Finally got around to watching In & Of Itself, wow, what a huge disappointment. From all the rave reviews I've been hearing I was expecting something quite fantastic rather than the dragged out self-indulgence I got. Fortunately there was some good magic and a couple of entertaining bits squeezed in, I still wouldn't recommend it to anybody.

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Did NOT expect to ugly cry at a magic show.

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The sleight of hand stuff is just distraction, the real tricks Derek performed were spoken, he said some words to you and those words played with your brain. The magic is metaphorical.

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I did not know what to expect for this special, was it magic? A one-man show? Something different? Well, it is a bit of everything to be honest. Some sleight of hand to warm up the crowd before making everyone cry for this public facing therapy session.

Very good with some peaks and valleys. You'll have almost as much fun identifying everyone in the crowd as you will watching.

Very heavy and is a performance that leaves you thinking much more about yourself than you did prior to viewing.
Go in with an open mind.

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This was an amazing watch. This would have been so awesome to see live. Definitely go into it blind, makes it that much sweeter.

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An actual magic show. Completely beguiling and mysterious, and sweet and funny.

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