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Dead Poets Society 1989

❞Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys.
Make your lives extraordinary.❞

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Oh Captain, My Captain!
terrific film ..

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There are certain films that get under your skin, never to come out. They change your life, subtly altering your perceptions of reality, almost always for the better.
Dead Poets Society is one of those few films.

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One of the greatest movies ever made. It starts off very nonchalant. But before you know it you're getting pulled in emotionally, empathy with the students and teacher is on overdrive. You feel what they feel. You cry what they cry. The way this movie grabs you without you even realising. It's a masterpiece. Some of the greatest directing and production you'll ever watch.

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I've watched this movie more than 5 times and I cried in every single one of them. It is beautiful, amazing, inspirational and with a great message! Definitely a solid 10!

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I know this film teaches you to dream, but it also shows just how dangerous dreaming can be when the real world so often, effectively and nonchalantly kills every last bit of belief and hope we let ourselves have as kids, as we grow up. Neil’s death is unbelievably painful to watch now after the world lost one of its greats, sir Robin Williams, in such a similar fashion. I guess we’re all lucky to have an entire film dedicated to how incredible and inspiring that man was. O captain, my captain!

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This makes me sad. I miss Robin Williams.

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What can I say? Gay excellence.

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Never forgotten Robin Williams! This movie was very special with great messages and good directing.Must watch i would say 8.5/10

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it’s such a beautiful movie i don’t have words to describe it. everyone sould watch it.

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This is the best movie of all the time.

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Absolutely brilliant.

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It's good, but it's not History Boys good.

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Wow a hell of a film

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fucking beautiful and five more words

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Blasphemous movie, with silly story, that can be related in 15 sec.
It's a waste of data and time

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Shout by Deleted

This is the movie i was born to watch.

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What a movie

O Captain! My Captain!

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It would have be great to see a scene with Todd and Mr. Keating explaining Keating's affinity for him. Just in general, I would have liked to see Todd have more screen time given that they introduced him as being the main character yet I felt Neil was much more prominent. It is odd because Todd felt kind of unimportant to the entire film except for the obvious effect that Mr. Keating had on him given that he seemed to not have a great relationship with his parents. I will say, though, it was nice how straightforward the story was, making every minute enjoyable to watch.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the first good movies I remember watching, will always be in my memory

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A film that revolves around the arrival of a new English literature teacher at an ultraconservative and elitist boys’ boarding school. In this institution, its motto is excellence, and it focuses excessively on scientific education, aiming to mold future doctors, economists, and lawyers. However, they neglect a fundamental aspect: teaching students how to express themselves.

The teacher takes it upon himself to break the mold for his students. He emphasizes the importance of self-expression, empowering them to decide what they truly want. Moreover, he underscores the significance of language—poetry is more than beautiful words; it’s about emotions and the messages we convey. But it doesn’t end there; the recipient also plays a role, attributing their own experiences and feelings to interpreting the message.

Yet, self-expression isn’t merely about expressing feelings; it goes deeper. It’s about revealing who we are, shedding our masks and pretenses.

“Dead Poets Society” is an excellent film that leaves me with a different message each time I watch it. I empathize with the characters in varying ways, and the ending always leaves me with a bittersweet feeling. :movie_camera::books::performing_arts:

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Very good film. Great acting all round the main cast. Interesting themes. Carpe Diem!

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Beautiful movie that makes it obvious that there will never be another Robin Williams. I don’t have to say anything more than that. Everyone deserves a teacher like this in their life and it sure made me appreciate the one I had years ago. A true mentor.

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I saw this movie when I was maybe 14 in school and I didn't care for it at the time but I loved almost every minute of it this time. Robin Williams' character is just so much fun and interesting to watch and listen to. All the teenage actors are amazing and it was cool to see a young Ethan Hawke. The ending is iconic and gave me chills. I can see myself rewatching thise more often now as I try to carpe every diem.

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When I first saw 'Dead Poets' Society' in school many years ago, I didn't particularly like the movie. Admittedly, it was a bit too boring for me. As an adult, I can appreciate the strong performances and the engaging story a bit more. But I still don't think it's all that great. In my opinion, the plot lacks depth, and Robin Williams' quirks don't always fit in well with the overall narrative. I was also bored again several times, so I was never really able to form a strong connection with the characters. I can think of numerous coming-of-age films that I like much better.

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Neil shot himself because despite his natural abilities he would've never been able to pursue his dream. What's the point of life without the chance to fulfill one's dreams?
There's lots of similar messages below the surface in this movie. Really enjoyed it.

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The movie that started my love for cinemas in my youth. Slow start, but it pulls you in... and the ending leaves you hurting and standing on a desk.

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This movie proves that the biggest enemy in life is old white men. Also, that ending was not what I expected considering the movie's first half was so happy-go-lucky.

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He walked with vigour
Like the sun was thee,
Carving the stellar boys
Freeing them from agony!!>

These are the words that flowed like the stream of my thoughts. What a brilliant way to break free from the world of the realistic bullshits. Loved evety second.Can feel the rushes and emotions of the young minds being one.It’s like a wake up call for the Young Souls.And I feel like the distressed sailor of the endangered ship.And calling out to Mr. Keating “O Captain,My Captain!Save us..”
And he’s like showing the way and shouting
❝Carpe Diem,Boys❞.......

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Movie tries hard to be inspirational and tradition breaking, but to me it just felt corny and off. A movie directed at the mass, and well it did achieve basically achieve its goal. Got popular and has a high rating. On any closer inspection though it simply falls apart as a dumb high school drama. 5/10

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Dis flick is a real beaut, eh? It's aboot an off-the-wall teach who inspires his prep school hosers to seize the day. Robin Williams is a total hoser as Mr. Keating, who gets his students to form a secret club called the Dead Poets Society. They have some rip-roarin' times sneakin' out at night, cuttin' loose, and readin' poetry in a cave. Makes ya wanna go out and recite some poems yourself!

But it gets real heavy when one of the guys offs himself cause his old man is a real square. Bummer, eh? There's some deep stuff in here aboot thinkin' for yourself and livin' life to the full. She's a reel tearjerker in parts. But overall it's a corker of a flick. I'd give'r two thumbs up! So watch it, ya hosers!

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the face neil makes after mr keating makes todd improvise that poem in class.... those were the most beautiful heart eyes i’ve ever seen, that boy was in love

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I feel heartbroken and empty, yet content and nostalgic.
I want to talk about this movie to all my friends and have all of them watch it and cry and reflect on their lives. My god. Robert Sean Leonard and Robin Williams did phenomenally, but Ethan Hawke stole the show for me. God, his character feels so real. I had so many goosebumps.
Immediately my all time favourite movie, bumping Perks of Being a Wallflower to spot two (and that's not an easy feat)

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I found it slow and boring, sorry! Didn't really care for the any of the characters or anything...

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very good, everyone should watch it

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I love this movie. I love every scene, every shot. The cinematography was INSANE like the colors and everything complement so well.

Also, I need a whole paragraph just to talk about RSL as Neil Perry. LIKE HOW I DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT HIM UNTIL DR HOUSE?
I need a Neil Perry in my life asap. JUSTICE FOR NEIL, LIKE... WHY? This film broke my heart in million pieces, but at the same time made me fell in love with RSL and poetry.

pd: Anderperry :100:
and they were roomates...

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A wonderful epology about universal values, including the appreciation of the fullness of life, and not falling into conformism and indifference.

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A very particular teacher and some students who discover life.

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It’s okay, it is a good movie. But not as life-changing as everyone saying! Sorry If I offended anyone, but I think it’s pretty overrated.

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Awesome movie, every student must watch. "Carpe diem" !.

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if this doesn't change your life, i don't know what will.

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I watched this movie for the first time not too long ago, and finally got around to my second viewing. I will confirm it was as good on the second watch as the first. First and foremost, I am a sucker for Robin Williams movies and I am shocked it too me so long to watch this. However, it is still far from my favorite of his movies despite enjoying it so much. It’s well acted and a great script, as expected. Reminded me a lot of Mr Holland’s Opus. It was also nice to see young Ethan Hawke killing his role. I will definitely watch again and I would recommend it!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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I wish they further explored the stories of each of the students especially Todd, Chris and Knoxx.
I love everything in it from plot to execution.
Also I enjoyed how they executed the Neil's death, I've watched so many movies & shows but never saw anything like that.

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Shout by Andy

love it but why did he have to die though

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A fine story well told

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A fairly by-the-books tale of adolescence, uncertainty, self-discovery and clashes with authority that rises to greater things on the backs of a few dynamic performances. Central to it all is Robin Williams, of course, in a role that showed the world he could play for more than laughs, but don't overlook the dramatic chops of the kids, either. An extremely young Ethan Hawke is the focus, and he shines, but I found more versatility in Robert Sean Leonard's tragic turn as his brash, social, get-things-done roommate.

A setting in the conservative 1950s excuses many of the film's indulgences, grounding it as a period piece with flashes of the cultural revolution that was already on the way, but also adds a certain sense of natural charm and classic Americana to the mix. It can be quite dark, but also very optimistic, and expertly handles that difficult range of emotion through a vast array of concurrent storylines. Very good stuff, though it often feels like it's preaching to the choir.

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that's no way to teach an accounting class

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While the movie has a good and interesting story, i feel like the drama points were too rushed, small stuff like the play being played right after the boy aplied to it, it needed a time space. He killing himself was also too much even though i really really understand why he would do it. When the father saw him dead i was waiting for him to wake up and say "see, im a really good actor!" seriously!!

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wow, just wow. prepare for emotional scenes you guys.

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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant movie. Watched it first a school with German translation. It actually loses a bit there. Watched it recently in original form and it's much better. Oh Captain my Captain!

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One of the first good movies I remember watching, will always be in my memory

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One of the first good movies I remember watching, will always be in my memory

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One of the first good movies I remember watching, will always be in my memory

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There's so much symbolism in this movie and you don't even realise it until you think back on it.

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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant and intelligent without being too pretentious.

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This movie is brilliant as what it is sad...

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