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Eat Locals 2017

Spielberg turned down the opportunity to direct this film in favour of Ready Player One, and Tom Hanks called this his fave film of 2017! I'm talking crap, of course, which coincidentally is true of the dialogue in this film... utter drivel! And that accounts for the story as a whole... vampires with machine guns? Why??!! If you want a comedy horror with laughs and bite, stick with What We Do In The Shadows instead. This movie deserves a stake through it's feeble heart!

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Not top notch as a horror, a comedy or a vampire movie, but I enjoyed this. It's a light and easy popcorn flick, and there's a fair amount of action as well. I suggest you don't take it too seriously, and just go with it.

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Brilliant British comedy, a hidden gem with beloved British actors.

Nothing serious, just a good giggle with some vampires thrown in.

Came across this by accident, surprised Id not heard of it. Do watch it, it’s a good laugh.

Strangely at the beginning I could have sworn Johnny Palmiero was Tom Hardy :see_no_evil:

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