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Death Wish 2018

I was heading into this thinking they would have toned it way down from the original, I am glad they didn't, it is a movie, put your political views aside and watch it for what it is. I think it is the best Bruce Willis performance in quite some time. If you like this genre of film you wont be disappointed, if you are looking for some huge statement on gun control you will hate this.

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Best Bruce Willis movie since Live Free Die Hard. Great action flick well worth the watch.

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I think this movie is best when you watch it in a vacuum and do not think about the current political climate of gun control. If you can't do that, I don't blame you, but this movie will make you mad.

It's crazy to think this is Bruce Willis's first lead role in a theatrical released movie since 2013. He was fine. I liked Vincent D'Onofrio's character better. It is a simple plot. Some decent action scenes and some gruesome kills. There were a few decent laughs too. Nothing ground breaking but a decent time filler that will be forgotten about after being seen.

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Yippe kai ayyy mah faqa

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The film feels a bit slow at times, but otherwise a solid vigilante action film.


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A controversial movie that is certain to get terrible reviews from mainstream movie writers. The movie is well directed, well acted, and makes sense overall. Personally, as a husband and a father, I find this to be a somewhat refreshing in the current sea of wokeness coming from Hollywood. The movie is a 7 for me, but I give it an extra point for being least woke movie I have seen in a while

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I'm sure the original movie was/is much better, which is why I'm going to watch it sooner or later. But this movie was entertaining to watch, to say the least.

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Bruce Willis doesnt have the best track record in recent movies but I cant help but watch any movie he is in since Die Hard. And honestly to my surprise this was a movie with a decent story and great action which was unexpected.

I would give it a B+ overall and a fun movie to watch
If your looking for an action packed movie then this is your next one to watch.

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one of the best Bruce movies in a very long time. I love the actions and the storyline. Nice one.

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Death Wish is a boring low-rent geriatric Punisher with no bite and terrible timing given today's gun control climate.

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Poor script, the impressive cast does little to improve the movie above the script's quality.
And no, this isn't political. But if you claim that this is the same as Die Hard, I simply have to laugh into your face.

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Very bad and forgettable. Forced my way through it hoping it would get better but seemed its main purpose was to make a pilitical statement and not entertain. The movie seemed to try and come across as dark and action and ended up being corny and boring with many messups. I am a little irritated I wasted my time since having bruce willis as the lead but I will no longer be using that fact dictate if i am going to watch a movie.

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Nice entertaining Movie. Not something you will remember a long time but it's fine while it lasts. And that's what a decent Movie should achieve. A great Movie you won't forget.

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParent2018-05-26T17:37:36Z— updated 2018-05-27T19:35:11Z

If you could stop bringing up gun control and actually give your opinion on this movie itself and the performances of the actors, and rate the movie based on what you watched. that'd be great, people. Please don't bring up politics into this. Thanks. Smh

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Another remake for the pile.

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I remember seeing the Bronson movie way back then, but I can not remember much except that it's a revenge movie. Therefore, I can not and do not want to compare the two, except that this is also a revenge movie. These types of films have been made a dime a dozen in the past and no one gave a s**t. But I can understand why this, today, might provoke. But honestly, who of us can say what he/she would do in the same situation ? I know I can't.
It's a movie - either watch it and enjoy it or don't watch it.

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Shout by Deleted

im against citizens having weapons and i can enjoy this movie... because its a movie. people need to leave politics out of this.

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little confuse by the plot

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Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon is the better remake....this gets nowhere near to what the original was

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:heart::heart::heart::heart: - Awful! It's not even close to the 1974 classic starring Charles Bronson style

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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I am justice. A pro-army plea.

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its actually not bad, but something was missing. maybe it would have been cooler if the doctor was no action hero. the transformation would have been more effective. it was definitely brutal and honest. better than the average late bruce willis movie.

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I will rate this movie Love Sosa/10, very nice, better than Law Abiding Citizen

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Bruce Willis in 4K looks uglier than ET next to the ageless beauty Elizabeth Shue.

Also is anyone else sick of characters being referred to as mild mannered? No one is mild mannered.

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An entertaining (full of) action film.

I enjoyed 'Death Wish', plain and simply. The action is satisfying, with it featuring some neat death scenes. The plot, meanwhile, is one that has heart to it. Bruce Willis is suitably fun in the titular role and is joined by the terrific Dean Norris. Camila Morrone is the pick of the rest of the cast.

It's nothing deserving of any awards of course, but that's OK as this is a production well worth a watch - in my opinion at least. Not seen the original yet, will aim to check it (and its many sequels) out some time.

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Geez. Pretty weak remake. I was surprised to see Eli Roth was involved. It’s full of very mediocre acting by a pretty decent cast. I wouldn’t bother with this one. Wish I hadn’t.

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Eli Roth remakes Death Wish with Bruce Willis. When Dr. Paul Kersey’s wife is killed and his daughter’s left in a coma after a home invasion Kersey takes matters into his own hands and becomes a vigilante to get the justice that the police can’t. Willis gives a fairly middling performance, but the character isn’t really written that well. Still, the film does do some clever things with the internet and talk radio to show how the character trains to become a vigilante and gains notoriety. And while the pacing can be kind of slow, it allows time for Kersey to grow frustrated and exhaust other avenues before turning to vigilantism. Rather tame for an Eli Roth film, Death Wish is an entertaining, though pretty run-of-the-mill revenge film that doesn’t do anything new or interesting with the material.

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My aversion to remakes in general coupled with a rather shitty trailer kept me from seeing this in the theater. But I was pleasantly surprised, it's one of Roth's better films and a very solid revenge film. I'm not gonna lie and say that I would have given the Death Wish remake half a chance if it was not streaming on Amazon Prime Video. But long story short I'm glad I did. Kudos to Roth for pulling off the impossible making a DW remake that doesn't taint the original & can stand on it's own

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Bruce Willis brings this intense action movie to life. With a strong cast and the perfect balance between plot and mindless action Death Wish delivers a very enjoyable experience. The cinematography is good, the pacing is masterfully crafted and overall the action is superb. Definitely worth a watch!

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The script and the characters are very schematic. Very reactionary and self-justified movie

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Got a death wish? If so, this movie is for you - it will suck the life right out of you. The original was no classic, but it is much better than this. Even the sequels to said original were more fun than this generic effort. Willis is no longer the star he used to be, and while this is better than some of his more recent DTV outings, it still falls way short of Die Hard and his other early efforts.

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I mean give Bruce Willis a gun and you have a decent movie, right? Amen? Yes? Help me out here. If you need some vigilante style justice in your life, this is the movie to watch. Bruce just gives it that extra grit it needs. Two things bothered me about the movie:

  1. at some point multiple people will know what Bruce is up to, but because of his emotions, no one condemns his actions - Look I get it, an eye for an eye, seems fair, but it's not a viable solution. I think all involved parties should've died and the movie ending with D'onofrio taking his niece to school where she'll try to salvage some part her life.

  2. Willis makes a gesture towards a thief at the end, leaving the door open for a sequel? The problem here is why it's dangerous to allow vigilante justice. Where do you even draw the line?

Anyway, that's just me thinking way beyond the movie! The movie itself is a decent action movie for a boy's night.

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Good graphics outside of that was lacking..Bruce is talented and will never fall to a Steven Segal status which is why I gave it a shot

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Shout by Deleted

I Love it! That ramake that does not lose the essence of the classic. I thought it might have been better only in some scenes where the villains eventually lost their reality and became briefly in those villains of children's adventure films.

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Well nothing new, just another movie with Bruce (not far from 'Die Hard' unfortunately).

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For an Eli Roth movie this is pretty good. It never feels ridiculous or over-the-top like a lot of his movies. It actually commits to being a dark and realistic revenge-thriller (similar to The Equalizer) and i enjoyed it.

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Pretty decent remake. It doesn't have the grit or staying power of the original, but it does a good job of updating the story for a modern world. There's a lot of good points to it, but it just feels a little too slick, which is surprising, coming from Roth...

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Loved it. Solid action movie remake of a classic I don't remember now :)
We see Bruce Willis finally in a great role.

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Another great movie with this dinossaur, but already a chewed story. I understand that the timing about gun control is ok, it's not an masterpiece, but it worth the time spend.

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I enjoyed the film for what it was, on its own - a revenge action film. The only real problems I have are in the third act, and that's a shitty place to lose the script.

The detectives are determined to find the vigilante killer, and then are basically "Oh, it was you, we know it, but LOL, whatev!" Sloppy doc left bloody fingerprints on pretty much everything everywhere he went, like the guitar in the pawn shop. This becomes not so much a story of a man's revenge as it does a case of sloppy detectives who I can only imagine must drink a lot. Then, there's the matter of the weapon conveniently stored in the table in the basement like he just knew that's where he'd be surprised by the big bad.

Up until that point, only a couple eye-rolls, but all in all, enjoyable. Not worth re-watching.

Edit: I watched The Foreigner later in the day, and it's a much better revenge film and a MUCH better action film.

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Enjoyable movie. Slow start but lots of action follows. Bruce Willis, is great in his portrayal of a husband who takes matters into his own hands. Well worth a watch.

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While I miss the raw edge of the original, this remake entertains despite its slow beginning and polished look. Maybe it's just that I'm a fan of Eli Roth or happy to see an action film that isn't PG-13, but overall Death Wish delivers a strong punch.

I also appreciated the gun control message and portrait of Chicago as a beautiful city in crisis.

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