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Elstree 1976 2015

I consider myself to be a huge Star Wars fan and that means I can even watch the Christmas special without pulling my eyes out. But Elstree 1976 has NOTHING to do with Star Wars. It's interviews of all the people who played small parts in SW, sometimes behind a mask, always far in the background. That's not bad. Could still be good and interesting. It's not. Why? Because in the interviews they talk about everything but Star Wars. It's like you get invited to your grandmother's birthday and you're sitting at a table with 10 of her friends and they start talking about stuff that couldn't be further removed from what you are interested in. That's what the "movie" Elstree is like. I stopped watching after 14 minutes. I couldn't take it anymore.

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Are you looking for:

  • A Star War documentary about how things went down at Elstree in 1976... forget it. Well... this isn't for you.

  • On the other hand, if you are person who goes to cons and likes to meet people who were there as extras and minor roles (or major in the case of David Prowse), well then you'll probably enjoy it.

I'm the former. I wanted to watch a doc about what went on in 1976 so it wasn't much fun to watch really.

Still, it's well made and if you are interested in that subject probably worth a watch.

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