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Demonic 2015

Almost everything I watch is horror. I don’t understand why this got a poor rating. This is one of the few movies that I’ve seen that actually made me feel unsettled. That actually made me jump once or twice. This isn’t something that comes easy to me. If you’re a ratings and review bitch, do yourself a favor. Ignore the 5.3 on IMDB and everything these idiots are saying and decide for yourself after watching it. I’m really glad I did the same thing.

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Honestly, i thought it's gonna be some budget movie that's gonna be really predictable but this show really has it's twist and spooks. I wouldn't say it's an excellent movie but it's not too bad either. It worked out for me :)

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A neat twist at the end doesn't save this derivative horror.

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Not a bad movie. Plenty of jump scares. I know the one around the 51mins mark got me especially while watching it with a headset on. OMG -__-" heartbeat becomes normal again

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From James Wan comes the supernatural thriller Demonic. When a detective is called to a multiple murder scene that appears to be a copycat of an infamous occult massacre, he finds a survivor and attempts to put together what happened. Featuring Frank Grillo and Maria Bello, the film has a pretty decent cast that gives solid performances. And the writers do a good job at building suspense and intrigue, and at interweaving the police investigation with the survivor’s flashbacks to what happened. Still, the occult stuff gets a little clichéd at times and requires some stretches in logic. Yet while it has its problems, Demonic delivers some intense thrills.

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de·mon·ic | dēˈmänik |
adjective from latin To suck incredible amounts of butt

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not the worst horror by a long shot but not the greatest either. to be fair i was incredibly high for most of the movie but a couple jump scares were good and i followed the plot no problem. the main issue is that i didn't really feel invested at any point in the two leads. i was way more invested in frank grillo fighting steve rogers and he was hydra and everything then, so i think it's just a matter of the character development lacking in this screenplay and not either of the actors' faults. love how the three dudes in the house all look like the hollywood versions of what the boys i actually went to high school with were aiming for i think.

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Expected less but the plot is interesting enough to see through the end. Typical paranormal movie but told through the perspective of the first responders and detectives post haunting. Sounds kinda lame but was enjoyable to see the same paranormal archetype viewed through a different lens.

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Slept on horror flick that deserves a sequel.

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