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Dressed to Kill 1980

Slow to get going. When it does it ok. Sometimes the shots work really well and sometimes they seem excuses to be stylish. When that syle doesn't work for you whats left to enjoy? Sometimes not much. What is it with DePalma and his nude scenes. So cheesy and dumb. I was taken out of the movie as it began because it was so ridiculous. The actual story when it gets going is OK but because we know the movie is a homage it's pretty predictable. The characters aren't really fleshed out with interesting dialogue. The story is more the focus.
I didn't think the end was good. The escape had no reference to the setting and after that I'd had enough of the Hitchcock impersonations by then.

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First off, without spoiling it, this movie is guilty of being extremely offensive, outdated and completely wrong about a certain subject matter. 1980 or not, it's a real bummer. There's no other way to look at it.

Oy. I was going to then say something like "but as for the rest of the movie, here's what I thought" and try to justify giving it 3 stars based on that, but I can't get past it. There were interesting things happening in this movie, like the old school Psycho way of killing someone with super slow, easy to escape from, POV shots. Also a shocking amount of close up nudity in the very first scene. Just didn't see any of that coming. There are also some cool 70s style shots, but what overshadows all of this is what I'm referring to above.

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I don't think it's enough to say this movie is excellent.

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OMG What garbage! Blatant rip-off of Psycho. This wasn't a tribute to Hitchcock, it was an insult! Might be that modern audiences are less forgiving of poorly executed "thrillers" but this honestly felt like fan fiction rather than what one would expect from Brian De Palma. He obviously did it for the pay cheque and the excuse to see Angie and Nancy in the buff! Avoid at all costs if you respect your brain cells! Caine should be more proud of Jaws the Revenge over this shit!

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What can I say? I'm a hitchcock fan.

I can only add that some people are complaining about the film because of the script. But, if you truly understand what is least important in the film is the script, as Martin Scorcese said. The intention of the film is to create suspense in every way possible and sex is just another tool. It's really a shame that this film doesn't get the merit it deserves.

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Nope, maybe the movie has aged poorly. I stopped watching during the long and boring Angie Dickinson scene. The movie gave me no reason to watch further

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Hot, hot, hot, hot, HOT mess. Not even going to address the grossly offensive last 80% of the movie. I will say I enjoyed the bits with Angie Dickinson and thought the whole museum scene was pretty great. De Palma clearly doesn’t give a fuck he’s lifted the entire movie from Hitchcock, and there’s something admirable about the way he’s trying to riff on Psycho and others. Other than the museum, the rest of the movie is pretty Razzie-worthy.

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Lazy writing and bad pacing. Ultimately an unsuccessful homage to Hitchcock.

Also, that museum sequence was just the worst.

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Its a good movie with a good script

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This film is the beginning of the erotic thriller genre that "Basic Instinct" will so well exploit.

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