrival". Such diversity!

This movie is a fun romp, taking a shot at both Disney fairy book endings and stereotypical New York cynicism, and finding the happily ever after happiness of a great (8 out of 10) romantic comedy. Next Disney Movie day selection - "Mulan"

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filme simples e encantador, amo assistir.

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Great singing!

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I can't stop watching this movie!! It's so sweet, I love Amy here.

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As much as I love this movie, I don't understand, why did the dragon fall if she can fly?

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This is a fun movie. Amy Adams is an incredible actress and its always fun to see her in things. The tone was good, the music fun and the coloring beautiful. Its a fun play on the disney tropes, I'm a little nervous about the sequel though.

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The best compliment that I can pay this movie is that I watched it with my three tween sons, and they loved it (even if they had a hard time admitting it). You know where it is going from the opening scenes, but it doesn't matter. It is charming and warm and very entertaining. Between the Muppets and this movie, Amy Adams has two classic children's movies under her belt. It is a shame that this one was not appreciated in the Disney catalog.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMOvies

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It's kind of like "Kate & Leopold". Not as good and "mature" (more kiddy), but still enjoyable.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Enchanted’:

  1. Amy. Frickin’. Adams. She was born to play this role. The effortless way she channels whimsy, innocence, and pure optimism is the most powerful magic of this movie.

  2. I love how, while it clearly pokes fun at Disney fairytale ridiculousness, it also celebrates it in the harsh realm of reality. It makes us want to believe Giselle, that absolutely anything is possible, even in the most hopeless of places. It’s incredibly touching.

  3. The music. Not one single song falls short. They are all catchy and purposeful and endearing. The sheer title of “Happy Working Song” is genius.

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This movie ages very well, excited to see what they do for the sequel. A substantial amount of subversion and comedy that I’m surprised Disney allowed, especially 15 years ago!

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After watching this i figured out that Scores in IMDB is Nonesence , this movie should recived upper than 7.5 in IMDB, not 7

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Rewatching it after 10 years, I have to say I liked it even less than before. The story is to silly to run for so long, the songs get annoying, and the characters take a very forced route to the fairy tale parody. The cast is nice, it is just the characters that are the problem.
Also, is it not a little strange to see Menzel in a movie where she is not the main singer? It is just a waste.

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