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Dog Soldiers 2002

I love this and won’t tire of watching it. Fantastic action, horror film, that doesn’t take itself too seriously and has perfectly timed brilliant British humour throughout.

Love the cast too, some of my favourite British Actors.

Top British Cult Horror Film!

Do watch, you won’t regret it. Don’t take it too seriously; despite it being a fast action, gory horror, it’s done with tongue in cheek too.

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I had a lot of fun with "Dog Soldiers". It's action-packed from start to finish with great British dialogue and quips. It's got a very likable hero. Actually there are multiple heroes and they all have their own great moments. It's bloody, even gory, and it tells a really good werewolf origin story.

The werewolf transformation scenes are mostly hidden from the viewer, no doubt because they couldn't recreate them or the budget wouldn't allow it. The werewolves are a bit rubbery looking and they aren't shown in extended shots but they are edited into the movie really well and are intimidating and relentless.

The action starts right away and does not let up. The sense of isolation is overwhelming at times. I saw a critic describe this as the "British werewolf equivalent of "Aliens"" and that is a pretty on-the-nose description.

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In his directorial debut, Neil Marshall created an interesting world with some new takes on the werewolf mythos. It pits a group of British soldiers on a training exercise against a pack of werewolves in the Scottish wilderness. Instead of focusing on the transformations and the human element of the werewolf, it really felt more like Alien or Predator. I liked the choice quite a bit.

There were some cheesy things that didn't set well with me that took me out of the movie. I wanted to tell Mr. Marshall that the actors didn't have to say a "badass" line before something happened. I had forgiven most of it, but when the "time of the month" line came out I inadvertently yelled at the TV in disgust. My fair rating reflected this because I really wanted to love Dog Soldiers. The werewolves were really interesting looking and the filmmakers did a wonderful job setting up the atmosphere. The script just needed a little more refinement in my opinion.

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There really haven’t been a lot of werewolf movies that I’ve really enjoyed, but this is one I think is pretty good. It’s low budget but they did well with the costumes and practical effects, fun action scenes. The plot was a bit predictable but it’s still manages to keep the viewer entertained.

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Man! This was a surprisingly great movie. The cast is great, the story is fun and the effects aren't cheesy. It's a great take on werewolves. I loved it. Definitely a watch!

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This move is a little like Night of the Living Dead, but with werewolves. There is strong acting and plenty of action, but what I really love about this movie is the werewolves. They look amazing. Rather than CGI, the makers of the movie go for costumes and make up, and man does it work. These beasts look scary and ferocious. It has a very cool ending too, although it won't be a surprise for the viewer who is paying attention.

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This is such a good werewolf film! Been one that I’ll never tire of rewatching. The the small cast do a great job with some really good performances all round. The starts builds the characters you’re with really well, you’re really invested in all of them which adds to the upcoming non stop action afterwards. The werewolf’s are designed really well they’re big, scary, powerful and very believable. This little gem will have you on the end of your seat for most of its run time.

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I hope I give you the shits, you fucking wimp!

When the production is as earnest as this, budget doesn't really matter. Dog Soldiers is a tentpole British indie horror movie that is a joy to watch regardless of how many times you've seen it before. What it lacks in polish, it makes up for in spirit and punch; early 2000s Neil Marshall was firing on all cylinders, cementing himself with both this and The Descent. Endlessly quotable, I still use "short, controlled bursts!" during multiplayer games when a teammate misses their shots. A modern, B-tier classic.

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What if "Aliens" was a werewolf movie? Ponder no more.

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The first scene of "Dog Soldiers" has a mockbuster feel to it. It just looks cheap and is poorly acted. My worst fears, however, vanished into thin air relatively quickly. Once the main plot really gets going, the film is a decent Predator rip-off. During a training mission, a British army unit must deal with werewolves. The group dynamics are effective, with Sean Pertwee and Kevin McKidd particularly convincing. Meanwhile, Liam Cunningham is a solid secondary villain, even if it's clear from the start that he's not playing a multi-layered character.

Unfortunately, the film's low budget kept pulling me out. While director Neil Marshall's talent shines through at times, the limitations of this production are all too obvious. For example, they apparently had only one decent camera on set. The picture quality varies greatly. The effects are also sub-par in places. At least the werewolves don't look bad. Marshall didn't skimp on the gore either; there's plenty of blood and guts. However, these effects aren't always that great. At times, they're even unintentionally funny.

Overall, "Dog Soldiers" is an entertaining film, but it would have benefited greatly from a larger budget.

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So far this is my favorite werewolf horror film. Such an incredibly fun film with lots of entertaining action and surprising amount of laughs. Most werewolves films are always too silly but this one is actually scary and demands to be taken seriously. Although I'm never a big fan of 2000s horror frenetic aggressive editing, it works for the most part in this film, even making the werewolves look more frightening. These characters are well-defined, and I love how they continue to crack jokes even at the most unfortunate moments, without spoiling the tension that lingers over most of the film. I can see myself watching this again numerous times. Now I'm super excited to see The Lair next month.

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I love watching horror movies. In this one there was a couple of things that I haven't considered before, and they gave me pause, in a bad way. But bad is good, in a horror context.
I wanted to give it a 9/10, but as i was writing this, I remembered a couple of things that were lacking.
100% would rewatch it.

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“I hope I give you the shits, you fucking wimp.”

I want more United Kingdom horror movies like this. Their expressions while fighting off Werewolves were cracking me up. The Werewolves look pretty cool and I can appreciate the practical effects. There is a scene where a dog is dragging a man's intestines while he is still alive, and I absolutely loved it.

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I cant believe its from 2002. It looks like a 90s take on predators with werewolves. sorry, but it is boring as hell :/

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It's was OK but seemed to lack something that made it special. It was like watching a mix of various other movie ideas in one movie. Predator - meets night of the living dead - meets aliens. Pertwee's character was the most entertaining. Nobody else stood out. The dialogue was sometimes funny but it was childish, like it was aimed at footy fans and kids that like guns. The story isn't interesting. I don't think the director did any justice to it either. There was no atmosphere and the shots lacked focus and were edited poorly.

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