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Double Jeopardy 1999

I remember liking this when it came out and now I'm ashamed of myself :/

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22 years later, I must say that I remembered it better ... It hasn't stood the test of time.

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i like this elder movies so much, because almost always solid storybook, tension and good actors... this one has a good twist and a brilliant Ashley Judd :100:

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I loved this movie when I first watched it as a kid. It was exciting and thrilling. At least this is what I remembered for all these years. But I guess this was mostly due to nostalgia or that as a kid you just process things differently, because watching this now, it‘s not nearly as good as I remember it. Nevertheless I still enjoyed it and it was worth the watch, especially now that it‘s available in 4K. Crazy to think that I last watched it on a tube TV in VHS quality.

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Very improbable and overdramatic version of The fugitive. I knew I've seen it before, but I didn't remember it very well, and now I've seen it again - the reason for not remembering is obvious. It's not very memorable movie.

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An uninspired The Fugitive rip-off with a really dumb script, even by Hollywood standards. It’s also lacking in any form of charm, which is odd because you can usually count on at least some personality in the acting/directing when it comes to schlocky 90s movies. I could write a longer review, but going more in depth would just require me to find different ways of expressing how uninspired, lazy and formulaic every aspect of this movie is, so to give you a quick idea: if it were released today, it would probably star Gal Gadot and release directly on streaming. It’s not the worst thing to come out of ‘99, but certainly among the most forgettable.


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