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Dragged Across Concrete 2018

2h and 40 mins is waayyy too long for this kind of movie. It's like watching gras grow - you know it does but you can't see it. Every scene is streched out to the max. You could have cut an hour out of the movie and not miss anything of the plot. I am not opposed to long running movies but they should have content.
I read everywhere this has a great ending but I can' t tell. I was so bored after an hour that I couldn't bring myself to sit in front of the TV for another one and a half.
Dragged Across Concrete - That is exactly how I felt

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Fantastic, absolutely edge of the seat stuff,going to be one of the greats.

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Shout by cage
BlockedParent2020-05-16T02:58:04Z— updated 2021-02-20T04:41:05Z

A slow-burn that demands your attention. I feel pity for those who can't sit still and absorb this gem.

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Unbelievable. I'm giving this movie a very low rating just because of editing. This is not a slow burn, this is a very badly edited movie. I have no idea how anyone allowed this to happen. This looks like the first assembly cut where they put everything in. I feel like no one went and edit it further!

You could cut out an hour or 1/3 of the movie and still keep all the sequences in. Every scene, every dialog goes 2, 3 times longer than it should. Again using the term slow burn is misleading. There are many slow burn movies where you do not get bored.

Why on earth they thought they have to have a 2h 39min running time? This aint Michael Mann's Heat.

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It was like this movie was made by some college kids. 50% that’s how much I hated this movie. I love Mel Gibson but he couldn’t save this movie and Vaughn’s acting was pretty bad. I am also confused as to why so much time was wasted on Dexter’s sister. Slim said there was no gun in the car but he had never seen the car before so then how did he know there was a gun stashed behind the radio lots of stupid things in this movie. The guy that gave it a 10 must’ve watched the lost directors cut ,

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I hate watched this film.

I'm not sure how people missed it... but this movie barely deserved a "bad" (3) rating. Its incredibly slow, the story really isn't that interesting, and the actions scenes are uninspiring. Even the gunfights are long and drawn out.

I'm not sure what the DP and his electric crew even did in this film, im 90% sure that ALL the lighting was practical and lite from natural sources. The result was not just a dark and moody movie, but one where key elements were impossible to see.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - the entire films plot and writing had to have been specifically written to bite back at "liberal hollywood". Stuffed with racist comments and underlying motivations, filled with anti "politically correct" speech, the whole film was a tirade against everything progressive that captures the imagination of a don't tread on me mindset.

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Not as brutal as Bone Tomahawk but less cliché than Brawl in Cell Block 99, Dragged Across Concrete finds itself between the latest two œuvres by S Craig Zahler.

Modern 70s grindhouse action sprayed with a little of Tarantino's bloodline make Dragged... an entertaining watch even if (unlike Tomahawk) it down shifts a few too many times once it really gets rolling.

A nice addition to the drive-in of your living room.

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You can accuse the film of being overlong. You can even accuse it of being a little pretentious. But what you can't accuse it of is predictability, and because of this, the film won't so much drag you across the concrete as keep you on your toes.

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This movie was about nothing, went nowhere and honestly probably just tried to scratch 90's movies itch. The quality was good, but the movie just was an empty shell.

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So slooooow and so loooooong, or maybe it's so long because it's too slow. Whatever. Does anybody think this is the best way to tell a story? Really?

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Boring! Too long a to boring.

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Too long scenes, empty story. Poor actors. Losetime. 15mins. scenes in car - useless!

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Unrealistic, stupid, washed up actors... these are the things that come to mind when I think of this movie. The ending, so stupid. First, how did the black dude market that gold? Like he, a nobody, just had the connects to instantly become rich without setting off any flags? For a director that supposedly strives for a realistic point of view, this is an epic fail.

Why was there even a back story for Jennifer Carpenter if you killed her 10 minutes later, it was unneeded and honestly, weird as hell!!!!

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Wanted to like it but it was just to slow.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - The combination of Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn and of course their quiet banter is what kept me watching!

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Soulless, dispassionate. A study in disillusionment both literal and metaphorically.

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what a slow and boring movie

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This is my first movie by S.Craig Zahler. What a masterpiece. It’s a dispassionate character study interspersed with bursts of brutal action, yet remains unrelenting in its slow deliberate pacing. I’m off to wotch some more of Zahler’s work.

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More like: Dragged Slowly Across Concrete

This is an old-school movie where your patience is needed, and I liked some of it.

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…which is how I felt after watching this snorefest for over 2 1/2 hours. The acting was great but my God it was slow! Slow burn was not the term. Slow fizzle. Like someone peed on the fuse right before the dynamite blew. Good dialogue but one of the main mysteries NEVER gets solved. I could have been watching Hawaii Five-O.

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I watched it. Once. Gave it a "5". That should be sufficient to tell you how riveting this was.

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Ugly, crude, morally repugnant, thoroughly enjoyable

Not so much about the horrific things that can happen to you on the street (although it is certainly partly about that), Dragged is more concerned with the horrific things you have to do to survive, and how in such circumstances, you can rationalise and justify pretty much anything. And make no mistake; this is a morally repugnant piece of utter trash cinema, ugly and stoical in equal measure. However, it has also been made with extraordinary craft and a tacit disregard for prevailing taste. Sure, it's crude, exploitative, and demoralising, but it's also immensely enjoyable.

For my complete review, please visit:

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5.5. Don’t waste your watching this movie.

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Surprising movie. On the one hand it had some weird, cliché characters. On the other it felt quite refreshing when the movie gave space/time for a scene to fully unfold.

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Not for everybody. No soundtrack. Kinda strange dialogs. Long scenes without Action. If you are lookig for good solid action - you are wrong. For this, the movie is about 1h to long.
But i Like It. Its different. Something you have to Dive in

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Shout by Deleted

Superb story development. Surprise ending.

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The pairing of Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn was great. Loved the banter between the two of them. The friendship between Henry and Biscuit was terrific. The characters here were portrayed very realistically and naturally. The family dynamic was touching. The way that the different story lines converged was probably the best thing about this film.

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They ain't gettin' 40%

Really liked the style of this movie. Slow Burn but captivating. Vaughn and Gibson know exactly what this movie is and play well off each other.

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A violent slow motion film noir. But the violence only grazes everyday life. There is a certain irony in these elements (the sandwich, "Don't close the drive in" sounds after the massacre ...). The story is built without urgency, and it is forming a study of characters who try to flee from the mediocrity. There is something Shakespearean in the tragic nature of the story, in that dialogue with the graves. Amen.

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Shout by Carla Ribeiro
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-05-20T00:24:25Z— updated 2020-07-06T04:55:36Z

first half is boring af

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Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn star in the crime drama Dragged Across Concrete. When two cops are suspended for using excessive force they use their time off to stake out a crime boss and make plans to rob him. Gibson and Vaughn both give strong performances and work well as partners. Additionally, the script is well-written and is full of interesting characters and colorful dialog. Still, the tone can get kind of dark and the violence is rather graphic. A gritty and provocative film, Dragged Across Concrete explores the moral gray of the criminal world.

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Shout by Phunkie

Here's where I am.
First I thought it was just bad. Then after 30m or so I realized this actually is intentionally and genius.
I enjoyed the rest of the movie. Very much.
But after reading reviews I'm doubting again. Either the movie is very misunderstood, or I'm seeing things.
Don't tell me it was serious when he slammed the dashboard and inside of car door... right?

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So we had his western (Bone Tomahawk), we had his prison exploitation (Cellblock 88) and now we have his heist/buddycop movie. Can't wait to see what's next.

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This is very slow and makes a lot of interesting choices. I'm not sure why we got to see so many different people before knowing who they were. Still the main plot was engaging and the last bit was worth the wait.

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