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Drive 2011

Total awesome. My heart was in my throat continuously watching this. Great visual style, Awesome soundtrack, and one of the best movie openings I've seen in a while. The chemistry between Gosling and Mulligan is palpable. One suggestion when you watch it - turn the lights down and the sound up - it is a movie that requires your undivided attention...

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If you want to really enjoy Drive, I'd suggest you do the following. Get a big screen (like, 32"+). Get a 5.1 surround system and something that has a real bass kick for the engines. Turn all the lights off; turn the volume way up. Watch the blu ray.
If you watch it like that and get completely absorbed in it, I'm pretty sure you'll appreciate this film for the gripping cinematic experience it is.

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"He wouldn't be able to find pussy in a whorehouse."

Even better on a second watch. It has a way of sucking me in, the runtime passes by so quick. Drive is a perfect mix of thrills, suspence, drama and emotion with themes of loneliness, finding meaning and masculinity. Silence means more than words with Ryan Gosling here, his performance is all in the body language and he freakin nails it. Every interaction he gets with Irene, Shannon, Standard and Benicio bring something relevant to building up the character. Great chemistry with Carey Mulligan who's another standout. It's a very stylish good looking movie with sleek camerawork and editing. The score and soundtrack is perfection. Epic well-thought out car chases, thrilling action, bloody and brutal, and some truly heartbreaking moments.

That face mask is creepy as hell

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Every time I push play..I tell myself this is the greatest movie of all time

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What a poor movie, i really don't understand how many people like this movie...

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WTF was that ?

How the hell a crappy movie like this gets 8.0 in IMDB ???

The whole movie is extremely slow , almost nothing happens during the plot line .
The main character is the emotional equivalent of shoe. His expression is always the same , and he does not react to anything.

The plot line consist more of the main character staring at the wall then of him driving.

This movie is a total waste of time.

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Shout by Bálint
BlockedParent2023-06-05T21:30:49Z— updated 2023-08-20T18:59:11Z

What do you do ?

[18 minutes of silence.]

I drive.

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At times, I wonder if I'm watching another movie than the one that a lot of people have been raving about... Did not get this movie at all.

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A beautiful film

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Wow. Not sure what people are thinking, calling this a modern classic? Nope. If you want that, see "Nightcrawler." Hell, "Baby Driver" is a better "getaway driver" movie and at least brings something inventive to the table. I watched this with much anticipation, having heard it was a great movie. Not really. Let's watch the two main characters stare at each other for long, soundless scenes, populate the film with ZERO interesting characters, and then top it of by having a main character with the emotional range of a toothpick (see what I did there). It's too bad - Gosling's a great actor (but not in this) and I loved the director's "Neon Demon." Oh well, you can't win them all...

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The only redeeming factor in this was the soundtrack...the movie was paced waaaaaaaay too slow...not at all what I expected.

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Shout by the_guy_with_the_hat
BlockedParent2012-03-07T16:24:17Z— updated 2019-07-29T21:09:54Z

great style, 80's Soundtrack -> Win !

And no Oscar. The Academy is ridiculous...


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Thought this was extremely slow, shallow and poorly delivered... Not quite sure why people liked this.

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Fucking great movie. 10/10.

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I didn't find it a good movie , every scene where there's a conversation it takes so long ! its like the actors have to pause 3 minutes between every sentence. I got bored real fast

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Not what I expected... Not enough action and too drawn out at times. Story did not flow together all that well either. Okay at best. Not sure what everyone else is so excited about.

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A modern classic. I don't get the "too slow" comments. If there isn't constant action and talking it's bad? I guess it's too 'European' for squares.
Also the comments about the main character being stoic, yeah, it's called "strong, silent type". It isn't something new. You also must hate Clint Eastwood in the dollars trilogy.

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6/10. Expect much more.

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The worst movie of all times. laughable dialogue, cliched and unbelievable story, all garnished with pathetic (lack of) acting. 8.0 on IMDB, nominated for oscar?!...bitch, please!

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I regret watching this movie. It went nowhere. Forced romance, no character development, no beginning and no end.

Just a long middle.

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Drive was void of any real emotion and felt like it was trying to be something it’s not. It was not deep or provocative. There wasn’t much of anything to connect to and there was no character growth to be had. It was gross in various ways. There was this one standout scene with a completely unnecessarily long, lingering shot. Of all scenes to be a such a memorable standout scene, yeah no.

The main character’s stoic nature was weird, not endearing or sexily mysterious, as the movie seemed to want to convey. The one character liking “Driver” so much was way out of their character. Talk about forcing a romance.

This movie was a huge waste of my time. I so completely regret watching it. I will admit, there were a handful of good shots, but absolutely nothing else in it was good, and normally there’s bits and pieces that are good even in bad movies. I am thoroughly confused by the high rating.

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Not your average heist movie with high octane car chases and gun fights. Drive is a aesthetically pleasing movie. Its like a long synthwave music video.

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Movie is awesome, sound track also awesome, why so much hate on this movie? Currently on my top 10 recommended list, much better than night crawler imo.

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Good acting, music sucks. hate the ending.

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Meticulous, beautifuly crafted film. Don’t watch this movie with the mindset of expecting another blockbuster action movie, because this isn’t one.
The attention to detail, directing and characters is what makes this movie blossom.

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A truly beautiful and hypnotic film.

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Everything in this movie seems perfectly balanced: music, tension, action, and violence. 5 stars!

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Expected much better, poor movie

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Really loved that elevator scene.

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lengthy movie. it's alright but not too good

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"I give you five minutes when we get there. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a minute on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. I drive."

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Wow so epic 8/10 the Intro was the best.
But the kills are also sick :)
Maybe it was a bit slow at a time otherwise it would be a 10/10 ^^

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Violent and stylish. Refn's Cinema might be Cinema for the eyes and ears.

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Totally overrated, not horrible but not worth watching

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As others have noted, Drive is a ridiculously stylish, unusually paced take on the crowded action genre. It's almost unheard-of for the lead in this type of film to be so stoic, contemplative and softly spoken, but in this instance it works magnificently thanks to a deep, powerful performance from Ryan Gosling and a masterful sense of directorial timing. Gosling's nameless wheelman speaks maybe one full page of very limited dialog throughout the picture, but the deliberate way he pauses to contemplate before acting (and the broad range of subtle facial ticks he broadcasts in the process) tells us more than an encyclopedia of dialog could ever manage.

Without the rudder of a brash, charismatic lead, the plot often flirts with disarray amid a very loose structural backbone. Ultimately, though, it flows surprisingly well despite those departures, the lull of its often slow, casual pace emphasizing a penchant for sharp, sudden skids into violence. My only gripes lie with the shallow, under-explored villains at the heart of all the madness and a shortage of great chase scenes for Gosling to navigate. The few we get are so good, it's a real shame they aren't more frequent.

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What a strange movie. Very weird choice of soundtracks. I don't know what the producer and writers thought they were doing with this.
It is very slow. Nothing good about it, except maybe the cinematic visuals.
Waste of time for me. However, I am sure many people can enjoy it if it's their kind of movie. After all, this is just my humble opinion.

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It's not the greatest movie of all time, but it's fun to watch and I don't have any major complaints about the film (acting, effects, storyline). What makes this film so "feeling" is the ambiance and synthwave music paired really well with the scenes!

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One of my favorite movies. Masterpiece.

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Shout by mercuriorosso
BlockedParent2018-09-28T23:14:19Z— updated 2018-10-03T23:30:06Z

Killer soundtrack, great directing and superb cinematography.

Pretty slow but charming.

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Masterpiece. Yes, it’s a slow burn but if you pay attention there’s a lot of things happening even if it does not look that way. From direction to acting and soundtrack, this is as good as it gets.

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A stunning, violent, slow-burner thriller.

It really is amazing how much you can take from a character that barely speaks throughout the film and Ryan Gosling is among the fantastic cast here. Everyone stands out to tell this tense-story of someone losing control and spiralling out of control. The music and tense score resonate throughout the film as the story unravels to a melancholy aesthetic.

However, I was really surprised by the level of violence within this film. Never does this take you out of the film and surprisingly, pulls you into the story even more. There are some lingering shots on this but it is presented in such a way that it throws you at the deep-end of the protagonist's life and how he needs to do all the things he does to survive.

This is a story about identity overall and how life can be changed in a matter of moments - which I don't think a film executes more perfectly than this film.

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wow really people love that show, I wanted something with a little action and found this a good snooze fest, couldn't get past 30 minutes before I had to watch something else

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"Drive" is a masterpiece.

I saw this movie already twice in less than 2 weeks. And it keeps getting better and better.

The opening scene was awesome. The action scenes are superb, the cinematography, and the soundtrack, holy shit, the soundtrack!!! One of the best in recent memory. Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston and the rest of the cast were brilliant.

But the real star of this movie, is, without a doubt, Nicolas Winding Refn. The direction was nearly perfect.

"Drive" is a movie that you need to pay attention, there are a lot of visual storytelling elements, some things the characters say that are very important to the narrative.

If you have not seen "Drive" yet, please do. It's a magnificent movie.

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Great premise, but aside from the first few minutes and a couple of scenes in between this movie's a complete snore-fest.

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great movie i love the soundtrack and when they use it and the direction is beautifully done

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Amazing movie. Some gorgeous scenes in there. The pace of the movie feels like you're in a dream. The beautiful scenes make the violence come across even more brutal.

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Brilliant movie, but won't appeal to everyone.

Gosling's performance was stunning, and is probably his best to date. Each actor brought something refreshing and truthful to their parts.

Everything else is top-notch, especially the soundtrack.

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Yeah, this was real bad.

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This had about 20 minutes of story spread out over the film's 100 minute running time. Very long drawn out shots and emotional stares were oddly put in place to make up for a lack of anything interesting to do. I found myself incredibly bored during this film's entirety.

The credit typeface also just ruined the movie for me before it began. What was with the super 80s cheesy dance movie font? And in purple? To be fair, it wasn't quite as bad as Avatar using Papyrus.

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Hard to rate,
story: 0
acting: 0
music: 10
photo: 8

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Stopped watching after 20 minutes ...

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Not the movie i was expecting. Kinda boring,nice soundtrack though.

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Enjoyable movie with nice soundtracks and some action.

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The driver is a hero to cucks everywhere, HUZZAH!

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Well what a waste of time. The actors only had 4 pages of script to memorise, nobody spoke. Main character is a statue, no emotion. The story is very weak. The saving grace of this film is the soundtrack

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So, great acting, good story, I guess but man... The slowest action movie I have ever seen. Like, it aspires tranquility with a slight Zen aura. I could have missed 45 minutes at the beginning, in the middle or the end. Wouldn't even have noticed nor cared...

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One word - It's a piece of art. The whole movie has a distinct feeling to it you just have to embrace. It's beautifully shot, there's the right gore and action in the right moments and thrilling scenes alternate with calm and thoughtful scenes. Drive is a stunning portrayal of an underground story about friendship, revenge and a uncommon job.

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Too much non-action long scenes makes it hard to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

This should be called: The main character has as much personality as the card he Drive. A good movie, but zero character development. In the end, I didn't even remembered his name (he doesn't even have one), nor cared about his fate.

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ok, but overrated.

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Shout by Adam

Fantastic film. One of the best from 2011.

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It is a good movie but not THAT good.

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The trailer short changed this film and people will either get more or less than expected. I got much more, but I get those that didn't.

There is little praise left to give to Drive that has not already been said here. For me, director Refn can do no wrong and his Euro stylings bring this neo-noir gorgeously to the screen.

Ryan Gosling gave one of his best performance; incredibly controlled, his face says nothing, his smile everything... then later he stops smiling and you see what he conceals.

Albert Brooks was fantastic, a couple of his scenes are quite unnerving.

Ron Perlman usually plays great characters, often with a little fun, and I always look forward when I see him credited. I did not enjoy his performance here to the point that I think he was miscast.

Mulligan is beautiful and sadly that was all that stood out for me. Her character was pretty standard fare but handled well.

Soundtrack, cinematography, his jacket; all perfect.

Totally driven!

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Shout by Deleted

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People who rate this higher then 6:
- people who seen5 movies a year
- Ryan simps

Just a very boring movie. Not aweful... But far from good.

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One of the greatest movies I've ever seen with an enormous character that the driver is. Ryan Gosling's performance makes the plot, that is already original, even better than how it would have been with another actor.

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Too violent for my taste. Gosling acting very much as him. Carey impeccable as always.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2024-02-10T16:43:40Z— updated 2024-02-13T13:14:34Z

Great. It's like the art directors of Miami Vice, Blade Runner, Hotline Miami and the upcoming GTA VI produced a movie together. Let's not argue too much whether the plot is actually any good (cause it isn't: beyond basic motives, you don't even understand what makes him do what he does. The guy is like Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars. You don't know where he's coming from and eventually he vanishes just like that). The visual style is absolutely great though! Reticent Gosling is great. The synth music is great. Maybe this neo-noir movie is all "style over substance" but I don't mind. It just looks too cool. It's too tense. Perhaps it needed an outsider from Denmark to make such an independent movie. You'll be disappointed if you expect a fast paced action movie, an exciting thriller or a heist movie. It's a bit of all of that (plus a romance) and it's nothing like that at the same time.

(Offensive) word of the day: kike

This movie has the potential to become a classic. Best scene: romance and cruelty in an elevator. Second best scene: exotic dancers in the background indifferently watch excessive violence.

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Is that really ryan gosling ? Holy crap
Great film.

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Beautiful. Wanna give it a 10 but the unnecessary-glorifying-cheating plot won't let me.

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Thriller movie with great cinematography.

I recently saw a comment on reddit praising this movie and it made me curious to watch this movie. It is really not suited towards my flavour (just hear me out).

The movie is visually stunning and the editing is great (The great cinematography makes me love it). The movie has a moderate pace. I also love the music. The plot is good and well constructed.

Now, I expected to see high speed car chasing, gun fights and other things you would normally see in a movie. But this one is different. Drive has some really violent killings and it is very bloody. The closeup shots, sound effects, and slow motion make it kind of disturbing but these are cool.

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Quite average story but Ryan Gosling's "I Drive" was worth it!

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A classic. The stoic lead trope (even though it's really only a trope in Refn's catalogue) honestly works so well. I think Refn studies (even if it's half-way research) the psychology of the world, especially the youth, at the time and then makes a film in alignment to that. He even extends this to visuals, which explains his infatuation with fashion 2015 onwards.
He's polarizing as fuck but he's undoubtedly one of my favourite filmmakers working today, probably top three. It's like he's desperately trying to be a filmmaking legend akin to somebody like Kubrick but that desperation in itself brings out a unique style (yes, some might say it's shallow) that nobody else has.

Drive is fucking amazing, a truly unique crime flick. It only just dawned on me how hard this is to pin to a genre - it goes to all sorts of places.
Moral ambiguity through a lens that sees the mob world as almost inhuman. Beings doing everything they can to not confront themselves. I think that's what that shot of the two shadows at the end is saying.

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Ryan Gosling is still waiting for his inner monologue.

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the cinematography, acting and soundtrack make this movie really enjoyable. It could be more enjoyable if the main character was less restrained, i mean this movie is already rated R take the gloves off.

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Shout by Abbass

A dramatic and semi-action film!
The movie starts with a scene that shows the skill of the driver.
Ryan Gaselnik's performance in this film was not a special act and was a strong and proud role.
Don't look for action in this movie and focus more on the main story!
The driver's beautiful love for the girl was very beautiful and complicated!
Being involved in a band of robbers did not end well for the driver.
At the end of the movie, the movie ends sadly.

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overrated. slow and kind of boring. What saves the movie is the soundtrack and cinematography.

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didn’t enjoy it as much as everyone made it out to be. but i think that’s mostly to do with baby driver being one of my favorite movies and this having a very similar premise and seeing it afterwards.

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first time watch, I remember people calling 'baby driver' the PG version of this movie, I see the resemblance but I enjoyed this movie way more for some reason, loved the cinematography, the driving scenes, the unique shots, lighting and pretty much everything else, only issue was the slow chatting scenes which werided me out a little at the beginning but while getting into the movie it stopped being an issue
overall, pretty good watch, surely will revisit in the future

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Shout by Jim222001

A some-what sweet crime movie that’s ending is satisfying but yet not if you wanted Gosling and Mulligan to get together.
As for the viewers here expecting more action. Gosling never claimed be an action star and this never promised to be an action movie.

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Ryan Gosling is amazing but this movie isn't his best one...
It's really slow I was expecting for more action

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real human bean and a real hero

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For a movie titled Drive I would've expected it to go faster. It'd be one thing if it made up for the lack of action with more dialogue and exposition but the main character barely spoke and barely drove and yet did not much of anything else.

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Sometimes there's no need for words to be communicated. Just a feeling. Enchanting and magical, but also super cool.

Out of all of the soundtracks, "He Had a Good Time" is by far my favorite.

I wish there was more movies like this, but then again, it won't be special anymore.

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Could someone please explain why they think this movie was Oscar worthy??

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This movie reminds me The Guest in some way. Maybe the mood, soundtrack, main character coming from nowere...

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It's a good movie.
But I don't feel like it's any more than that.

The character is pushed into a story that's not hers... The world is "too" small.

7 is the number.

2.3 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.4 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.1 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.7 points -> Score (0-1)

0.7 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 7.2 points

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
0 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-.5 / 1 misc (worst soundtrack ever)

5 / 10

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Awesome movie enjoyed every bit of it.

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This movie require a right mood to watch, and that gloomy mood doesn't always appear (at least for me it doesn't). But if you do find that mood, and you are not that sleepy, you are going to enjoy the hell out of it. Still think Baby Driver is the better offer out there, though.

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This was more or less what I expected it to be. Thought the visuals and photography were incredible, the soundtrack was really interesting and gave the film some heart, the story was okay, a plot twist here and there but nothing too mind blowing, the violence was extreme but I didn't mind it, it gave the film some edge. Loved Ryan in this, but I could honestly just sit through a 3 hour film of him just walking around and I'd be okay with it, because I love him that much lol.


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While I'm all in for Outrun music and Retro fonts. The movie does not deliver at all. The story sucked. Ryan is THE most boring actor in the history of hollywood. The direction sucked. Lots of continuity failures.

I imagined that this movie will be a good "Hotline Miami" movie, but after watching it, I wish I never did. The movie in its entirety sucked.

I gave it 1 heart because there isn't any rating lower than that.

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