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Death on the Nile 2022

This was really good. From the unexpected opening sequence which explains Poirot's moustache, to the gorgeous cinematography, to the surprising cast and on to the satisfying ending, Kenneth has done it again. 7/10

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Two hours of Emma “I have four acting credits to my name” Mackey being a better actress than some Hollywood fossils.

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Slightly below average. The performances of Gal Gadot and Armie Hammer are just too bad.

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Great author, good story, average acting and OK screening. It is nice to pass time but ıt could be better. Even if you do not know the book it is easy to guess the killer from the clear details. They have made it so much obvious. 6.5/10

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Little advice before watching "Death on the Nile" go and watch "Murder on the Orient Express" it's the prequel and another murder mystery for Monsieur Poirot.

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Was extremely fun to watch. Kept me engaged and to the edge.

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Don't waste your Electricity

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the actors are very good but the fake scenographies of the Nile are unwatchable and lower the rating.

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I'm fond of murder mysteries, so this already had a leg up from the get-go. That and my lowered expectations resulted in a fairly entertaining watch.

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Tacky, exposition-heavy, yet somehow charming.

The set is incredibly tacky — I doubt anything else would have worked to be fair, but, it is taken too far at times - reminded of one particular scene where an alligator leaps out of the water to snap up an ibis :asterisk_symbol:eyeroll:asterisk_symbol:. There are some moments of cinematographic brilliance though, which reminded me of the superlative “Knives Out”.

The writing slaps you in the face with clues every other line: Someone said their shawl is missing, did we just hear someone say this trip was their idea? Did you catch that or should I make it any more obvious? This approach makes for a movie that would work great in a group setting with folks pausing to discuss theories. In other words, it would make for a great streaming movie, almost perfectly suited for the medium. Wouldn’t head to the theaters to watch this one, unless of course yours allows pausing and discussion.

Didn’t care of the ending but that’s the least important part anyway. No ending can change how much you will like this movie.

7/10 - Adequately fun streaming content.

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Just crap!! Time for Kenneth Branagh to stop murdering Agatha Christie’s work.

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A fun "whodunit" that offers little to write home about. Though Death on the Nile is quite lively and enjoyable, I'm afraid the story and most of its performances are quite forgettable. Honestly, I have little bad to say about the film, but I also have little to rave about, and I believe many people will feel this same way.

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For a movie running 127 min there wasn't much going on. And althought I swear I don't know the book or the old movie I knew the whole scheme from the moment she was killed. I can't say if that's a flaw of the movie how the plot is presented, but it was fairly obvious.

It looks good in general with a couple of flaws regarding the CGI. 90m $ doesn't seem to be enough nowadays althought I have seen better for less.

Acting was OK, I don't think anyone stood really out. And the accents were at times a little thick.

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Absolute crap and a disgrace. It’s terrible on it’s own and in it’s own right but the fact that the one from 1978 is an absolute masterpiece with the best on location sets in the history of cinema does not help…

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There is almost as much artificiality in the characters (particularly the non-chemistry between Gal Gadot and Armie Hammer) as there is in the background of a faked Egypt with chroma screen and flawed CGI. Essentially, that is the main problem of a film that exudes neither the romantic passion that its characters should have, nor the wanderlust that the winding desert and the pyramids of Egypt should have.

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The death took too long to occur, and that was after waiting to get on the Nile. A lot of waiting, a lot of exposition.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2022-03-31T10:35:36Z— updated 2022-12-18T19:53:01Z

As a French speaker I find the fake accents ridiculous and distracting. Branagh wants the role of Poirot for himself, fine, but if you want some semblance of authenticity, at least undergo phonetic coaching before heading into it, better yet just keep your English accent—I doubt most people would care. And Rose Leslie? What the hell for? She's awful and a relative nobody, and you got a French actress in Emma Mackey, so why not get another one to play Louise?

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Kenneth Branagh is like me at parties: more at ease with things than people.

Visually, Death on the Nile is sumptuous. There's some bad CGI (there's a scene with white balloons floating from the boat that look like they were done by hand with crayons) but for the most part, Egypt (the pyramids, the statues, the Nile) is artificial, sure, but more gorgeous than the real thing.

As for the rest of the movie... I fell asleep for much of it, so I'm going to see it again to determine if my nap was my fault or the film's.

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I am a great fan of Christie's novels, but this is just boring. Please, watch ITV's Poirot series instead.

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I feel bad for Branagh. He tries, but he is no Suchet or Ustinov. And with the writers butchering a great story what else can he do. You can feel the greatness of Agatha Christie's writing drowning (fits here doesn't it?) in the stupidity they added. Would make for a great movie, if they would just stick to the original. They even added an action sequence with Poirot? How stupid can they be? Have they ever seen anything with him?

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Gal Gadot should be forbidden from any kind of leading role… terrible. Funny how terrible movies like this, murder on the orient, birdman, boss baby 2, make it to the theaters in the first place. Shame on you hollywood!

Id rather watch Fran Drescher in Beautician in the beast 5 times in a row than to ever have to be tortured by this extremely boring and poor written shit show ever again.

I was forcibly subjected to this movie by friends. “This is my nightmare!” as Jason Segel says

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At times (particularly in the beginning) the movie seems to prefer style over substance. Some movies have music beds to tell you something dramatic is happening - for the first 40 minutes of this movie we were told the scenes were dramatic when the camera cut to Poirot looking over the scene with intense eyes. I also thought the casting of Hammer and Gadot was curious. Both are just "ok" and nothing more.

Anyway, the movie got better as it went along. I am proud to say that I solved the murder but not in the same way that Poirot did. If you pay attention to the way the story is told you can probably figure it out.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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It starts getting good about half way through, where Poirot's genius starts to shine. There's a lot more emotion in this one compared to Orient. The VFX sometimes really take you out of it cause its so bad. But just like the first one this story is carried by an amazing cast. Personally I love Dawn French. Also the music is excellent. I genuinely hope they make atleast one more to fully appreciate Poirot's character development.

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A murder mystery that takes too long to get to the murder. I'll be honest, never read the novel so I also didn't know who did it (guessed it before anyone was killed on the assumption of who would die first). Still, working it out doesn't spoil my enjoyment of the genre (see also: Knives Out). I was also thrown by some of the shoddy, clearly post-COVID, patch-up work. You can really tell they had to do some workarounds in places and it does kind of take you out of the moment. Solid watch, some great shots to compensate too.

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Not usually one to get the twist/ending of plots, I had this pretty quickly. It made the rest of the film kind of meh for me. If you're doing a mystery and it gets figured out early, I feel , it kind of can ruin it because the rest of the movie is just trying to get you on to other possible culprits. If you're sure of who it is, then the rest of it is almost a waste of time. The directing was great, Kenneth Branagh is awesome and Gal Gadot is beautiful. Overall though, disappointed. I shouldn't be able to solve it in the first bit of the movie.

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The miscasting of several key characters aside, this is fairly enjoyable, even if it lags behind such recent murder mysteries as Knives Out.

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If you like Agatha Christie, you will most likely enjoy this. For me, it was just OK. I've probably seen too many Agatha Christie movies over the decades. I think I prefer the old-school movies for her style of storytelling - that's all.

Oh, btw - I completely missed that the doctor was Russell Brand. I just kept thinking that I know that guy but couldn't quite place him.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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First Time Watching
Rating: 5.5 (2022)

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What an disappointed movie! i Was waiting for it and then i found that it's so shitty
the acting, How they ruined the story
really awful

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So much better than Murder on the orient express but still no classic. Watchable, enjoyable but the previous adaptations are more worth the time to watch.

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loved it loved the book the characters

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Enjoyable, yet flawed. Branagh & Mackey the highlights for me. If you enjoyed the first you're likely to enjoy this one. 7.1

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Feels like a musical movie, not my kind of movie

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As director, Branagh sadly only knows over the top.

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Can't say I enjoyed it more than the previous film. The set and cinematography was stunning. One of the most beautiful film i have seen in a while.

I guessed the suspect from the moment the first gunshot went off, so in that way this film probably failed me on the mystery front.

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The first half is quite slow in outlining the background but quite faithful to the original novel. Then, it leaves space to a second half which instead is too fast: I would have definitely preferred it to be slower, and following more the events of the novel, as the summary made in the film seems less effective in clearly fixing the investigation steps.
The cast and acting could be improved: I would have seen the two actresses impersonating the female deuteragonists inverted, some choices seemed not to be in line with the historical setting, and some doubts on the actual performance, especially of Gadot. Branagh ok, but he seasoned Poirot a bit too much.
Overall, a nice entertainment film, not too good in recreating Christie's atmospheres, and with the pace of the two halves quite imbalanced.

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"A chef and enough champagne......... to FILL THE DENIAL"

On a serious note, I liked this a little more than 'Murder on the Orient Express'. There's some good shots in this one. Since this takes place in the river Nile in Egypt, the movie has that bright warm look to it, where everyone's skin looks oily and sweaty.

Kenneth Branagh was great in this.

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It's a good movie to watch. But it didn't quite catch the same feeling as the first movie.

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Agatha Christie is one of my all time favourite authors. I've read most of her works and seen several adaptations of them. Murder on the Orient Express (2017) was flawed in certain aspects, mainly the writing, which ultimately made the film fall flat despite its all star cast and impressive visual aesthetic. I know I shouldn't get hyped for Death on the Nile, but it's one of my favourite stories by Christie and I do hope that they do it justice this time.

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This was so bad. Just watch the original 1978 with Peter Ustinov. First, Kenneth Branagh is so bad as Poirot. He can't speak just 2 words of French. Don't they have dialect coaches? The Game of Thrones girl was also so bad and fake with her accent. Just embarrassing in 2022 and it takes you right out of the movie. 44 years ago, they actually chose actors who could speak the parts they were supposed to play.

The movie is also bad on other levels. You get no character development outside the main 3. In the original you knew all the other characters. There is no fun, no humor, no tension. Not that the original is a comedy but it has a magical combination of humor and seriousness.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2022-02-18T03:10:06Z— updated 2022-11-08T04:19:20Z

Death on the Nile is some-what better than the first film. Kenneth Branagh steals the show more this time as the sleuth Hercule Poirot. With, even a backstory to why he has that silly mustache.
Death in the Nile is sexier, more engaging and nicer to look at than Murder on the Orient Express. Emma Mackey as Jacqueline de Bellefort stands out the most from the supporting cast. As a femme fatale like character who wants back her ex Simon Doyle (Armie Hammer).
Who was stolen from her by her former good friend Linnett Ridgeway (Gal Gadot). Linnett is targeted while on cruise down the Nile. Linnett thinks Jacqueline is involved since she finds them where ever they go. The couple recruit Poirot to talk to her about leaving them alone.
During the cruise there’s a murder and it is up to Poirot to figure out who on board is the murderer. Though the first film ended with Poirot already told about the murder on the Nile, this film ignores that.
Death on the Nile isn’t as good as Knives Out but it is a good watch for those looking for more mysteries like Knives Out

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This movie made me want to visit Egypt so I could throw myself into the Nile. the acting was so cringe for the first hour and a half of the movie, but when the end came, everything worked together like a well designed puzzle to make the movie more interesting than what it actually was.

When it comes to the actual plot, it was extremely basic.
The movie never really taught us anything about history or Egyptian culture. It was just a bunch of jumping around and checking facts off of a sheet.

I wish there was more depth and story to this movie, but it didn't really get my heart racing, and I have to say, I really expected more from Cleopatra.

I rate this 4/10
I would have rated this 10/10 if Cleopatra had more screen time. #YaaasQueen

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I love a good murder mystery film. The settings were beautiful.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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What are wrong with this 2022 version

CGI heavy scenery

After the murder, the boat stopped until recovering the gun - probably easier for CGI, but it does not make any sense. Old version had more realistic logic to go back to look for the weapon.

Story-wise Unnecessary Prologue and Epilogue.

Shallow character buildings almost like puppet show.

I highly recommend to skip the prologue and epilogue when watching at home.

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this book was my fav from Agatha Christie, but this movie? This is a disgrace to the book. Some thing were changed and not how it happened in the book. :rolling_eyes:

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While the film-work is clearly advanced. And the changes are.... ehh fine. I think the reveal and the mystery itself was better in the original. I did like the telegraphing captures though. Every time Poirot said "The killer is among us" the camera would briefly cut a shot of the killer. Hilarious because it happened like three times. Knowing what I knew it wasn't subtle but I wonder how it would look if I was unawares.

Russell Brand has never looked better. Like physically he looks amazing and my sister says he should look like this in all of his roles.

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It was good, I liked it better than the Orient Express. I guess watching the mentalist series helped me to see who did it. This fake Egypt sings a lot

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Finally got around to watching this and yes, it's better than Murder on the Orient Express, lol.

This is one of my favourite stories by Christie so I was understandably wary of this film but they did good imo. First and foremost, such beautiful cinematography! Composition, framing, lighting - it's just chef's kiss. Script and dialogue were fine too, though acting could have been better. And I don't think Gal Gadot was a good choice for that role.

The story itself hit me differently this time, which was unexpected to say the least. I'd rather not go into detail here for spoilery reasons but that's probably because my perspective on life and death has changed a lot since I read the book years ago.

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So I have a couple things to say:

  1. mid directing
  2. scenarios were obviously fake like it seemed they didnt even tried to make a good scenario
  3. kenneth branagh is a mediocre poirot. "sometime maybe good, maybe shit"
  4. slow pacing
  5. it evolved way faster than it should on the second half
  6. i always feel bad for bouc (my favourite character)
  7. jacqueline was something else...
  8. that whole cleopatra scene. i didnt get it...
  9. i feel like a couple key-details (used in the book) were left a little bit out
  10. ive read the book multiple times and i watched the version with david suchet as poirot and im pretty sure thats not how jacqueline and simon die
  11. the movie didnt speak to me at all
  12. i was dissapointed

  13. the only thing that i actually thought it was solid was the plot. But that has been written for years...

i was hoping for something else

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A big NO. Please watch the original one with Peter Ustinov and Angela Lansbury, it's far better than this one

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It's a well crafted, enjoyable mystery with another brilliant turn from Branagh as Poirot. The gimmick of the all-star cast doesn't work quite as well here as the first film, but it's still a fun follow up. I'd like to see more of these.

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Wow this is the easiest guessed whodunnit movie I have ever seen. I can guess a main victim and murderers since they were on board to the ship. There is no twist at all. Emma Mackey’s acting is the only extraordinary thing in this film.

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I don't know the novel this movie is based on, but it's plot is very weak. A slow-moving action begin at the half of the movie and then we also get an obvious, suspected killer. Beautiful pictures saves a liitle the movie.

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Enjoyed it. Well executed. Compare it to Glass Onion and it is a proper murder mystery.

But the shadow of David Suchet looms large. And the quality of those Poirot mysteries makes this seem theatrical. I don't recall Poirot openly accusing every single suspect to be a killer during interrogation...

I've not read the books. But if this keeps them alive, so be it. I'll watch.


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I didn’t think much of this one, mix of It was alright, watchable but could of been better and it had a good cast that all did well with their roles but the plot itself didn’t impress me and that ending was poor and also it was predictable to who done it, definitely not on the level of the first one of the remakes.

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Weird that The Orient Express ended with Poirot already told about the death on the Nile. Here he is present when it happens it doesn’t happen until the middle of the movie.

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Shout by Dann Michalski
BlockedParent2022-10-20T16:00:03Z— updated 2022-10-23T01:41:07Z

The adventures of detective Hercule Poirot continue in the murder mystery Death on the Nile. Based on the Agatha Christie novel, a newlywed heiress is murdered while vacationing in Egypt with friends on a cruise ship and it falls to Poirot to uncover the killer. Kenneth Branagh reprises his role as Poirot, and is joined by Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Annette Bening, and Russell Brand. The murder mystery is well-constructed and engaging, but is couched between a prologue and coda that don’t really connect to the main plot. And there are some racial and sexual issues that seem interjected more for political reasons than story ones. However the sets and costumes are exceptionally well-done, and Patrick Doyle provides a solid score that compliments that material. The pacing can be a little languid at times, but overall Death on the Nile is an entertaining film that’s full of intrigue.

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It's time for Team Branagh to stop assaulting Agatha Christie. Long past time, actually. It's almost painful to see how easily those without Christie's talent can damage her worlds even as they probably think that they're improving on her efforts. But there's a reason why she's Agatha Christie and they're...not.

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Branagh confirms he is the biggest disappointment of the last 30 years

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An impressive cast yet somehow lacking. The movie missed on the promise of Poirot. No "real" spoilers from me. Despite the twists and turns of the plot and attempts at building rich characters the movie lacked heart. The finale was more obvious than I wanted to experience. I hoped for Poirot to present a brilliant and convoluted end but the crescendo was a poor shadow of what could have been.

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The movie was OK, the performances were OK. But why, oh why, did they think it would be a good idea to put that terrible CGI in the film to make it seem more bombastic.

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Visually stunning, Branagh is impeccable. Unsure why comedic heavy weights were cast and then underused. The mix of American Blues and Egypt was oddly complimentary. Oh to visit Egypt in the 1920's and not a century later!

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Not a huge improvement from the previous movie, but overall I found it slightly more entertaining. The actual death on the Nile clocks in at 65 minutes, but the pacing gets better from that point. My main problem is that the movie works in blocks, especially when introducing and exploring each character, while a more organic approach would have kept the tension higher on multiple fronts. The Nile cruise is supposed to enchant with glamour and exoticness, but the tacky CGI pretty much kills the whole purpose.

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This Poirot is a little different from the Poirot in the novel.

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Very disappointing compared to The Orient Express.

Annette Bening shouts like she's on a stage, probably because it's shot on a highly lit stage

How much money was wasted on the animals eating each other scenes, that could have been spent on the other, always there FX? which are made more noticeable by having the odd real shot

I think the pre effects greenscreen cut would be less distracting , The mummy 1999 still looks better

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I think they need to change the title of the film to : Death on the SCREEN!! because it was such a long drawn out piece of rubbish it was unbelievable..!!

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Is good, we'll done, but I found it a bit boring.

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the boat could have traveled to the plot faster.

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One of my favorite authors is Agatha Christie, so I was expecting something fantastic. This is a star studded movie also so....

It definitely proves Gal Godot can't act with her clothes on. Totally ruins the whole movie. Ironic since I really like her in the Wonder Woman series, but it's comic book stuff. She is a very limited actress and her horrible portrayal of an heiress just makes the movie drag like a tugboat.

Kenneth Branaugh may not be the best director either, or maybe he just needs to be doing one or the other, acting or directing, but not both at the same time.

The rest of the cast was good, and Russell Brand was actually a great surprise in his role.

But this will be the last movie I waste my time with Gal Gadot other than comic book movies. Her acting is horrendous. Maybe they thought her character dies anyway but damn, her character didn't die soon enough to fix this movie.

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The link to Pluto is for the old 1977 film not the new one premiering in Feb 2012 - sloppy work guys!

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