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Demolition Man 1993

A guilty pleasure. I love Bullock in this naive role. Her fiery and curious nature is reminiscent of a teenager's need to rebel and explore.

Sly is adorably awkward and Snipes pulls off overalls like no other. 90's cheesy action films have a cult following and I am proud to be a member.

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One of the funniest visions of the future ever in this under-rated movie.

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It was a good movie when it came out but it's only gotten better over the years... Why? Because it's like a Nostradamus documentary!

Video calls, teleconferencing, self-driving cars, Arnie the politician, tablets, Alexa-style assistants, YouTube-like instruction videos... Not to mention the push toward veganism, pacifism, self-help, mindfulness... The danger of viruses and body fluids... And the most frightening, the reduction of music to emotionless shortened pop song jingos...!

It is quite staggering. And it doesn't paint a great picture for all its 'utopia' portrayal.

As an action film, it's very good because of Snipes' martial arts and Stallone's comedy, as well as his excellent pairing with Sandra Bullock.

Gets better with age and I hope they attempt a sequel.

Two thoughts stay with you - how do the seashells work... And which version did you get, the badly-overdubbed Pizza Hut or the real Taco Bell?


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Plot twist: she is actually his daughter HAHAHAHAHA

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A super cheesy 90s action flick. I love how seeing old movie portray the future. Seeing Sylvester Stallone being a fish out of water while kicking ass is great. I kinda want some taco bell now.

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Demolition Man is my favorite movie about a nightmarish future, where they have gotten rid of free thought and everything the ruling elite considers immoral, and…wait… Isn't that what both the numbnuts on the left AND the idiots on the right want for all of us???

Anyway… Demolition Man.

A rather fun and entertaining piece of early 90s action that is almost a parody of the genre, but skirts the line beautifully. Stallone looks good, Bullock looks perfect and would charm the habit off a nun, and Snipes is batshit insane. We even get a Denis Leary rant at one point. Mix all of the above with big explosions, gunfights, and some rather and cheesy comedy, you get the perfect combo for an evening's entertainment.

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One of my all time favourite films, but for the first time ever I've just seen the Pizza Hut version. So weird.

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I used to see this movie as a funny parody. Now I found it premonitory.

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Lenina Huxley? ;)
Lenin (a) -
Huxley -

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They really don't make them like this anymore. Absurd, funny, dripping with 80's glass-smashing aesthetic and bombastic action, the creativity of this version of 2032 is really something to behold, and not too far off where we're probably going to end up with how things are at the moment. One liners galore and action sequences so extended and loud you'll probably have some form of tinnitus by the time the credits role. There is a lot of social commentary here too which isn't lost on me, and I feel it might be more relevant today than they initially intended.

Wesley Snipes gives a Nic Cage-tier performance, he's absolutely swinging for the fences for the entirety of this movie and it's great to see.

And finally, now I know the origins of the three shells meme! I always wondered where it came from and when it popped up here it was like a connection had been made in my brain.

Just great, almost-mindless fun. Definitely one I'll keep around for future viewings.

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I literally can't say how many times I have watched this movie. LITERALLY. Everytime is just as fun as the last... Actually... no, no, it's even better. My family and I can quote almost the entire movie lol

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Someone put me back in the fridge.

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Demolition man: I still like it as an action film, that society of the future based on good luck, bad business
"187 What is that? Death murder, which one? Death murder. There hasn't been a murder in 17 years."

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How was this not made in the 80's? Not a good movie, but I've watched it more than I care to admit. It's one of those flicks you catch when you're clicking through the channels in the motel waiting for the connect to show up with more crack.

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“Send a maniac to catch a maniac” good old classic action film done right that never gets old and only gets better and definitely one of (Wesley Snipes) tops along with his blade and it’s a shame he’s just not got it anymore.

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This movie is a 10 just for the replayability... and the 3 sea shells are for washing, rinsing, and drying duhhhhh lol

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Film 45 (Goal: 300) of 2024

Not sure where I really stand on Demolition Man. I knew it was going to be an average action flick going in, with it's big selling point being it's two leading men. But the script is all over the place without much vision. There's a 1984-ish narrative of controlled society but it just feels lost in this film. The film tries to tie it into a larger story, but the narrative feels out of place between what should be a simple cop who bends the rules vs. criminal who stops at nothing story. Snipes and Stallone seem like they're having fun, with Snipes in particular chews a lot of scenery - not always well but the character definitely stands out. Denis Leary just feels lost in this film.

Bit of a strange internal universe in this one - Rambo exists and Schwarzenegger was also an action star, who went on to become President (a little bit of foreshadowing for his future political career).

Don't know if I'll ever watch this one again. Think it joins a very long one and done pile.

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Absolutely terrible. 10/10

Denis Leary was a weird choice.

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I just finished watching a 10bit colour remastered version and enjoyed it very much. I think keeping the story simple and spending all that budget on futuristic sets and that cast was a great idea. The movie has aged very well thanks to those choices.

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"We're police officers! We're not trained to handle this kind of violence!"

They kind of got the future right in Demolition Man didn't they? Getting rid of all the bad stuff in the world. Like yesterday I read that in England some folks are saying that eating cake is as bad as smoking? Damn the world is changing. So happy we don't have the three seashells yet here. I don't know how to clean myself after a visit to the toilet with them.

Anyway Wesley Snipes is soo much fun in this, Sandra Bullock is turning up to the charm to eleven and Sly is always fun.

Demolition Man is campy silly 90s fun with great sets, a great running gag, a epic underground world and a amazing kill of the main bad guy in Snipes. I really miss these kind of movies today. Sometimes all you need to add to some decent ideas is a little cheese and the entertainment value will sky rocket and you have yourself one for the ages.

Great way to start the weekend!

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Shout by dgw

Despite memeable dialogue throughout, the script as a whole doesn't do much for me—in large part, because the timeframe is too short.

Perhaps I shouldn't have revisited this one. I'm not convinced that I'd seen the whole thing before, now, but the likely truth is that I did see all of it and just forgot everything but the memes because the story is… well, forgettable.

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Some mfs are always trying to ice-skate uphill! Wesley Snipes made this for me.

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